RELEASE.TXT FILE FOR TSENG LABS WINDOWS 95 DISPLAY DRIVER Tseng Labs, Inc. Tseng Labs Windows 95 Display Driver for ET6000/ET6100 (C) Copyright 1997. Tseng Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. ______________________________________________ NOTE! THE METHOD OF HANDLING INTERNAL DRIVER VERSION NUMBERS HAS BEEN CHANGED WITH RELEASE 6. AS A RESULT, A PROBLEM WAS ENCOUNTERED WHICH WAS RECTIFIED BY CHANGING THE DRIVER FILE NAMES. THE FILES , TSENGET6.DLL, TSENGET6.DRV, AND TSENGET6.VXD HAVE BEEN REPLACED BY TLIET600.DLL, TLIET600.DRV, TLIET600.VXD . DRIVER INFORMATION Driver Name: Tseng Labs Windows 95 Display Driver for ET6000/ET6100 Driver Date: 11/6/97 Driver Chip Support: ET6000/ET6100 Driver Release: 8 Driver Version: DRIVER FEATURES ADDED FOR THIS RELEASE ******* ver ******** Changes from Release 7 (Version 4.03.5000 07-24-97) * Full Support of DirectX 5. * Smart Overlay Enabling. Overlays are better enabled by each mode and clock speed of ET6000/ET6100 chipset. * Enabling of USWC "Write Combining" on Pentium Pro or Pentium II processors via DirectX 5. * Addition of a Safe/Compatible driver for software that hooks into the display driver directly and causes trouble. The Safe driver is a fully accelerated driver without the 32-bit Entry points and a device bitmap cache. The Safe driver can be expected to run a bit slower than the 32-bit High-Performance driver. Use the 16 bit Safe Driver if you are using an application that hooks into the display driver directly. Applications that that are currently known to do this are: * Apple Quicktime (all versions if in QTW.INI Optimize=hardware or driver) * Adobe Premiere 4.X * ReachOut * Microsoft SMS * CoSession BASIC DRIVER FEATURES Basic MiniDriver Functionality The driver supports identical accelerated functionality in all pixel depths 8/16/24. For operations that can use Raster Ops the driver uses the Accelerator in all cases. HiColor (16Bpp) modes are 565. The driver uses Linear Addressing (not VFLATD bank switching) in all modes. This driver also utilizes Device Bitmaps to provide improved acceleration. If there is enough Offscreen Memory available, Color Bitmaps that normally would be allocated in Host/System Memory will be allocated in Screen Memory allowing the ET6000 to be used to operate directly on those bitmaps. There is accelerated support for the Color Bitmaps listed below when they reside in Video RAM. If there is not enough room for a particular bitmap then the DIB Engine is used to render those. The minidriver utilizes the ET6000 to accelerate the following: Legend: S - Screen, C - Color Bitmap - Host Memory, M - Mono Bitmap BitBlt, CtoS, All ROPS (this includes PatBlt) BitBlt, StoS, All ROPS (this includes PatBlt) BitBlt, MtoS, All ROPS PatBlt, C, Mono Pattern, All ROPS PatBlt, S, Mono Pattern, All ROPS Lines,C, Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Lines,S, Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Polygon, C & S Rectangle, C & S Scanlines, C & S Ellipses, C & S Circles, C & S Rounded Rects, C & S Text, C & S, All Fonts Hardware Cursor, all modes, when Cursor is mono Automatic Refresh Rate selection based on Monitor Info and DDC1 monitors are supported in the driver. The DirectDraw Portion of the Driver supports the following: * DirectX 2.0, 3.0, 3.0a and 5.0 (DirectX 1.0 is no-longer supported) * Support for the following Low Resolution Modes at 8 & 16 & 24 Bpp: 320x200 320x240 512x384 640x400 * Primary Surface Access * Accelerated Transparent Blt (arbitrary Transparent Color) * Full Screen Page Flipping * BitBlt S&D Rops * 2 Overlay Windows (1 Page Flipped Overlay) (RGB 16/24 or YUV422) NOTES - Registry settings for optional DirectX Features The following options allow the user to override some default behaviors of the DirectDraw Driver. These options used to be in the "win.ini" file and have now been moved to the system registry. If you wish to override any of these options, please use care when editing the registry with REGEDIT.EXE. If YOU ARE UNFAMILIAR WITH THE WIN95 REGISTRY DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OVERRIDE THESE OPTIONS. To be safe, it is best to back-up "system.dat" and "user.dat" file before you attempt to edit the registry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 1: Displaying a DirectDraw Overlay Indicator You can display an indicator to visually determine if the ET6000 Display List Overlay Engine is being used. A small block will appear in the upper left corner of the video. The block will be purple in color for YUV422 Overlays and White for RGB565 overlays. Use REGEDIT.EXE and create or edit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\OverlayIndicator Set the Default value of this key to "1" to enable the indicator or "0" to remove the indicator. The driver will assume "0" internaly if this key does not exist or is not defined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 2: Forcing use of DirectDraw Overlays in all modes. The ET6000/ET6100 now automatically determines the ability to support DirectDraw Overlays for any given resolution/colordepth/refresh rate for your particular ET6X00 board. Depending on these factors, the driver may determine that it is best to not allow Overlays. If you are in a mode that overlays are not provided to you by default by the driver, you can force the driver to give you DirectDraw Overlay support by modifing the System Registry. To override the default settings and force overlay support for all modes, use REGEDIT.EXE to create or edit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\OverlaysOn Set the Default value of this key to "1" to enable overlays in all modes. The value of "0" will not allow overlays to be enabled in the above modes. When set to "1", faster MPEG and Video playback is possible in the above modes but this setting is not recommended nor supported by Tseng Labs. The