ASUS Video Security On-Line Help


Getting started

How to run

Q & A



Video Security is a very powerful video stream comparing and detecting software that help users to find any potential errors at specific intervals by using video capture device. (eg. CCD, V8 , digital Hi-8 ...etc.) You can use Video Security to do the following:

If Video Security detects any change or error, it is started to record the captured image


Under the limitation of hardware sensibility, the Video Security may not completely detect all possible errors. Before you execute Video Security, there are some limitations you should understand in order that you can appropriately use it:

Video Security is designed to fit all possible environments, therefore you have tune the parameters in Video Security Setup Wizard to get best detection,.

System Requirement:





Getting Started

Install ASUS Video Security :

  1. Insert the INSTALL CDROM or get install file from Internet, Use File Explorer or other programs to start the setup program "setup.exe".
  2. In the install window, follow the install program instruction, it will copy the Video Security main program and other components to the destination directory .
  3. After installation, installer program will ask you to run Setup Wizard, restart Windows right now or not,
  4. When you restart windows, you must run Setup Wizard first for Video security.

Setup Wizard

When you run Setup Wizard, you can press <Cancel> to exit or press <Finish> to save the current setting or <Help> to get on-line help. Setup Wizard will guide user how to set ASUS Video Security controlled parameters step by step.

Video Security running style :

There are three options for selecting, Normal Window, Always On Top and Minimize On Tray.

Normal Window is the default option, if you select this option, Video Security will work as a general window program.

Always On Top is similar to Normal Window, the only difference is while Video Security is executeing, the main window is always on top.

Minimize On Tray is a good option when you want to hide the main Video Security window, (because you don't want anybody to know you are monitering) it will shrink as an icon and put on working tray. Whenever Video Security detects any improperness, it will pop up. You may click this icon to pop up main window anytime.

Always On Top is like normal window, but the main control pannel is always on top. You may enable/disable "Always On Top" function at main window and click mouse right button.

Minimize on tray is designed while Video Security is executing, if you don't want to be find, please select this, you will find Video Security shrinks into task bar

Working Directory :

Working directory is a most important parameter for storing the Video Security's temporal work files and log files. The default directory is "c:\VideoSec". You can input another home directory you like, but you must make sure that the directory you assigned is valid and existing. When you execute Video Security, it will automatically create a sub- working directory with current date and time,(like "1999.9.30_12.30.20" , it means that Video Security was started at 1999/9/30 12:30:20 ),

If the working directory you input is not existing, Setup Wizard will ask you to create it, If you don't fix this problem, Setup Wizard will use "c:\VideoSec" as default automatically.

Note: You can't reset your working directory when Video security is in process. This may cause error and the new directory is not found.

Run when Windows Start:

This option is make sure when you restart windows, it will also start Video Security automatically. It is helpful when you use remote-control for this PC.

Enable warning sound:

To enable warning sound will alarm when Video Security detect any improperness. But before you use this option, you must make sure your PC has installed soundcard.

Use Schedule:

Use schedule is very helpful when you want to Video Security start watchdog function, you may select or today's specific time to start it. The best use when you start Video Security to guard , but you don't let Video Security detect you left, you may use this function.

Detect region:

Video Security now only suport 352*240 (NTSC) or 352*288 (PAL) resolution, If your capture driver is set to another resolution, Video Security will ask you to adjust by capture driver.

Detecting rate:

Detecting rate is Video Security detecting scan rate. There are 4 options, 1 frame/sec,2 frame/sec, 3 frame/sec,4 frame/sec. The more scan rate you select, the more accuracy you get. However, the more CPU useage you need. If you want to use Video Sceurity and other Applications (like Office, network) execute simulatiously, you had better to decrease scan rate to get more CPU useage for other Applications.

Note: This issue is dependent on your CPU. If you use high level CPU like Penitium III, you can ignore these problems above.

Password protection:

Video Security is a very safe application. If you are the first user who install Video Security, you can get the right to control this useful function. Under the password protection, others can not change the settings, start , stop and so on in the Video Security.

Note: If you want to be the only user of Video security , you must set password protection when installing, but one thing you must know, when you set password protection , the protection will not be released until you disable the protecton, even you uninstall and then re-install Video Security.

Image processing type:

There is only one option "Gray Level (8-bit)".

Detecting sensibility:

Detecting sensibility is a very important parameter for Video Security. You must know all the viewport you want to watch and guard, Therefore, you can tune a suitable sensibility to detect.

Default image processing program:

When the unusual condition takes place, the image will be saved in the working directory(eg. c:\VideoSec). And its sub-directory name will be date_time like 1999.10.1_18.22.7. To see the unusual image, you have to assign an application for Video Security. The default is Mspaint.exe of Microsoft.

When Video security detect any unusual condition, Video Security will save the usual in bitmap file by using a contract mode, named errorX.bmp (X=1,2,3.......). These bitmap files don't be removed from the harddisk by Video security until user want to delete them, so you can know the exact time and the difference. There are four options to inform you.

Capture the following actions to an AVI file. You can play the AVI file to see and to know what happened.

Send an warning E-Mail to a specified user. Video Security inform the remote user by sending E-mail which includes errorX.bmp.

Make a phone call to a given user. Video Security will give a warning call to a specified number.

Execute a specific program.

