================================================================ #9 Imagine-128 Display Drivers for OS/2 Versions 2.11 and Warp 3.0 Driver version 1.13 ---------------------------------------------------------------- - 06/28/95 Please give us any feedback using the file FEEDBACK.TXT. ================================================================ Contents ================================================================ 1. SETVGA PROCEDURE 2. DRIVER INSTALLATION 3. SUPPORTED RESOLUTIONS UNDER OS/2 DESKTOP 4. SUPPORTED RESOLUTIONS UNDER Win-OS/2 Full SCREEN 5. USING THE IMAGINE-128 HIGH-RESOLUTION DRIVERS UNDER OS/2 6. TROUBLESHOOTING 7. CONTACTING NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 8. SOFTWARE UPGRADES 9. USING THE NUMBER NINE BBS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NEW SETVGA PROCEDURE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Warp 3.0 Users: --------------- To bring up a menu that allows VGA mode to be selected, depress the Alt-F1 keys when restarting your system. OS/2 2.1 and 2.11 Users: ------------------------ Users of OS/2 2.1 or 2.11 can use one of the following procedures, instead of the SETVGA command, to return to VGA mode. NOTE: If your display is out of sync, start OS/2 using the OS/2 Installation Diskette. Insert Diskette 1 when prompted, then press Esc to access a command prompt. Follow the instructions below to reset your display mode. o If you installed OS/2 from diskettes: 1. Be sure RSPDSPI.EXE is in the \OS2\INSTALL directory. If it is, go to step 2. If it is not, insert OS/2 Installation Diskette 8 and unpack RSPDSPI.EXE with the following command: C:\OS2\UNPACK A:\INSTAID C: /N:RSPDSPI.EXE where: A: is the drive containing OS/2 Installation Diskette 8 C: is the drive where OS/2 2.1 is installed 2. Type C: then press Enter. 3. Type CD C:\OS2\INSTALL then press Enter. 4. Type RSPDSPI /PK:VGA /SK:NONE /S:A:\ /T:C: then press Enter. /T:C: where C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed /S:A: where A: is the diskette drive you use to install OS/2 o If you installed OS/2 from CD-ROM or a LAN: 1. Be sure RSPDSPI.EXE is in the \OS2\INSTALL directory. If it is, go to step 2. If it is not, unpack RSPDSPI.EXE with the following command: C:\OS2\UNPACK E:\DISK_8\INSTAID C: /N:RSPDSPI.EXE where: C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed E: is the CD-ROM or LAN drive 2. Type C: then press Enter. 3. Type CD C:\OS2\INSTALL then press Enter. 4. Type RSPDSPI /PK:VGA /SK:NONE /S:E:\OS2SE21\ /T:C: then press Enter. /T:C: where C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed /S:E: where E: is the CD-ROM or LAN drive ================================================================== 2. Driver Installation ================================================================== - IMAGINE-128 OS2 DRIVER INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Make sure OS/2 is configured for VGA, this is accomplished with the above procedure. Make sure the Volume LABEL of the floppy is "I128 DRVS" (omit the quotes!). (2) Open a windowed or full screen OS/2 session and change to a:\. (3) Issue the command A:I128INST A: C: where A: is the drive holding the installation diskette and C: is your OS/2 boot partition. If your installation drive or boot partition is different, substitute the correct drive letter. DON'T FORGET THE COLON AFTER THE DRIVE LETTER. (4) OS/2 Display Install will be started automatically. Under OS/2 2.11 Display Install will report that your primary display is "Super Video Graphics Array (Cirrus Logic)." Under OS/2 Warp 3.0 Display Install may report that your primary display is "Video Graphics Array (VGA)." In either case, select "Primary Display" and press the "OK" button. (5) Select the "32-bit #9 Imagine-128 Display Driver" and complete the installation. You must scroll to the top of the "Primary Display Driver List" to find the entry for the Imagine-128 drivers. Note: Under OS/2 Warp 3.0 Display Install may warn you that your installed adapter does not support the selected display driver. IGNORE THE WARNING AND SELECT "Continue". (6) Remove the diskette from drive A:, shut down, reboot, and your display will be running at 640x480 resolution with 256 colors. (7) Select the resolution you want from the SYSTEM object. Once more, shut down and reboot. - IMAGINE-128 WINDOWS DRIVER INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Start a full-screen win-os/2 session. 