Author: Diana Falconer at S3_POST Date: 10/18/94 10:10 PM Priority: Normal Receipt Requested TO: at InterNet_Mail_Link CC: Vickie Ishimaru CC: Rick Elder CC: Ricky Chang Subject: OS/2 2.4 Install Instructions ------------------------------- Message Contents ------------------------------- Installation Instructions S3 OS/2 Driver version 2.4x (For OS/2 2.1, 2.11, and 3.0 for Windows) Date: 08/07/94 Installation Considerations 1. The installation process assumes that the user knows the maximum vertical refresh rate as well as the maximum resolution of the monitor. 2. When installing the S3 driver over a non-S3 driver (e.g., SVGA), the standard IBM VGA driver must be installed first. This is not required if an S3 driver is already installed. 3. The driver diskettes must be labeled "S3 DRV1"(disk 1) and "S3 DRV2" (disk 2). If it is not labeled installation will fail. 4. The S3 driver will not install unless an S3 chip-based card is installed in the machine at the time of driver installation. Installation Instructions 1. Make sure you have all open data files saved before continuing the S3 driver installation. 2. Make sure Win-OS/2 session and all Seamless Windows applications are closed. (Seamless applications are windows applications that run on top of the PM Desktop.) 3. Open an OS/2 command prompt (windowed or full screen). 4. Insert driver diskette into the floppy drive. 5. Change to the floppy drive (A: or B:) into which you have inserted driver disk #1. Verify that the diskette is labeled "S3 DRV1" (do the same for disk #2). If it is not labeled then type "label S3 DRV1" or "label S3 DRV2". 6. Type S3INST A: C: and press "Enter". ("A" is the floppy drive; "C" is the drive OS/2 is installed). Note: You may see an error message stating could not locate files. Please ignore this message. 7. When prompted, insert Disk #2. It must be label "S3 DRV2". 8. When prompted, exit the OS/2 command prompt, remove floppy disk from drive, and shutdown and reboot system. 9. When OS/2 is up insert disk 1 (S3 DRV1) into the floppy drive. 10. Double click on the the "OS/2 System" icon. 11. Double click on the "System Setup" icon. 12. Double click on the "Display Driver Install" icon. 13. When prompted by the Display Driver Install dialog, select Primary Display and then click the OK button. 14. Select the "32 Bit S3 Display Drivers" option from the Primary Display Adapter Type dialog and click the OK button. 15. Select the appropriate option from the Monitor Configuration/Selection Utility dialog, and click the OK button. Select "Default" if it is an S3 BIOS that was not modified by the OEM. THE SCREEN WILL TEMPORARILY FLASH AND GO BLACK. PLEASE WAIT FOR THE SOURCE DIRECTORY DIALOG TO APPEAR. 16. The Source Directory dialog will be displayed. Set the source directory to the location of disk 1 (S3 DRV1). Double click on the "Install" button. 17. Insert disk 2 (S3 DRV2) into the floppy drive when prompted. 18. The Installation Program may pause and display prompts to overwrite certain files. Please answer YES for each file. 19. You will be given a message stating that you "Must Shutdown and Restart your system for the changes to take effect". Click the OK button. 20. Remove driver diskette from the floppy drive. 21. Shut down and reboot system. Note: You can double click the "System" Icon in the System Setup to change resolution before shutting down. After you reboot your system will come up with your newly installed driver. To Change Resolution: 22. To switch resolutions, double click on the "System" icon in the System Setup Folder. 23. Highlight the resolution and close the dialog. 24. Shut down and reboot.