driver will assume a value of "0" internally if this key does not exist or is not defined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 3: Disabling the ability to have Flippable DirectDraw Overlays. Normally, the driver allows for 1 overlay that is flippable (double buffered). You can disable this feature to up the score for WB 97 so max frame rate is not tied to the Monitor's Refresh Rate. To override the default settings and disable flippable overlay support, use REGEDIT.EXE to create or edit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\NoOverlayFlip Set the Default value of this key to "1" to disable flippable overlays. The value of "0" will allow overlays to be flippable. The driver will assume a value of "0" internally if this key does not exist or is not defined. Please note that only 1 overlay can be flippable. The other(s) must be single buffered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 4: Reporting the Capability of Destination ColorKey support in Overlays The ET6000 does not have Destination ColorKeying hardware for DirectDraw overlay surfaces. The ET6000 clips overlay surfaces via an advanced hardware clip list mechanism. Unfortunately, some applications (like DirectVideo) don't set a "DirectDraw Clipper List" unless the hardware reports that it supports "Destination Colorkeying". To remedy this clipping problem with these applications, you can override the reporting of "Destination Colorkey" support in the driver. Use REGEDIT.EXE to create or edit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\NoOverlayColorKey Set the Default value of this key to "0" to make the driver report that it does support "Destination ColorKeying". This will allow apps like DirectVideo to clip correctly. The value of "1" will make the driver report that it does NOT support "Destination Colorkeying". The driver will assume a value of "1" internally if this key does not exist or is not defined to be compliant with WHQL tests. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 5: Adjusting the Maximum number of showing DirectDraw Overlays The ET6000 is capable of displaying mulitiple DirectDraw Overlays (video windows) simultaneously. The driver automatically determines the maximum number of overlays to be shown at one time by default for any given mode, but this number can be fixed to a maximum amount to 1,2,3 or 4. To adjust the maximum number of showing DirectDraw Overlays, use REGEDIT.EXE to create or edit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\MaxOverlays Set the Default value of this key to the desired number of Maximum DirectDraw Overlays that you want the driver to support. "4" is the maximum of what the driver can handle. The driver will assume an automatic value internally if this key does not exist or is not defined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 6: Enabling/Disabling the Gamma Boost option on YUV Overlays The ET6000 has the ability to boost luminance of YUV DirectDraw overlays. This option effects the brightness of the video being shown. To set the YUV Gamma boost on or off, use REGEDIT.EXE to create or edit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\YUVGammaBoost Set the Default value of this key to 1 to enable the boost or 0 to disable the boost. The driver will assume a value of "1" internally if this key does not exist or is not defined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 7: Disabling Waits for Vertical Sync in DirectDraw The ET6000 DirectDraw driver can be configured to ignore Checks for Vertical Syncs before flipping surfaces. This option is useful for debuging purposes only when wanting to see natural free running frame rates and will cause tearing effects in the DirectDraw application or Game. To disable VSync Waits, use REGEDIT.EXE to create or edit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\NoVSyncWait Set the Default value of this key to 1 to disable the waits for VSync, or 0 to operate as normal. The driver will assume a value of "0" internally if this key does not exist or is not defined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 8: Configure Support of RGB-888 (24-bit) DirectDraw Overlays The ET6000 DirectDraw driver automatically decides what modes are best for supporting RGB-888 DirectDraw Overlays by default. The driver can be configured to always disable/enable RGB-888 Overlays by setting the following registry entry. To configure 24-bit RGB-888 DirectDraw Overlays different than the default of AUTO, use REGEDIT.EXE to create or edit the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\AllowRGB24Overlays Set the Default value of this key to 1 to ALWAYS DISABLE 24-bit RGB Overlays, set this key to 2 to ALWAYS ENABLE 24-bit RGB Overlays, or 0 to use AUTO. The driver will assume a value of "0" internally if this key does not exist or is not defined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Following is a sample REG export file that contains the default settings of the driver: ;----------- REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\MaxOverlays] @="2" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\NoOverlayColorKey] @="1" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\NoOverlayFlip] @="0" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\OverlayIndicator] @="0" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\OverlaysOn] @="0" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\YUVGammaBoost] @="1" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\NoVSyncWait] @="0" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tseng\DirectX\Features\AllowRGB24Overlays] @="0" ;----------- NOTES - GENERAL The driver is installed through the normal Windows 95 Control Panel mechanism as presented in the README.TXT file in this directory. To accelerate Video file playback using DirectDraw, DirectVideo or ActiveMovie must be installed.