To help us diagnose your problem, please complete the following Problem Report Form. Return the completed form to Diamond Technical Support so we can look into the problem. When reporting problems with this form, please be as detailed as possbile to ensure a quicker and more accurate response. This form may be processed electronically, so please keep the format intact. Thank you, Diamond Multimedia Systems, Electronic Services Technical Support **************DIAMOND MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS******************* ******************PROBLEM REPORT FORM********************** Please fill out the following report to log the problem with your Diamond product. Send the completed form to: Diamond Multimedia Systems ATTN:Technical Support 2880 Junction Ave. San Jose, CA 95134-1922 FAX: 408-325-7171 CompuServe: 75300,3673 America Online: Diamond TS ------------------------------------------------ >>>Personal Information<<< Your name: > Your address: > > > > > Your Phone #(s): Daytime> Evening> FAX > Your email address(es): > > ------------------------------------------------ >>> Product Information <<< Diamond product name(s) (full product name from the box): > > BIOS version of your Diamond product (video cards only): > Driver versions (from the diskette label): DOS Utils/Apps > WINDOWS > OS/2 > Windows NT 3.1/3.5 > PC Board revision (you will need to examine the card for this): > ------------------------------------------------ >>>System Information<<< Motherboard make/manufacturer and model: Make/Manufacturer > Model > Chipset type your motherboard uses: You can find this by either looking at the motherboard, you should see 1 or 2 square, surface mounted chips usually about 1-1.5" across. Or you should check your motherboard documentation or with the motherboard manufacturer. Some of the more common chipsets are Intel, OPTi, UMC, Chips and technology (Chips), SiS, Via, Symphony, VLSi, Micronics (Micron), HiNT, EFAR, and Contaq. Also get the chip number (usually the very top line printed on the chip below the logo). Name > Chip number> System BIOS: Make > Version > Date > Bus types (ISA,EISA,PCI,VLB,MC separate with a comma): > Misc features (onboard I/O, video, disk controllers, etc...) > > > ------------------------------------------------ >>>Component Information<<< Other cards installed in the system (please list all): > > > > > > Other components installed (CD-ROM, scanners, etc... not cards): > > > > > > If this is a video card, please provide the following information about your monitor: Make/manufacturer> Model > Any additional features/note that might pertain to the problem (screen size, power management, etc...) > > > ------------------------------------------------ >>>Software Information<<< Primary operating system (DOS, Windows NT, OS/2, UNIX, etc...): > Version of operating system: > Other installed software that applies (also give versions): > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------ >>>Problem Description<<< Primary application or hardware component you are having a problem with: > > > Version of application or other pertinent information about this component: > > > If this is a video product, what resolution and refresh rate does this problem occur in? (Yes or No to each, if yes, supply the refresh rate you tried): 640x480 > 800x600 > 1024x768 > 1152x864 > 1280x1024> 1600x1200> What color modes have you tried? (again, Yes or No to each): # of colors - pixel depth: 16 - 4 Bit> 256 - 8 Bit> 65535 - 16 Bit> 16M - 24/32 Bit> If applicable, does this problem occur while using the standard VGA driver?: > ------------------------------------------------ Problem description: Please be as detailed as possible here, this information is very critical. ------------------------------------------------ Describe the steps we can use to recreate this problem you are having: (assume we know nothing about the application or hardware device) ------------------------------------------------ What you have done already to troubleshoot the problem: ------------------------------------------------ >>>System Configuration<<< Please attach a copy of any requested system information here, this may be your autoexec.bat, config.sys, system.ini, etc... ------------------------------------------------ Thank you for taking the time to fill this form out. Please return it to us via mail, fax or email through the methods listed above. If you send this form as a file attachment, try to use a name that may be unique (such as <your last name>.TXT. This will help us to avoid confusing your report with other reports. Thank you, Diamond Multimedia Systems --Technical Support Department --Electronic Services May 18, 1995 (revised) - Diamond Multimedia Systems, Technical Support