MS Windows 3.1 TRIDENT TGUI9420DGi Drivers ========================================== (UG6.0 4/94) This diskette contains the following high-resolution drivers for Windows 3.1: TRIW1K.DR_ 1024x768-16C Large Font TRIW128.DR_ 1280x1024-16C Large Font DGITLV.DR_ DGi Linear Addressing Multi-resolution (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024)256C Virtual Screen DGIXLV.DR_ DGi Linear Addressing Multi-resolution (640x480, 800x600) 64KC (high color) Virtual Screen TRICLV.DR_ 640x480-16MC Linear Addressing Virtual Screen TRITLV.DR_ Linear Addressing Multi-resolution (640x480, 800x600) 256C Virtual Screen for 512K board All DGI*.DR_ drivers run with the Trident TGUI9420DGi chip only. NOTE: If you select a driver that requires more video memory than is available in the video subsystem, Windows will not operate correctly. Run Windows SETUP and select a driver with the appropriate video subsystem memory requirement. When switching from Window to DOS Environment, the keyboard may occasionally stop responding. In this case, simply tap on the 'ALT' key to resume operation. A. Using Windows Utility TINSTALL --------------------------------- INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ======================= The Graphic Installation Interface lets you easily install the Trident Windows drivers and the Trident Power Management program from within Windows by following these steps: 1. Ensure that MS Windows 3.1 is up and running properly, using the standard VGA driver. 2. Select the MAIN group in Program Manager. 3. Click on FILE or press ALT + F. 4. Press R to get to the command line. 5. Type in A:TINSTALL and then press ENTER. 6. A menu will appear, presenting a choice of Express or Custom Installation. Express Installation is quick and decision free. Display drivers will be copied into the TRIDENT.DGI directory and Utility files will be copied into the TRIDENT.UTL directory. Once all files are copied, a program group called DISPLAY DRIVER AND UTILITIES will be created. Custom Installation allows control over where files are stored and where icons are created. When running Custom Installation, the first dialog box that comes up shows the default directory to which the display drivers will be copied to. This directory name can be changed by clicking on the default name, deleting it and then typing in the desired directory. The dialogue box also displays the available space on the Hard Disk as well as the size of the total copy of files. Once the desired directory name is selected, the installation procedure is continued by clicking on box labeled CONTINUE, or by pressing ENTER. The second dialog box displays a summary of where files are stored. Upon selecting CONTINUE, the program will proceed to copy the drivers and utilities files. When all files are copied, the program will present a choice of program groups where the icons will be created. Selection can be made from pre-existing groups (e.g. main, applications, accessories etc.), or the option is there to create a new group name. 7. When all necessary files are copied and a group name is selected, the Tinstall program will create three icons : a. Screen Control (Used to configure display drivers) b. UNinstall (Used to delete the installed TRIDENT drivers) c. DPMS (Used for power management configurations) ============================================================================= NOTE: After running Screen Control, the Virtual Screen may be turned on automatically. Please turn off Virtual Screen if it is not required. ============================================================================= a. SCREEN CONTROL ================= The screen control program supports the following options : i) Select a Display Driver. ii) Select resolution and number of colors. iii) Select refresh rate. iv) Enable and customize virtual screen (advanced). To select a Display Driver, run the Screen Control program by double-clicking on the Screen Control icon with the mouse, or high light the icon and press ENTER. A window called Display Driver Setup will appear on the screen. This screen displays a list of available Display Drivers, the directory in which they are installed, date and time of last installation, and if in current use or not. Select the desired Display Driver and then click on SELECT. This will open the next screen on the Display Driver Setup, which is used to configure the Windows display for resolution, refresh rate, the number of colors and font size. Selection of these parameters are made by clicking on the respective values. To implement the selection, click on OK. The advanced features provide functions to customize the virtual screen: 1. Virtual Screen on/off This function turns on/off the virtual screen. When the Virtual Screen is turned on, ( denoted by an X next to "Turn on") a Virtual Screen Map appears on the designated area. This map shows the actual Displayable Area (designated by the teal colored area), the possible area(i.e. area that can be accessed by Virtual screen, designated by the yellow area) and the invalid area (inaccessible, designated by red). The virtual screen size/shape can be selected by dragging the perimeters of the Displayable area. Once the desired size/shape is selected, the "Alignment Virtual Size" function is used to align/maximize the selection. Hot keys can be set up to turn on/off the Virtual Screen by clicking on the selection bar next to the function. 