------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | Imagine128 (C) Copyright 1994-1995 | | Number Nine Visual Technology Corporation | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a listing of all the files contained on the distribution diskette. This listing can be duplicated, in this order, using the DOS "DIR" command. If any files are missing on the diskette, please contact your distributor or Number Nine Visual Technology Corporation immediately. Files ending with extension ".EXX" must be renamed with the extension .EXE before being used. Likewise, files ending with a "#" must be decompressed using the UNSQUISH utility. These files will automatically be translated during a windows SETUP installation. CCURSOR.DL# Chameleon Dialogue Feature (Compressed) GMFEATUR.DL# Color Perfect Feature (Compressed) GREENFTR.DL# #9 Green PC Feature (Compressed) I128_PWR.DL# I128 Power Management Library (Compressed) I128STAT.DL# Imagine-128 Status feature (Compressed) I128ZOOM.DL# I128 Zoom Feature (Compressed) INTEREX.DL# International Exchange Feature (Compressed) MOUSEACT.DL# Mouse Activation Feature (Compressed) PLACEWIN.DL# Place Window Feature (Compressed) REXI128.DL# Imagine-128 Resolution Information (Compressed) RXFEATUR.DL# Resolution Exchange Feature (Compressed) STOPBOX.DL# Stop Box Feature (Compressed) WMFEATUR.DL# Monitory Adjustment Feature (Compressed) PATTIF.DL# #9 Look Library (Compressed) DCIMAN.DL# DCI Manager (Compressed) UDH.DL# DCI Universal Display Handler (Compressed) GAMMA.EX# Color Perfect Executable. (Compressed) HAWKEYE.EX# #9 HawkEye Application (Compressed) I128_DCI.EX# Imagine128 DCI Setup App (Compressed) REXCHANG.EX# #9 Resolution Exchange Application (Compressed) WMONSYNC.EX# #9 Monitor Sync Utility (Compressed) JM96FIX.FON Japanese Fixed Fonts (96 DPI) JM96OEM.FON Japanese OEM Fonts (96 DPI) JM96SYS.FON Japanese System Fonts (96 DPI) JM96.FO# Japanese Font Manager (96 DPI) (Compressed) JM120FIX.FON Japanese Fixed Fonts at (120 DPI) JM120OEM.FON Japanese OEM Fixed Fonts at (120 DPI) JM120SYS.FON Japanese System Fixed Fonts at (120 DPI) JM120.FO# Japanese Font Manager (120 DPI) (Compressed) JM144FIX.FON Japanese Fixed Fonts (144 DPI) JM144OEM.FON Japanese OEM Fonts (144 DPI) JM144SYS.FON Japanese System Fonts (144 DPI) HAWKEYE.HL# HawkEye Help (Compressed) HAWKJPN.HL# HawkEye Help - Japanese (Compressed) HAWKDAN.HL# HawkEye Help - Danish (Compressed) HAWKFRA.HL# HawkEye Help - French (Compressed) HAWKDEU.HL# HawkEye Help - German (Compressed) HAWKESP.HL# HawkEye Help - Spanish (Compressed) 9GREENPC.SC# #9 Energy Saving Screen Saver (Compressed) FILELIST.TXT Contents of Imagine-128 Windows Disk I128VERS.TXT Contains version of Imagine-128 Windows Disk ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | Imagine128 (C) Copyright 1994-1995 | | Number Nine Visual Technology Corporation | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------