README for California Graphics MPEGStar for Windows 95 v2.00-09 --------------------------------------------------------------- Known problems -------------- To improve video quality, use 256 colours, lower resolution and lower refresh rate. A 2MB card will often give better quality at the same display mode compared to a 1MB card. Not all display modes are supported by MPEGStar. If you select an unsupported mode then then will be a 'device not available/ready' message. All 1152x882 and 1280x1024 modes are unsupported. Refresh rates above 90Hz are unsupported. Recommended display modes for 1MB cards: 640x480, 256 col, 85Hz or lower 640x480, 65k col, 60Hz 800x600, 256 col, 60Hz Recommended display modes for 2MB cards: All modes listed above 640x480, 65k col, 85Hz 800x600, 256 col, 72Hz 640x480, 16.7M col, 60Hz 800x600, 65k col, 72Hz 1024x768, 256 col, 60Hz If Xing software MPEG playback is also installed then MCIMPEG must be the first device in the SYSTEM.INI [MCI] list. i.e. install MPEGStar last to make it the default. Do not use virtual desktop modes or SmartDesktop zoom. Playing .MPA files or .MPV, use Explorer to associate these files with MPLAYER as follows: Select the file and right-click on it with SHIFT pressed. Select Open With and then select Media Player. Check the WIN.INI [mci] section for these file extensions. If there is an interrupt clash, there will be a 'device not ready' message or the PC may crash when an MPEG movie is started. The interrupt is allocated automatically by the PCI bus to the GrafixStar 400 VGA card and it is shared by MPEGStar. Check that any ISA card interrupts are reserved in the System CMOS settings. You can find which interrupt is allocated to GrafixStar 400 and other devices by starting Windows 95 clicking on My Computer - Properties - Device Manager - Computer - Properties - View Resources - IRQ. If the PC has an old v1.x PCI bus, make sure that it is set to Level interrupt (and not edge) in the System CMOS settings. Older CDi (green book) movies are not readable by Windows 95 CD-ROM drivers. VideoCDs (white book) are OK. We suggest using DOS drivers (with MSCDEX) and disabling the 32-bit protected mode disk drivers by clicking on My Computer - Performance - File System - Troubleshooting. If in doubt, consult your CD-ROM supplier. Only use this software with Windows 95. Use separate software for Windows 3.1 or 3.11. How to Remove the software from Windows 95 ------------------------------------------ Delete these files from directory \WINDOWS\SYSTEM: CP3.DLL MCIMPEG.DRV RFMK2V.DLL S3MPG.DLL S3VDE.DLL S3ADE.DLL RFMDD.DLL from directory \WINDOWS: CDALLOC2.EXE CPX.INI K2V_DIG.INI K2V_HWC.INI K2V_SWC.INI SYSTEM.CP3 (backup copy) WIN.CP3 (backup copy) Edit SYSTEM.INI to remove these lines in the section shown: [MCI] mpegvideo=MCIMPEG.DRV reelmagic=MCIMPEG.DRV magic=MCIMPEG.DRV cdivideo=MCIMPEG.DRV Edit WIN.INI to remove this item on the load= line in the [windows] section: c:\windows\CDALLOC2.EXE