Version History:
Version 3.8c
- Added support for 9600 cards
- Updated overclocking files
- Some minor bug fixes
Version 3.8
- Added Force Pixel Shader version for DirectX
- Added Force Vertex Shader version for DirectX
- Some minor bug fixes
- R6Probe replaced with Probe
Version 3.7
- Added a number of new profiles and updated existing ones
- A new Reset profile saves the current settings at the time you installed
Rage3D Tweak so you can easily revert to the settings you had before
installing the tweaker
- Updated tweaks for full support of Catalyst 3.0 options
- New GUI updates include new buttons, support for nested tree-view for more
useful tweaks organization and more
- Updated support for additional 9500/9700 boards as well as updates for
older generation Radeon cards
- New overclocking files with better support for all ATI Radeon core based
chips. (Mobility included)
- Added the ability to Export and Import profiles between R3DTweak versions
- Exported profiles go to a file format that is easy to pass between your
friends as well as save your personal profiles for easy upgrading to new
Rage3D Tweak versions. Simply double-click a profile file to import it
back into the tweaker.
- Folding@Home support has returned to the tweaker! The F@H tab will
now prompt you to download the client from the correct place and tell you
where to put it for full support of running/hiding the console.
Right-Click on the F@H tab window for menu options.
- Quite a lot of other under the hood enhancements to help prepare for the
- The setup program now auto-detects all Radeon cards and selects the
correct tweaks for your card type. If you have more than one card listed
in the registry it will prompt you for the card you are using now.
- The setup program now prompts you for the location you would like to
install Rage3D Tweak. All files now go into this folder (except the
overclocking files) instead of the various windows directories where most
files did in former versions.
- You can now change skins without any need to install or reboot anything.
An icon in the Rage3D Tweak program group allows you to change skins at will.
Just close and open the tweaker after each skin change for it to take place.
- The Tweaker now uses a registry hive system which keeps all the extra
tweak information from bloating your registry. The settings are only
stored in the registry while the tweak interface is open and written out to a
special file (and removed from the registry) after you close the tweaker
- New GameUtil startup graphic thanks to Buddy.
Version 3.6
- Added Overclocking support for Radeon 9000 and 9700 based cards
- Changed a lot of back end setup of tweaker files
Version 3.5
- Added hotkeys to change a game or application process priority on the fly.
Alt-P = High Priority; Alt-Shift-P = Low Priority; Alt-Cntrl-Shift-P = Normal
Priority. You can change the hotkeys in the GameUtil Hotkeys category of the
- Now supports fully user configurable sounds for GameUtil functions. By
default Overclocking/Profile/Game functions have sounds in this version. You
can add/remove/change any of the sounds simply by going to "Sounds" in the
Control Panel and scrolling down to the GameUtil section.
- Added a Warcraft 3 profile.
- Removed the Clear D3D and Clear OGL profiles since they can now be cleared
simply by right-clicking on the tweak category. Am working on some generic
high-speed vs. high-quality profiles in the works for v3.6 as well.
- Added a "Defaults" right-click option to the Custom Display Modes tab for
the custom modes category.
- Renamed the display modes displayed in the taskbar program.
- There's a new "GameUtil Extras" tweak category now, which contains tweaks
for modifying how windows and desktop functions work. This includes a number
of window manipulation tweaks useful to those with multiple-monitor setups.
- Added 2 new skins: a "Blank" skin for those that requested it, and a new
Abstract skin which is looking really good.
- Implemented a number of under the hood enhancements for the added
Version 3.4
- Primarily a bug-fix update to v3.3.
- Resolves issue with the way the DALRestrictedModesBCD tweak works.
- Fixes bug with Single-User installation not reading notwithstanding and
incompatibles entries correctly
- Adds new tweak to Advanced Tweaker Settings category called Ruan ATI
SmartGart Utility. Selecting this tweak launches ATIs smartgart utility
in the Catalyst drivers so you can see your AGP settings. (2x/4x/read/write
etc.) Make sure your motherboard AGP drivers are correctly installed if
you're getting grayed out settings in this tool.
- Moved defaults option to each category. Right-Click a tweaks
category to reset defaults back to they way they were before you made your
first changes. This option won't appear unless you've made any changes
to the tweaks.
- Added a full-category registry clear option as well. Use the
right-click menu to access this, but it will only appear if there are actually
settings to clear.
- Modified tweaker control panel interface to work better with the arsed up
size of the display properties tabs due to ATI's new D3D and OpenGL tabs.
- Replaced all skins with 3 new improved skins.
- Changed skins to only need one bitmap instead of two, so color sections of
the tabs are now auto-scaled. (another fix to work better with ATI's
arsed up tab sizes in the display properties)
- Updated Install and Uninstall GUIs to be more descriptive.
- As with version 3.3, this version is only for Catalyst display drivers,
not older ATI driver sets. All future versions will no longer support
pre-catalyst drivers. Use version 3.2 for full compatibility with
pre-catalyst display drivers.
