README.TXT - Documentation Supplement January 18, 1995 - Release 1.10 CGP Terminator 64 VRAM (models GT2020, GT2040, GT2220, GT2240) Installation Diskette Windows Display Driver Diskette Thank you for purchasing a CGP Terminator product. This file contains changes or additions to the printed Installation Guide. CONTENTS: What's New in this Release CGP Phone, Fax and BBS Access Numbers Internet Support, FTP Sites and our Web Home Page On-line Warranty Registration Warranty Registration Card Using the CGP Touch's Adjust Utility Enabling the Snoop Function Graphite Terminator Series Software Revision History What's New in this Release -------------------------- The Windows driver diskette has been updated with the latest Terminator drivers. The installation diskette has been updated with new versions of SETCRT.EXE, ADJUST.EXE, POWERTUN.COM, POWERDN.EXE, and PICWIN.EXE. Two new programs, VDIAG.EXE and S3SNOOP.COM, have also been added. CGP Phone, Fax and BBS Access Numbers ------------------------------------------ Sales Group.................... Technical Support.............. Other Inquiries................ Technical Support Fax.......... BBS (3 lines).................. CompuServe..................... Internet....................... World Wide Web Home Page....... In Europe: German BBS.................. If you have any problems with your Terminator 64 , please see the TROUBLE.TXT file on the Terminator 64 Installation Diskette for troubleshooting suggestions before contacting CGP. Internet Support, FTP Sites and our Web Home Page ------------------------------------------------- CGP Computer now offersba wide range of services via the Internet. Our technical support department may be reached at: Our sales department may be reached at: IMPORTANT NOTE: Software updates and other files are available via anonymous FTP from two sites: To use anonymous FTP, logon as "anonymous" after using FTP to connect to the site, and then use your login id and site name for your password. If you have questions about FTP, contact your system administrator. You can use the CGP Information Server, HIS (TM) to find out about new software releases and to obtain spec sheets and other product information. By subscribing to the HIS mailing list, you will be automatically notified via e-mail whenever a new software update is available for your CGP product. This saves you the time and effort of regularly checking our BBS or FTP sites for new files. To subscribe to the HIS mailing list, send e-mail to: Place the word "subscribe" on a line by itself in the message body. To find out about the other services available via HIS, place the word "help" on a line by itself in the message body. You may do both in one message. For example: ---- Subject: (put anything here, or leave blank) subscribe help ----- This message would automatically add you to the update mailing list and send you an e-mail message listing all the possible keywords and actions available on HIS. We also have a World Wide Web home page. To see it, use a Mosaic-style Web browser and go to the following: On-line Warranty Registration ----------------------------- You may now register your CGP via our dialup BBS instead of mailing in your registration card. To register on-line, call our BBS. At the main menu, type ONREG. You will be asked a set of questions matching the questions on your Warranty Registration Card. Once you've successfully completed the on-line registration, there is no need to mail in your registration card. Warranty Registration Card -------------------------- IF you haven't taken advantage of our on-line registration process, please take a few minutes to fill out and return the enclosed Warranty Registration Card. It is essential that we receive your registration information so that we can provide you with the following service and support: * Free technical support via phone, fax and CGP BBS * Software updates via mail and CGP BBS * Third party support information via mail and CGP BBS Register today! Using the CGP Touch's Adjust Utility ----------------------------------------- To use the CGP Touch's Adjust utility, you must first load the POWERTUN.COM program in DOS before entering Windows (type "POWERTUN.COM I" at the DOS prompt). You can also place this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, after the SETCRT.EXE command line, if present. Enabling the Snoop Function --------------------------- Some add-in boards must obtain the palette data from a motherboard bus (eg. PCI bus), in addition to the video data at the feature connector, in order to operate properly. If a motherboard does not enable the snoop function on the Terminator, the add-in board will not be able to get the palette data, and you will see wrong colors generated by the add-in board. You can use the S3SNOOP.COM TSR utility to enable the snoop function. Type S3SNOOP [ENTER] to install the TSR with default values. Type S3SNOOP -U [ENTER] to unload the TSR from memory. Type S3SNOOP -? [ENTER] for a list of options. If you do not have such an add-in board, or your add-in board does not require any palette data, or your motherboard turns on the snoop function properly, then you should not use this TSR. Terminator Series Software Revision History ---------------------------------------------------- Release 1.10 Installation Diskette................... rel. 1.10 01/18/95 Windows Display Driver Diskette......... rel. 1.10 01/18/95 Release 1.00 Installation Diskette................... rel. 1.00 11/30/94 Windows Display Driver Diskette......... rel. 1.00 11/30/94 ** End of File **