Using the S3 ADI 4.0 Display List Driver Installation Set your default drive and path to the subdirectory where you would like the S3 ADI to reside (usually your AutoCAD 10 directory). Example: A>c: (return) C>cd \ACAD10 (return) Insert the S3 ADI diskette into Drive A and type "a:acaddos". Example: C:\ACAD10>a:acaddos (return) Install will copy the appropriate files to your default directory and invoke the configuration utility ADICFG.EXE. Configuration ADICFG lets you select the amount of memory allocated to the display list and to the Autodesk product, as well as choose the interrupt vector used by the S3 ADI and the default background color. To configure or reconfigure the S3 ADI driver type "ADICFG". Example: C:\ACAD10>adicfg (return) If you have just run the installation program, this step has already been done for you. The ADICFG main menu shows you the total amount of display list memory you have available, the amount currently unused and the amount currently being used by the display list. If the S3 ADI has not been previously configured, ADICFG will show default values for each type of memory usage, that will add up to the total amount of display list memory available. To change the value shown for any menu item, press the number shown to the left of the item or scroll to the item desired and press return. A data entry screen will pop up and you can enter the value you desire. When you are finished modifying the installation parameters, press F10 to save the new values and exit, or ESC to exit without saving the new parameters. Execution The S3 ADI is a terminate and stay resident (TSR) application that should be run before you invoke the AutoDesk product. Go to the directory where the S3 ADI is installed (eg. c:\acad10) and type "S3ADI". Example: C:\ACAD10>S3ADI (enter) The S3 ADI will load itself, check for the configuration file and initialize the graphics board. The driver will print the resolution and number of colors the AutoDesk product will be run in and show the display list memory allocation. In addition to the configuration file, the driver can also be configured from the command line. Type "S3ADI ?" for a list of command line options. Once the S3 ADI is loaded, run the AutoDesk product as you normally do, no further interaction with the driver is required.