2) From diskette: - Insert the Imagine-128 OS/2 Diskette into your floppy drive. - In Windows Program Manager: select the File menu select Run type A:setup, press Enter 3) After a Number Nine BBS download: - Decompress files with PKUNZIP (see Imagine 128 read_me.txt BBS section...below) onto a 1.44Mb floppy disk. - Insert the disk into your floppy drive. - In Windows Program Manager: select the File menu select Run type A:setup, press Enter (Do NOT store these files in a DIRECTORY called C:\NUMBER9 as it will create a conflict with the configuration FILE of the same name!!!) 4) After installation, if you will be running seamless Win-OS2, you need to edit your WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files located (in your \WINDOWS or your \OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\ directory). A) Change the entry that looks like this in the WIN.INI file: Load=C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE OR Load=C:\WINDOWS\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE TO THIS: Load= ** Depending on where you installed Windows the Drive letter may be different. Changing this line prevents HAWKEYE from starting automatically in a seamless Win-OS/2 session or Win-OS/2 full screen. OS/2 WILL NOT PERMIT HAWKEYE TO RUN IN A SEAMLESS SESSION. Attempting to start it in seamless Win-OS/2 produces an error message stating that display pitch is inaccurate. B) In the SYSTEM.INI file change the section that looks like this: * THIS IS ONLY NECESSARY FOR OS2 INSTALLATIONS THAT DO NOT RESIDE ON THE C:\ DRIVE. Where OS2 is installed on D:\. [Imagine-128] CFG=D:NUMBER9 to this: [Imagine-128] CFG=D:\NUMBER9 Adding the [ \ ] to the CFG= statement. C) This section is for the people that are coming from Windows 3.x with the Imagine-128 card and the Windows driver previously installed. After installation of OS/2 you will need to edit your WIN.INI file (in your \WINDOWS directory) and change the entry that looks like this: load=C:\WINDOWS\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE to this: load= Changing this line prevents HAWKEYE from starting automatically in a seam- less Win-OS/2 session or Win-OS/2 full screen. OS/2 WILL NOT PERMIT HAWKEYE TO RUN IN A SEAMLESS SESSION. Attempting to start it in seamless Win-OS/2 produces an error message stating that the display pitch is inaccurate. 5. CHANGING THE REFRESH RATE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Imagine 128 will be set at 60Hz vertical refresh rate during installation. If you know that your monitor supports refresh rates higher than 60Hz at some resolutions, you can use Monitor Adjustment to increase the refresh rate at those resolutions. Note: Higher refresh rates reduce screen flicker that can cause eye strain, but overall screen quality is affected by many factors, such as ambient lighting, monitor quality and individual perception. Warning Setting a vertical refresh rate that is not supported by your monitor can cause permanent damage to the monitor. Please consult your monitor's documentation before attempting to increase the refresh rate. To change the vertical refresh rate: 1. Under Win-OS/2, double click on the #9 HawkEye Control Panel icon, then double click on the Monitor Adjustment icon. An option window is displayed. 2. Click and hold your mouse button on a button triangle beside the Vertical Refresh Rate display. The single triangle increases the refresh rate in increments of ".1"; the smaller, double triangles increase it in increments of "1". The inverted triangles decrease the refresh rate. Note: Notice that the Horizontal Scan Rate increases as you increase the Vertical Refresh Rate. In order to display the selected Vertical Refresh Rate, your monitor must be able to support the corresponding Horizontal Scan Rate. 3. When the display reaches the desired refresh rate, click on the Test button. A five-second test is performed to help determine if your monitor can support the refresh rate you selected. Important: If your display goes blank, is distorted, or makes a popping sound during the test, your monitor is unable to support the selected refresh rate. Press [Esc] immediately to abort the test. 4. A message box appears when the test is completed. Select 'Yes' if your monitor tested satisfactorily. 