When you enable any of these items, Setup Wizard will show the setting menu for these items.See next.

Video Security is not only detect error, it may trace invader. There are three options.

1. Trace motion object(s) manual by user : This is the default mode, when user is prompt there is an error occured, Video Security will try to trace the object.

2. The same as 1. but trace motion objects by system.

3. No tracing. Disable this function.

1. Stop Video security immediately:

This option is the default. If the unusual is detected, Video Security stop detecting immediately.

2. Never stop beside you press <Stop>.

3. Stop when the number of the unusual is up to a setting value.

Video Capture Setting :

The maximum Video Capture time interval is the video recording time and the default value is 2 seconds, you may adjust this value.


E-Mail Setting:

E-Mail Setting is very simple, all you have to do is fill in the E-Mail Address with a proper and really existing e-mail address. The Carbon Copy E-Mail Address and Mail Body are optional.

Phone call setting :

You must fill a valid format for phone number,

Warning wave file is played when user receives this warning call. You should make sure the valid wave file is existing.The default wave file is "warning.wav" bundle , and its message content is spoken by English

Maximum dial count:

When the remote terminator is no response, the Video Security repeatly dial until reaching the maximum dial count.

Execute specified program setting:

If you want to execute a specified program immediately when Video Security detected any improperness, ( maybe another control program) you may setup this such that user can excute the program.


How to execute Video Security :

To start Video Security, it only click the Video Security icon on the Video Security folder. But if you have set password protection, it will prompt you input the valid password. If you give a wrong password more than three times. Sorry, Video Security will close. If you forget the wrong password, sorry too, you may not enter Video Security no more.

Whenever you enter Video Security, it will show a main control panel.

In the control panel, it is very easy to use, you may find a message box and two button, one is <Start/Stop> and another is <Setup>. Click Start, Video Security will start detecting. When detecting any error, the error log diaglox will show up, you may click any item you want to see the detecting results.

Video Security always combine the last two error into a bitmap file,

Video Security has three states, they are Standby, WatchDog and Traceing.

StandBy :

When Video Security is in Standby state, it is waiting for your command. You may press <Start> to begin detecting or press <Setup> to set configuration about Video Security.


When Video Security is in watchdog state it means Video Security is detecting any potential error , you may not use Setup function while Video Security is in watchdog state,


Tracing state is only exist when you enable Tracing function (see Setup Wizard ). If Video Security is in tracing state , it trys to catch the motion object(s) which make Video Security detect error.


Video Security has three setup module : Setup Wizard, Set Region and Video Source.

Setup Wizard :

It will call the Setup Wizard program (wsetup.exe), so you must make sure wsetup.exe is exist in the same directory with Video Security main program (VideoSecurity.exe) , otherwise you will get the error message "Error Executeing Setup Wizard..." . You can not run Setup Wizard while Video Security is in watchdog state or trace state. And you must finish Setup Wizard to get the before you start watchdog.

Set Region:

The viewport may not be your desire, you can use this option to define a new detecting region , Video Security will prompt you to drag a rectangular region you want to detect (bypass outside the rectangle).

Video source control:

Video source control is an utility to adjust the video source parameters like brightness,contrast, saturation and hue, change the Video connector type, or the Video satndard.

Error Log

Once Video Security detect any abnormal situation, it will record detecting date, time and other information and store them at Error Log , and then prompt an error log dialog box to let user to watch the detecting result ( show in Error Log Window). You may watch the error image , capture video ( if you have enabled Video Capture at Setup Wizard)

You may press Shortcut key <F4> to show this dialog box if Video Security detected at least one error.

Before Video Security exit, it will prompt a dialog box to confirm user whether you have installed ACCESS 97 or above under your WINDOWS. Please select <Yes> to translate error log to ACCESS database, otherwise press <No> to skip this. The error log will be saved in your Video Security working directory.

Shortcut keys mapping

Keystroke Actions
ESC Exit from Video Security
F1 On Line Help
F2 Switch Video Security Start/Stop watchdog function
F3 Speed decrease current control value
F4 Show Error Log Window



Does Video Security support USB CCD or IEEE 1394 CCD?

Ans: Sorry, Video Security now only support S-Video or Composite CCD, and they must connect to ASUS Video Card

Why Video Security is not for detecting

Ans: You may adjust sensibility to tune the detecting , but before you , you should take care

(1) Video Security is suit for

Why can I execute

Ans: You must install ODBC driver for ACCESS

Is Video Security

Ans: Sorry, you may not run ASUS Live with Video Security simu, becasue these two application use hardware overlay function, that is, any application use hardware overlay can not run simulataous also.

Before you use phone call, you must , Video Security will not detect Modem you install in your PC is properly or not,

.I wnat to check these image

Video Security

.Dose Video Security check disk space while

Ans: This is a very important issue when you decide use Video Security with never stop , you must be aware your harddsik free space for in working directory.

.Dose Video Sceurity

Ans: Sorry, Video Security is only support WINDOWS 95/98 only.

. Is Video Security is


. If I forget the password, how do I remove the password protection?

Ans: In fact, the only way to release password protection is recall the original password you assign. The password protection is still active even you uninstall Video Security, but we provide a solution for


Email suggestions for future versions of Video Security. We cannot guarantee replies to all suggestions, but we will carefully consider all ideas. We appreciate your input.