AUTOCAD RELEASE 11 ADI 4.1 PROTECTED MODE DISPLAY LIST DRIVER FOR S3 86C911 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ADI 4.1 driver is used for AutoCAD Release 11, AutoShade 2.0 and 3D Studio 1.0. Resolutions supported with 0.5 MB VRAM display memory: 800 x 600 x 16 colors 1024 x 768 x 16 colors 640 x 480 x 256 colors Resolutions supported with 1 MB VRAM display memory: 800 x 600 x 16 colors 1024 x 768 x 16 colors 640 x 480 x 256 colors 800 x 600 x 256 colors 1024 x 768 x 256 colors 1280 x 960 x 16 colors 1280 x 1024 x 16 colors DRIVER INSTALLATION FOR USE WITH AUTOCAD RELEASE 11: 1. Copy driver (RCP911.EXP) to a convenient location. The file ACAD_R11.BAT can be used to copy the driver by first logging onto the desired drive and directory and typing A:ACAD_R11 2. Set the environment variable "DSPADI=" to point to the driver file. For example: SET DSPADI=C:\ACAD\DRIVERS\RCP911.EXP If desired, this command can be placed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 3. Set Acad device to "PADI 4.0/4.1" in the AutoCAD display device configuration menu. 4. Select the desired mode from the list of available modes in the ACAD configuration menu. DRIVER INSTALLATION FOR USE WITH AUTOSHADE 2.0: 1. Delete "\shade2\shade.cfg" 2. Add environment variables to "\autoexec.bat": a. "SET SHADE=\SHADE2\RMANSUPT" b. "SET DSPADI=\S3\ADI\RCP911.EXP" (or where ever it is) c. "SET RDPADI=\S3\ADI\RCP911.EXP" (or where ever it is) 3. Reboot machine. 4. Run "shade" from "\shade2" directory. 5. Select pointing device. 6. Select "P386 Autodesk Device Interface display driver" 7. Choose a mode NOT marked as "Disabled". 8. Select "P386 Autodesk Device Interface rendering driver" 9. Choose a mode NOT marked as "Disabled". 10. Answer "YES" 3 (three) times- a. YES, display and AutoShade rendering devices share a single screen. b. YES, display and RenderMan rendering devices share a single screen. c. YES, FLIP SCREEN does require a redraw. 11. Select a rendering hardcopy device. 12. Quit, and the configuration will be saved. DRIVER INSTALLATION FOR USE WITH 3D Studio 1.0: 1. Change the following 3 lines in the 3DS.SET file (the 3DS.SET file is located in your 3DS directory). change line 123 to read: DEFAULT-DISPLAY = "RCPADI" change line 138 to read: MAIN-DISPLAY = RCPADI change line 145 to read: MATERIAL-DISPLAY = RCPADI 2. Delete "\3ds\3ds.cfg" 3. Add environment variables to "\autoexec.bat": "SET RCPADI=\S3\ADI\RCP911.EXP" (or where ever it is) 4. Reboot machine. 4. Run "3ds" from "\3ds" directory. 5. Configure Main Display. 6. Configure Materials Editor Display. 7. Quit, and the configuration will be saved.