CGP Graphite Terminator Series Supplemental Display Driver Diskette 1 & 2 Release 1.00 November 30, 1994 The Supplemental Display Driver Diskette 1 (this one) is the first of the two diskettes for the OS/2 drivers. See the OS/2 section below for installation instructions. This diskette also contains drivers for Windows NT (under the sub-directory NT) and other applications. Please read the README.TXT file in the corresponding sub-directory for installation instructions. ***************************** * INSTALLING OS/2 DRIVERS * ***************************** This set of drivers work for OS/2 2.1, 2.11, and OS/2 Warp. BEFORE YOU BEGIN ---------------- 1. You need to know the maximum horizontal scan rate for your monitor. You'll need this information to set up SETCRT to deliver the best possible vertical refresh rates from your monitor. 2. OS/2 must be installed and running on your system using the STANDARD VGA driver supplied by IBM. Do not attempt to install the Graphite Terminator software over any other driver! 3. If you are creating the installation diskettes yourself -- which you would be doing if you had downloaded the drivers from one of our electronic services -- you must make sure the diskettes have the following volume labels: "S3 DRV1" for Disk #1 "S3 DRV2" for Disk #2 (Note: do not type the quotes [""] around the volume labels! They are used here for clarity only) 4. Make sure that all applications, including any DOS or Win-OS/2 sessions, are closed BEFORE begining the installation. INSTALLING THE DRIVERS ---------------------- 1. Open an OS/2 command prompt (either Windowed or full screen). 2. Insert the "Supplemental Display Driver Diskette 1" into the floppy drive. 3. Change to that floppy drive. 4. Assuming you're installing from floppy drive A: and OS/2 is installed on fixed disk drive C:, type the following: INSTALL A: C: [Enter] If you are installing from another drive or to another drive, just substitute the appropriate drive letters. 5. After a number of files are copied, you'll be prompted to insert the "Supplemental Display Driver Diskette 2." Insert the diskette and press [Enter] to continue. Once the installation is complete, remove the floppy disk and exit the OS/2 session. 6. Shut down and reboot. USING THE DISPLAY DRIVER INSTALLATION PROGRAM --------------------------------------------- 1. Open the "OS/2 System" icon. 2. Double click the "System Setup" icon. 3. Double click on the "Display Driver Install" icon. 4. At the Display Driver Install dialog box, select Primary Display and click "Okay" to continue. 5. Now, select the "32 bit S3 Display Drivers V2.5" option from the Primary Display Adapter Type list. 6. At the next dialog box, select "Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program" and click "Okay" to continue. You'll then be prompted to select the display adapter utility program. You'll be using SETCRT.EXE, which is located on the " CGP Graphite Terminator Installation Diskette," or, if you've installed the software, in the \CALGRAPH directory on your hard disk. Assuming you've installed the Graphite Terminator software on your hard drive using the default configuration, type the following entry in the dialog box: C:\CALGRAPH\SETCRT.EXE -N r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 where r1 = the refresh rate parameter for 640x480 r2 = the refresh rate parameter for 800x600 r3 = the refresh rate parameter for 1024x768 r4 = the refresh rate parameter for 1152x864 r5 = the refresh rate parameter for 1280x1024 r6 = the refresh rate parameter for 1600x1200 Please refer to your Graphite Terminator Installation Guide for complete instructions for using SETCRT, including a table showing possible options for each resolution. NOTE: Do not select a refresh rate higher than your monitor can support or you may permanently damage your monitor. If you are unsure of your monitor's capabilities, please refer to the documentation that came with your monitor or contact the manufacturer for further assistance. 7. When you select Okay, the screen will blank for a moment and the Source Directory dialog box will be displayed. Insert the "Supplemental Display Driver Diskette 1" and set the source directory to that diskette drive and select "Install" to continue. 8. After a number of files are copied, you'll be prompted to insert the "Supplemental Display Driver Diskette 2." Insert the diskette and press [Enter] to continue. Once the installation is complete, remove the floppy disk and exit the OS/2 session. 9. You'll need to shut down OS/2 and reboot your system in order for the changes to take effect. CHANGING RESOLUTIONS -------------------- 1. Open the "OS/2 System" icon. 2. Open the "System Setup Folder". 3. Double click on the "System" icon in the "System Setup Folder". 4. Select the Screen Tab and choose the desired resolution. 5. Close the dialog box, shut down OS/2 and reboot your system.