5. Check the position of your monitor display. (When you change the refresh rate your monitor sets new synchronization parameters which can cause the position of the display to shift.) If the display is not centered in your monitor, use the four arrows in the Display Position area of the Monitor Adjustment window to properly adjust your display. 6. Click 'OK' to exit and save your selections, or 'Cancel' to exit without saving your selections. Note: The refresh rate is changed ONLY for the resolution tested. ========================================================================= 3. Supported Resolutions Under OS/2 Desktop ========================================================================= Resolution Number of Colors Refresh ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 640 x 480 256, 65k, 16.7M 60 - 100 Hz 800 x 600 256, 65k, 16.7M 60 - 100 Hz 1024 x 768 256, 65k, 16.7M 60 - 100 Hz 1152 x 864 256, 65k 60 - 100 Hz 1280 x 1024 256, 65k 60 - 85 Hz 1600 x 1200 256, 65k 60 - (76 Hz) * * - Available on the IMAGINE-128 1600 Board. ========================================================================= 4. Supported Resolutions Under Win-OS/2 Full screen ========================================================================= Resolution Number of Colors Refresh ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 640 x 480 256, 65K, 16.7M 60 - 100 Hz 800 x 600 256, 65K, 16.7M 60 - 100 Hz 1024 x 768 256, 65K, 60 - 100 Hz 1152 x 864 256, 65K 60 - 100 Hz 1280 x 1024 256, 65K 60 - 85 Hz 1600 x 1200 256, 60 - (76 Hz) * * - Available on the IMAGINE-128 1600 Board. ========================================================================== 5. USING THE IMAGINE-128 HIGH-RESOLUTION DRIVERS UNDER OS/2 ========================================================================== (1) Rebooting your computer: If you find you must shut-down OS/2 and reboot your computer after running in high-resolution mode under OS/2, always perform a "cold" boot, not a "warm" boot. A "cold" boot is accomplished by pressing the RESET button on your computer, or by turning the computer off before you attempt to restart. A "warm" boot is accomplished by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del. Pressing Ctrl- Alt-Del while the Imagine-128 is in high-resolution mode does not reset the graphics engine, and OS/2 leaves the Imagine-128 in high-resolution mode at shutdown. (2) Running DOS graphics applications in a window: The Imagine-128 drivers support the running of EGA and VGA graphics-mode DOS applications in a window on the PM desktop. To employ this feature of the Imagine-128 you must make sure that your DOS graphics application is set to operate in a standard EGA or VGA mode. The most advantageous mode supported is 640x480x16 colors. (3) A word of caution about 16.7-million-color modes: These drivers offer 16.7-million-color modes at resolutions up to 1024X768. We have tested the drivers at these modes and we believe they operate correctly. These drivers currently do not support 1024x768x16.7M colors,1152x864x16.7M colors, and 1600x1200x65K colors under WINOS2 Full Screen. There are known driver problems with the palettes corrupting. This issue will be resolved by the next release. Keep in mind, however, that 16.7-million-color modes are new to OS/2 video drivers. To date, few application developers have had the opportunity to test their applications in these modes. You may therefore expect problems with some applications when run at 16.7-million colors. We have confirmed problems with Corel Draw version 2.5 for OS/2, and advise that you do not attempt to run this version of the program in a 16.7-million-color mode. We have also confirmed that OS/2 Warp's Software Motion Video feature does not work correctly with these drivers at 16.7-million colors. Correct operation in 16.7-million-color modes will require updates to IBM's Software Motion Video subsystem as well as to the Imagine-128 drivers. We are working with application developers to identify and resolve problems connected with 16.7-million-color display modes. (4) In full screen WIN-OS/2, at high and true colors resolutions, HawkEye's Color Perfect utility does not function. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem: You start a Seamless window and get an error message about HAWKEYE.EXE being loaded or a message saying that it cannot accurately identify display pitch. Solution: Change the entry that looks like this in the WIN.INI file located in the WINDOWS or WINOS2 directory: Load=C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE OR Load=C:\WINDOWS\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE TO THIS: Load= ** Depending on where you installed Windows the Drive letter may be different. Changing this line prevents HAWKEYE from starting automatically in a seamless Win-OS/2 session or Win-OS/2 full screen. OS/2 WILL NOT PERMIT HAWKEYE TO RUN IN A SEAMLESS SESSION. Attempting to start it in seamless Win-OS/2 produces an error message or other problems. * * * Problem: You start a Full-screen Win-OS/2 session and the system errors out with a message that it failed to find the #9 Configuration file and to run Ireset.exe. Solution: You propably have OS2 install on a drive other than c:\. In the SYSTEM.INI file located in the WINDOWS or WINOS2 directory change the section that looks like this: * THIS IS ONLY NECESSARY FOR OS2 INSTALLATIONS THAT DO NOT RESIDE ON THE C:\ DRIVE. Where OS2 is installed on D:\. [Imagine-128] CFG=D:NUMBER9 to this: [Imagine-128] CFG=D:\NUMBER9 ADDING THE [ \ ] TO THE CFG= STATEMENT. * * * Problem: One or more of the following HawkEye DOS applications will not run: DACSNOOP.EXX IRESET.EXX UNSQUISH.EXX Solution: These files must be renamed with an ".EXE" extension before they can be used: DACSNOOP.EXE IRESET.EXE UNSQUISH.EXE * * * Problem: While trying to run ireset (C:\windows>ireset) or during driver installation the following error message is displayed: Unable to find #9 configuration file Solution: You may have created a temporary DIRECTORY called Number9 in your ROOT directory (C:\Number9). Our configuration FILE is called Number9 and is located in the ROOT directory (C:\Number9). Rename the Number9 directory in the root directory to another name. * * * Problem: A Windows application either does not animate correctly or no animation appears. Solution: Several Windows applications (in particular those using Quick Time for Windows) perform animation by writing directly to VGA hardware. This can cause problems with the Imagine 128 because the VGA memory is not interleaved with the high resolution memory. Adding the following lines to QTW.INI, in your Windows directory, will fix animation problems in these applications (including MYST). [Video] optimize=driver If adding these lines does not fix the problem, then consult the documentation (the READ_ME file) distributed with the application. Also, make sure that you are running a full-screen Win-OS2 session, most of these programs will not run seamless. * * * Problem: The Imagine 128 board is properly installed in your system, but you receive the following error messages when trying to use the Imagine 128 Windows driver: Failed to find the #9 Imagine 128 board!! Make sure that ISA VGA is not conflicting with Imagine 128 VGA. Hit any key to continue. Solution: It is possible that the on-board VGA is conflicting with the VGA on the ISA bus. In this case, the ISA VGA will be detected, but the entire Imagine 128 board will be disabled. There is a jumper on the I-128 board which can be used to disable the on-board VGA. (See Imagine 128 Users Manual for location of jumper.) This jumper must be set to disabled in order to use an external VGA. * * * Problem: When you run Windows, the screen appears blank. However, when you press Alt-F4/ several times, the DOS prompt eventually re-appears. Solution: There is an ISA VGA in the system which is conflicting with the Imagine 128 VGA. In this case, the VGA output will appear correctly, but the high resolution modes will not appear. * * * Problem: The Imagine 128 board is properly installed in your system, but the monochrome board in an ISA slot is no longer working. Solution: Due to design constraints of the PCI architecture, it is not possible to have both an onboard VGA and an ISA monochrome card. If a monochrome card is desirable (e.g. debugging purposes), then the on-board VGA should be disabled. Note that the Imagine 128 Windows driver does not use any of the VGA registers. Thus, under some debuggers, it is possible to use the on-board VGA to receive second screen output. * * * Problem: Your monitor resolution is not the resolution you selected. Solution: Resolution Exchange (in #9 HawkEye for Windows program group) must be used to change the resolution. This changes the resolution in the Imagine 128 configuration file, which determines what your monitor resolution will be. To use Resolution Exchange to change the resolution: 1. Press the hot key you assigned to Resolution Exchange or double click on the Resolution Exchange icon in the HawkEye for Windows program group in the Windows Program Manager. 