Installation Guide for OS/2 Video Device Driver for the S3 Trio32/64/64V+ Driver Version 2.80.19 1.0 Compatibility This graphics-accelerator device driver is compatible with OS/2 2.11, and OS/2 Warp 3.0. 2.0 Preliminary Steps The following steps must be performed before you install the Trio64/64V+ graphics-accelerator device driver: 1. Prepare a blank 1.44M disette, copy all files under the \OS2\Trio directory on this CD-ROM. Label the diskette the name 'S3 DRV1", then you have prepared the installation diskette. 2. "S3 DRV1" must be the label on the installation diskette. This label can be applied using the DOS or OS/2 LABEL command. The installation will fail without this step. 3. You must have OS/2 DOS Support installed. 4. If you previously installed SVGA support, you must reset the resolution to VGA mode, using the procedures in "Setting Your Display to VGA Mode" (section 5.0 in this README). 5. Read the Readme.txt file on the installation diskette before beginning the device driver installation. 3.0 Setting Your Display to VGA Mode Use the following procedures to reset to VGA mode. NOTE: If your display is out of sync, start OS/2 using the OS/2 Installation Diskette. Insert Diskette 1 when prompted, press F3 to display a command prompt, and then use the following instructions to reset your display mode. o If you are installing this driver on OS/2 Warp, do the following: 1. Turn on your computer. If your computer is already on, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart it. 2. When a small white box appears in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, press Alt+F1. 3. When the Recovery Choices screen appears, press V. Your display adapter is restored and can work in VGA mode. If you want to install a new display adapter or video device driver, refer to Chapter 16, "Video Procedures," in the User's Guide to OS/2 Warp. o If you are installing this driver on OS/2 2.11 or OS/2 for Windows, and you installed from diskettes, do the following: 1. Before running RSPDSPI, delete the following file: [OS2 DRIVE]:\OS2\INSTALL\TRIOV1.DSC 2. Be sure RSPDSPI.EXE is in the \OS2\INSTALL directory. If it is, go to step 3. If it is not, insert Diskette 8 into drive A and unpack RSPDSPI.EXE with the following command: C:\OS2\UNPACK A:\INSTAID C: /N:RSPDSPI.EXE where A: is the drive containing Diskette 8, and C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed. 3. Type C: and then press Enter. 4. Type CD C:\OS2\INSTALL and then press Enter. 5. Type the following: RSPDSPI /PK:VGA /SK:NONE /S:A:\ /T:C: In /T:C:, C: is the target drive where OS/2 is installed. In /S:A:, A: is the source diskette drive for installing the device driver. Then press Enter. o If you are installing this driver on OS/2 2.11 or OS/2 for Windows, and you installed from CD-ROM or a LAN, do the following: 1. Before running RSPDSPI, delete the following files: [OS2 DRIVE]:\OS2\INSTALL\TRIOV1.DSC 2. Be sure RSPDSPI.EXE is in the \OS2\INSTALL directory. If it is, go to step 3. If it is not, unpack RSPDSPI.EXE with the following command: C:\OS2\UNPACK E:\DISK_8\INSTAID C: /N:RSPDSPI.EXE where C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed, and E: is the CD-ROM or LAN drive. 3. Type C: and then press Enter. 4. Type CD C:\OS2\INSTALL and then press Enter. 5. Type the following: RSPDSPI /PK:VGA /SK:NONE /S:E:\OS2SE21\ /T:C: In /T:C:, C: is the target drive where OS/2 is installed. In /S:E:, E: is the source CD-ROM or LAN drive. Then press Enter. 4.0 Installing from Diskette To install the Trio32/64/64V+ device driver from diskette, do the following: 1. If system is not in VGA mode, select VGA mode. 2. Insert the Trio32/64/64V+ diskette into drive A (or any other diskette drive). Note: "S3 DRV1" must be the volume label of this diskette. To verify the label, use "Label A:". 3. Open an OS/2 full-screen or OS/2 window session. 4. At the OS/2 command prompt, type the following command to copy all necessary files to the OS/2 drive: A:SETUP A: C: where A: is the diskette drive, and C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed. Then press Enter. 5. When prompted to do so, remove the diskette from drive A, perform a shutdown, and then restart your computer. 6. Open the OS/2 System folder. 7. Open the System Setup folder. 8. Open the Display Driver Install object or enter "dspinstl" at an OS/2 command prompt. When the Display Driver Install window appears, select Primary Display Driver and then select OK. 9. When the Display Driver Select window appears, select "S3 Trio32/64/64V+ [32Bit] Version 2.80.19" to install the video driver. 10. When the Monitor Configuration/Selection Utility window appears, the "Install Using Defaults for Monitor Type" choice is preselected. You can accept this choice or select "Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program" to choose a different refresh rate. Then select OK. If you select the "Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program" choice, you must have the DOS monitor utility program that came with your display adapter. Contact the display adapter manufacturer's technical support for information on how to use the monitor utility program under OS/2. NOTE: DSPINSTL determines the hardware configuration by creating the \OS2\SVGADATA.PMI file. If the \OS2\SVGADATA.PMI file has not been created, the adapter will not be supported. This process can take several seconds and will black-out the screen. 11. When the Source Directory pop-up window appears, insert S3 Trio32/64/64V+ diskette into drive A. Then select Install. 12. When the installation is complete, shut down your system, remove the diskette, and restart your computer. 13. When the system has restarted: a. Open the OS/2 System folder. b. Open the System Setup folder. c. Open the System object. d. When the Settings notebook appears, select the Screen tab. If your monitor has been detected as Plug and-Play (DDC) compatible, go to step 15. 14. On Screen page 2, select your display from the display list. If your display does not appear in the list, select Default. It might be necessary to restart your computer to have all refresh rate options available. 15. When the system has restarted: a. Open the System object and select Screen page 1, as in step 13. b. Select a screen resolution and a screen refresh rate. c. Close the Settings notebook. d. Perform a shutdown and restart your computer. NOTES: o During the installation of this driver, DISPLAY.LOG and DSPINSTL.LOG files are created in the OS/2\INSTALL directory. These files identify the OS/2 system files that were updated and indicate whether the installation was successful. The contents of these files might be useful if you need to report an installation problem to IBM. o If the video memory size is changed after the device driver is installed, the device driver must be reinstalled in order for the system to recognize the change. Not reinstalling the driver might result in serious system problems.