June 14, 1991 S3 PROTECTED-MODE DRIVER FOR AUTOCAD/386 r. 10 Provided on this diskette is a protected-mode driver for AutoCAD/386, r. 10 named "S3PADI40.EXP." This is an ADI 4.0-compliant display-list driver, which runs exclusively in protected-mode. Also included are files containing the character font used by the driver, which should be copied to the default working directory used for AutoCAD drawings. The file ACADPROT.BAT can be used to copy both the driver and font files, by first making the directory containing the executable files for AutoCAD/386 the current working directory, and then typing A:ACADPROT The driver can be installed manually by either of the two methods described in the "AutoCAD Installation and Performance Guide" - the simplest method is to rename the driver "ADIDISP.EXP" and copy it to the directory where the Auto- CAD/386 r. 10 executable file resides. Alternatively, the driver can be copied, without renaming, to any desired directory, as long as the environment variable DSPADI is set to the full path name of the driver. In the latter case, for example, the driver could be copied to a directory "C:\ACAD\DRIVERS", with the following command given before running AutoCAD: SET DSPADI=C:\ACAD\DRIVERS\S3PADI40.EXP (If this is the preferred method, this command could be inserted into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, so that it is run automatically whenever the system is re- booted.) Note that, unlike a real-mode driver, a protected-mode driver is NOT run before starting up AutoCAD - AutoCAD/386 will find the driver and load it. It is necessary, however, to configure AutoCAD/386 the first time the driver is used. This is a two-step process. The first step involves use of the utility CFIG386, which is provided on both the AutoCAD/386 distribution diskettes and the Phar Lap DOS-Extender diskettes. The second step is to set the correct display driver options the first time AutoCAD is used with the S3 driver. CFIG386 is a utility which writes startup parameters into the header of a protected-mode executable file, so that the Phar Lap DOS-Extender configures itself appropriately as each application is run. AutoCAD/386, as shipped from Autodesk, is no exception, and comes pre-configured for its own default settings. In order to use the S3 driver, it is necessary to add one more pa- rameter to the AutoCAD/386 header. This is done with the following command: CFIG386 ACAD -CALLB 2 Note that it is necessary to run this command only once, and that this should not affect the operation of other drivers. The only exception to this would be if there is another driver which requires that the same parameter (CALLB or CALLBUFS) be set to a value higher than 2, in which case the higher value should be used. To perform the second step of the configuration process, it is necessary to run AutoCAD/386 and select the correct display driver option. This is done by selecting the "Configure AutoCAD" option from the main menu, then selecting "Configure video display," and finally selecting "ADI P386 display" from the menu screens that appear. Following completion of the configuration, AutoCAD can be run in the normal way. When running, the driver will automatically configure itself for the highest resolution mode available for the particular type of monitor that is connected to the display adapter. In addition, the driver has two internal configuration options, which the user can change at any time by selecting "Configure AutoCAD" from the main menu. These options are: 1. To change the screen background from the default black to white, and 2. To change the amount of display-list memory to be allocated (the default is 2MB) To access these options, first select "Allow detailed configuration," and then "Configure video display." This will result in two additional prompts to the user. In the case of display-list memory allocation, the user is asked to enter the number of 16K pages to allocate. Anything less than 5 pages (80K) will result in display-list management being turned off, since 80K is the minimum required to function properly. It is recommended that as much extended memory as possible be allocated for efficient operation (note that expanded memory - the LIM specification - can NOT be used by the protected-mode driver). Note that it is not necessary to limit the allocation to the amount of physical memory present in the system - once the limit of physical memory is reached, the Virtual Memory Manager (which is bound into the AutoCAD executable) will begin swapping memory to disk. However, if this occurs, there will be a considerable slowing of the program. Since both AutoCAD's memory usage and the driver's display list are allocated at runtime, it may take a small amount of trial and error to determine the maximum number of display-list pages that can be allocated before the Virtual Memory Manager starts swapping between memory and disk on a given computer. The user can change the number of display-list pages to be allocated at any time by following the above instructions (but be aware that when this is done, data previously in display-list memory will be lost).