2. Click on a Colors option button. 3. Select a resolution. Be sure you select a resolution your monitor supports. 4. Click 'OK'. 5. Restart Windows. * * * Problem: After changing to a new resolution, an open application's icon or window is no longer visible on the desktop. Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Esc) shows that the application is still open. Solution: 1) Hold down the Alt key and depress Tab until your application is visible. Release the Alt key to select the application. or In Windows Task Manager, select the application. Mouse-click on "Switch To" (or depress the ENTER key on your keyboard). 2) Now depress the hot key you assigned to #9 Place Windows. This will center the application in the monitor or virtual display (see Place Windows in the HawkEye Control Panel for more info). * * * Problem: Some application windows have blanks where menu bars and window contents should be. Solution: In the Windows Control Panel, in Desktop, set the Sizing Grid Border to a number greater than 1. * * * Problem: A Windows DOS session opens as a black screen with no visible text (especially after or while running another program). Solution: While in the black screen Windows DOS session, type the following command: mode CO80 This should reset the screen colors to white text against a black background. * * * Problem: During the installation of the full screen Windows driver a File Compression error occurs. Solution: This problem occurs when you are re-install the Windows driver over an existing Windows driver with HawkEye running. You must close HawkEye during the Windows driver install process. * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. CONTACTING NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Support (USA) 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, EST/EDT, Mon.-Fri. Phone: (617) 674-8595 Please be prepared with as much information about your Number Nine product as possible. EG. Fax: (617) 674-2919 Please send fax inquiries to the attention of Technical Support. * * * Sales / Marketing (USA) 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, EST/EDT, Mon.-Fri. Phone: (617) 674-0009 Fax: (617) 674-2919 Please send fax inquiries to the attention of Sales * * * European Technical Support and Sales (Germany) Phone: +49 89 614 491 0 Fax: +49 89 614 491 99 * * * Mail (USA) NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 18 HARTWELL AVENUE LEXINGTON, MA 02173 USA * * * MAIL (EUROPEAN OFFICE) NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY GMBH INSELKAMMERSTR. 10 82008 UNTERHACHING B. MUNCHEN GERMANY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. SOFTWARE UPGRADES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though you may have just received your Number Nine software, newer versions may be available. Free upgrades are provided to all Number Nine customers on the Number Nine Bulletin Board System (BBS). To see if you have the latest version, compare the version number of your software (on the label of the provided diskette) with the version number of the corresponding software on the BBS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. USING THE NUMBER NINE BBS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (USA) Dial: (617) 862-7502 Baud Rates: Up to 14,400 baud Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress files (EUROPEAN OFFICE) Dial: + 49 89 614 491 66 Baud Rates: Up to 14,400 baud Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress files The BBS has a separate file area for each Number Nine product. The latest driver updates can be found in each product's file area, and files of general interest (shareware, etc.) can be found in the General library. An E-mail system is available for technical questions about Number Nine products or about the BBS in general. A complete listing of available files can be downloaded by invoking the "Download List of Files" command from any file library menu. On the US BBS, RIP graphics are supported, and a RIP compatible terminal program is available in the General library (RIPTM154.ZIP). Many files are self-extracting, but some files will require the latest version of PKUNZIP to decompress. PKUNZIP is available in the General library (filename PKZ204G.EXE), and can also be found on most on-line services such as Compuserve and America Online.