README.TXT - Documentation Supplement February 28, 1995 -- Release 1.11 CGP Stingray Pro (models S601e, S901e) CGP Stingray Pro/Video (model S901V) CGP Stingray 64/Video (models S1201V, S1202V) Installation Diskette Windows Display Driver Diskette Thank you for purchasing a CGP Stingray product. This file contains changes or additions to the printed Installation Guide. CONTENTS: What's New in this Release CGP Phone, Fax and BBS Access Numbers Internet Support, FTP Sites, and our Web Page On-line Warranty Registration Warranty Registration Card Using the CGP Touch's Fast Switch Feature Fast Switch Limitations Video Acceleration Video Acceleration Limitations Stingray Series Software Revision History What's New in this Release -------------------------- 1) Windows 3.1 / 3.11 drivers have been updated. 2) BigMap (virtual desktop) modes are now available under Windows 3.1 / 3.11. 3) Fast Switch (switch-on-the-fly) resolution changing feature is now available on some models of the Stingray products. 4) We've added two new video utilities to The CGP Touch: Power Preview (PWRVIEW.EXE) and Power Player (PWRPLAY.EXE). Please see The CGP Touch's online help for details on these new programs. 5) Stingray/Video models ship with the Video for Windows version 1.1D Runtime diskette. See the manual for more information about the video acceleration. CGP Phone, Fax and BBS Access Numbers ------------------------------------------ Sales Group.................... 035/270120 Technical Support.............. 035/234101 Other Inquiries................ 035/270120 Technical Support Fax.......... 035/270672 BBS............................ 035/244900 If you have any problems with your Stingray, please see the TROUBLE.TXT file on the Stingray Installation Diskette for troubleshooting suggestions before contacting CGP. On-line Warranty Registration ----------------------------- You may now register your CGP via our dialup BBS instead of mailing in your registration card. To register on-line, call our BBS at . At the main menu, type ONREG. You will be asked a set of questions matching the questions on your Warranty Registration Card. Once you've successfully completed the on-line registration, there is no need to mail in your registration card. Warranty Registration Card -------------------------- IF you haven't taken advantage of our on-line registration process, please take a few minutes to fill out and return the enclosed Warranty Registration Card. It is essential that we receive your registration information so that we can provide you with the following service and support: * Free technical support via phone, fax and CGP BBS * Software updates via mail and CGP BBS * Third party support information via mail and CGP BBS Register today! Using the CGP Touch's Fast Switch Feature ---------------------------------------------- Some models of Stingray are shipped with the Fast Switch feature. The Fast Switch feature in the Picture Window utility allows you to switch screen resolution without restarting Windows. You can use Fast Switch to flip between resolutions of the same color depth and resource size. Since Windows is not restarted, some applications may not redraw themselves properly because they don't monitor the change. In this case, you can either restart these applications from scratch or restart Windows itself by using the Restart button within Picture Window. Fast Switch Limitations ----------------------- Since the CGP Touch's Adjust utility deals with CRT timings, it must be closed completely before using the Fast Switch. You should also close all DOS windows (both full screen or windowed) before using Fast Switch. Video Acceleration ------------------ (Stingray Pro/Video and Stingray 64/Video models only) To take advantage of the hardware scaling and filtering features of the Stingray Pro/Video and Stingray 64/Video, you must install Microsoft's Video for Windows 1.1D or later (earlier versions did not include the DCI compatiblity necessary to take advantage of hardware-based video acceleration). We have included the runtime version of Video for Windows 1.1D with your Stingray/Video product. Make sure you install it after installing the operating software and the Windows display driver software. Here's a quick way to demonstrate Power Playback: 1) Run Picture Window and select a 16-bit or 24-bit color mode. 2) Install Video for Windows 1.1D. Place the diskette in a drive, select File/Run from Program Manager, and run SETUP.EXE from the diskette. 3) Use the Power Preview or Power Player utilities in the CGP Touch to open a DCI-compliant video clip. 4) Play the video clip using the Power Player. 5) Enlarge the video clip by either dragging the video frame or clicking on the zoom button of the Player. 6) Notice the speed and image quality. The video clip should continue to run in full speed. In general, the quality of the enlarged video image has a lot to do with the quality of its original size. Naturally, if an image's original size is small and you enlarge it a great deal, there are not enough pixels to begin with to produce a good quality scaled image. You can use the following method to verify whether Stingray's video acceleration is enabled: Move the Windows cursor over an enlarged video window. If the cursor automatically jumps to the edge of the video window, then video acceleration is enabled. Video Acceleration Limitations ------------------------------ DCI capability is not available in the following cases: 1) in any 4bpp (16 color) graphics mode. 2) in any interlaced graphics mode. 3) in the 1280x1024 8-bit and 1600x1200 8-bit graphics modes. 4) when there is another object (dialog box, application, etc) covering all or part of the video playback window. 5) when one dimension of the stretched video window is smaller than the original size. For example, if you make the width larger, but the height smaller than original size, then DCI support is disabled. DCI capability may not run correctly in the following cases: 1) in any BigMap (virtual desktop) modes. 2) without closing the AVI file completely before using the Fast Switch feature. For example, if you use Microsoft's Media Player to open a video file, then use Fast Switch to switch to a new resolution, the DCI capability may not work in the new mode. You should close the video completely, including the Media Player that opened the file, before using Fast Switch. In general, play a video clip in a Windows 16-bit or 24-bit color mode in order to obtain the best quality. Not all video file (AVI) formats are supported by DCI under Video for Windows. AVI files using the following CODECs (COmpressor/DECompressor) are currently supported by DCI: Intel Indeo 3.1, 3.2 SuperMac Cinepak Microsoft MSVideo 1.1 and above Other formats will run under Video for Windows, but may not have DCI support. The complete version of Microsoft's Video for Windows includes a utility called VidEdit which may be used to convert video clips from between formats. VidEdit can be used to convert a clip compressed with a non-DCI CODEC to a compliant CODEC such as the ones listed above. There may also be other third-party utilities which can do the same thing. Stingray Series Software Revision History ----------------------------------------- Release 1.11 Installation Diskette................... Rel. 1.11 02/28/95 Windows Display Driver Diskette......... Rel. 1.11 02/28/95 Release 1.10 Installation Diskette................... Rel. 1.10 02/22/95 Windows Display Driver Diskette......... Rel. 1.10 02/22/95 Release 1.00 Installation Diskette................... Rel. 1.00 11/09/94 Windows Display Driver Diskette......... Rel. 1.00 11/09/94 ** End of File **