Autodesk P386 ADI 4.1
	 DEV_RC Combined display and rendering display driver
		       (Rel 4.0  10/91)

	README.TXT	--	This file
	RCPTVGA.EXP	--	P386 ADI 4.1 DEV_RC driver w/ HiColor support

  * Support Trident TVGA8800 and TVGA8900 series.
  * Support 16-color and 256-color up to 1024x768.
  * Support 32K-color rendering display (Sierra HiColor DAC).
  * Support 64K-color rendering display (Sierra 485/7/9 DAC).
  * Combined display and rendering display driver.
  * Support all Autodesk products which support ADI P386 v4.0/4.1
    display (e.g. AutoCAD 386 Release 10/11, AutoShade V2.0,
    Autodesk 3D Studio V1.0, etc).
  * Support Dual-Screen (automatic detect).
  * Individual colors selectable for parts of the graphics screen.
  * Easy configure, automatic detect 8800/8900, automatic detect
    video memory size.

Resolutions Available
		      8900-1M	8900-512K  8900-256K  8800-512K  8800-256K
* Display:
 640x480-16c		 X	    X	       X	  X	     X
 800x600-16c		 X	    X	       X	  X	     X
 1024x768-16c		 X	    X			  X
 320x200-256c		 X	    X	       X	  X	     X
 640x400-256c		 X	    X			  X	     X
 640x480-256c		 X	    X			  X
 800x600-256c		 X	    X
 1024x768-256c		 X
* Rendering Display:
 320x200-256c		 X	    X	       X	  X	     X
 640x400-256c		 X	    X			  X	     X
 640x480-256c		 X	    X			  X
 800x600-256c		 X	    X
 1024x768-256c		 X
 512x480-32768c 	 X	    X
 640x480-32768c 	 X
 800x600-32768c 	 X
 512x480-65536c 	 X	    X
 640x480-65536c 	 X
 800x600-65536c 	 X

Installation procedures can vary for Autodesk products. Please
consult your Autodesk reference manual for complete installation
procedures. A general guide for installation follows:

  * Copy RCPTVGA.EXP to your Autodesk directory.

  * Set DSPADI, RDPADI or RCPADI as required, for example:

  * Configure the display device and/or rendering display device as
    ADI P386 display.