2. Freeze Screen The Freeze Screen option is used to disable the panning feature, thus giving the illusion of a frozen screen, but keeping other virtual screen functions available. Hot key functions are available for this feature. 3. Linear Frame Buffer Address The Linear Addressing driver will automatically detect the system's memory size and set the frame buffer to an unused area above the system memory. The Linear Frame Buffer Address setting is useful for avoiding conflicts with other Windows applications which may use the same linear frame buffer address as the Display Driver. Addresses between 18 and 63 Mbytes can be selected. If there is no conflict, the default setting is highly recommended. 4. Border Space The Border Space option is used to set up a border (thickness measured in pixels) within the Displayable Area, which is used as a marker for panning the screen. i.e. when the cursor hits against this border, screen pannning occurs. 5. Pan Set Hot Key Hot keys can be set up to pan the virtual screen left, right, up and down. The feature has to be enabled first by clicking on the ENABLE box, before hot keys can be selected. b. UNinstall ============ The UNinstall program enables the user to delete specific drivers or an entire driver set. To run the UNinstall program, simply double click on the icon or high light the icon and press ENTER. The first screen will show a list of the available display driver sets. To delete the entire set, click on the driver set so that it is hi-lighted, then click on the delete button. To delete a specific driver within a set, select the set, then click on ENTER. A dialogue box showing a list of the drivers will then open on the screen. Select the driver to be deleted by clicking on it, and then click on the DELETE box to remove it. c. DPMS ======= The POWER MANAGEMENT program, in the DISPLAY DRIVER & UTILITIES program group, is designed for energy-saving monitors that conform to the VESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) standard. THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR MONITORS THAT DO NOT SUPPORT THE VESA DPMS STANDARD. The program offers three power-down modes: 1. Stand by (minimum power savings) 2. Suspend (substantial power savings) 3. Off state (maximum power savings) The program monitors for mouse and/or keyboard activity. When it does not detect any activity for a specified delay period, the program signals the monitor to enter the selected power-down modes. The Display Power Management program offers several option to customize the DPMS operation : 1. DELAY TIME The delay time to enter each mode can be set by entering the value (in minutes ) in the Delay Time parameters. 2. ACTIVITY SELECT The Activity Select option is used to select what activity the program searches for in order to restore the grounded signals. i.e. if both mouse and keyboard is selected, then activity of any of theses interfaces will re-establish the grounded signal. 3. PASSWORD OPTION The Password Option sets up a password to be get back onto the screen. 4. CLOCK Turning on the clock enables the digital count down display. If the Alarm option is enabled, then the last 5 seconds of countdown to Stand by mode is synchronized with beeps. 5. STARTUP ON/OFF This option installs the Display Power Management program onto the Windows Startup file, so that DPMS is active upon entering Windows. 6. SAVE This feature is used to save all the current settings. B. Selecting a Driver Through Windows SETUP ------------------------------------------- If you don't want the DISPLAY DRIVER AND UTILITY program group installed in your Windows Program Manager, you can select a high-resolution driver with through the MS Windows SETUP : 1. Ensure that MS Windows 3.1 is running properly. 2. Exit Windows, and at the C prompt, change directory to WINDOWS by typing in CD \WINDOWS 3. At the DOS prompt, type SETUP. 4. Use the arrow key to high light the DISPLAY field and then press ENTER. A list of display drivers will appear on the screen. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to the last option titled "Other (Requires disk provided by a hardware manufacturer) and press ENTER. 5. Insert the Trident Display Driver diskette in the drive, and press ENTER, ensuring that the correct drive is specified on the screen. 6. A list of the Trident drivers will be displayed on the screen. Scroll down the list and select a driver, then press ENTER. Follow the instructions on the screen, and the display driver will be installed.