Version 3.3
- Rage3D Tweak version 3.3 is fully compatible with the ATI Catalyst Drivers
(7.72 and above). Note, this means that it does NOT work with previous
driver versions! You must use Rage3D Tweak version 3.2 for ATI drivers
that came out before the Catalyst Drivers (7.70 or older).
- Added Mipmap Detail (TexLod) and Texture Preference (TexOpt) tweaks to D3D
and OpenGL.
- Updated Smoothvision entries to support new Catalyst settings.
- Added PointParameters OpenGL tweak
- Updated all profiles for the new and modified tweaks.
- Fixed a couple minor back-end F@H tab bugs having
to do with some leftover hard-coded directory settings.
Version 3.2
- Implemented Multi-user support so you can choose whether the tweaker is
available to all users or only the installing user
- Added transparancy support to the taskbar tweaks interface
- Added new tab to run and hide the
Folding@Home client and show some statistics on progress.
- The FAH tab install creates a c:\folding
directory and copies the client and pre-set config file there.
- The client does not run at boot by default, but right-clicking the FAH
tab will give you that option
- You can edit the client.cfg file with your username if you wish to
replace the default we've put there (rage3d tweak user).
- You can install only the FAH tab if you don't want the other tweaker
- The FAH tab will never show up in the advanced display properties, only
in the taskbar interface.
- Added some additional tweaks to the Advanced Tweaker Settings category to
disable all tweaker tabs in the advanced display properties and run only from
the taskbar interface or the reverse.
Version 3.1e
- Fixed a couple of minor OC bugs introduced in 3.1d.
- Fixed anisotropic tweak string problem.
- Fixed a half dozen minor bugs introduced with other fixes.
- Changed how the use DALRestrictedModes tweak worked. It now just
doesn't modify DALRestrictedModes when when disabled instead of clearing it.
- Removed a debug line that caused folks some r6probe problems in one of the
- Updated the Help files.
Version 3.1d
- Further enhancements to Windows XP support.
- Added GUI acceleration tweaks for alpha blending, stretchblit, and
blockwrite. (in Driver and Display category). Should greatly enhance
XPBench scores mostly due to support of stetchblit.
- Added a new DVD tweaks category to tweaks tab and added a bunch of tweaks
- Added debug toggle and user requested option to Advanced Tweaker Settings
- Fixed anisotropic filtering tweak
- Updated Skins
- Rewrote OC driver headers
- Added more help to the tweaks
- Fixed 1600x1200 display bug
- Fixed various other minor bugs
Version 3.1
- Enhanced Windows XP support.
- Reorganized tweaks listing.
- Improved custom display modes and refresh rates support and interface.
- Numerous additional tweaks.
- New installer and uninstaller
- New support for graphics in the GUI
- Replaced setclk.lib with our own interface to the r6probe files for better
compatibilty and overclocking support across different cards and platforms.
- Split up and renamed tweaker install files for better organization and
easier translation.
- A lot of other things I've probably not thought of right now.
Version 3.0
- Added 7500/8500 overclocking support.
- Added much better interface for per-game Overclocking.
- The Overlay Icons in the tweaks/profiles section have been updated to make
them more informative.
- Added much better interface for per-game Profiles.
- Supports per-game sound settings along with gamma/brightness/contrast
- Setup program creates "uninstal.bat" in the install directory to
delete all installed files in case of an emergency. Use the
Add/Remove Programs to uninstall the tweaker unless you have a major
- Vastly updated help files
Version 2.8
- Full support for all tweaker functions in Windows XP.
- Added Hot-key support for Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast settings.
- Alt = Increase; Alt+Shift = Decrease; Alt+Shift+Control = Reset
- G = Gamma; B = Brightness; C = Contrast; Q = Quit.
- When you set Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast with the hotkeys, your
settings are restored each time you run a Game, or restore the Desktop!
- Updated Interface
- Game and Desktop Refresh rate modifications supported for all Custom and
Standard display modes in Windows 9x, Windows 2000, and Windows XP
- Added a dozen game profiles
- Removed Raid-On profile importer
- Added a few new tweaks
- Added option at beginning of the Profiles section to reset all settings to
ATI defaults each system boot. It is OFF by default.
- All Custom Display Mode functions, G/B/C adjustment hotkeys, and some
tweaks should all work with the Radeon 8500. Overclocking is Not
supported on the 8500 yet.
Version 2.7
- Updated installation program:
- Adds check-box selection of items to install/uninstall.
- Checks Operating System Language ID, for multi-language support.
- If the tweaker is translated into the Language ID of your OS, that
language option will be displayed for installation. If there is
not a translation for your Language ID, the English version of the
tweaker will be displayed by default. If you wish to have a
specific language version for installation, contact me at
- Incorporates first translated tweaker files: Italian. (French and
German to come)
- Updated interface.
- Extensive bug testing.
Version 2.6
- Custom Display Modes page updated to Version .004. Changes include:
- Modified design.
- The addition of all resolutions, both Standard and Custom.
- Support for a Right-Click menu for each resolution, which allows you
to specify your preferred refresh rate for all the resolutions you use,
both custom and standard.
- Currently the refresh rate specification is only supported under
Win9x/ME. Win2k support coming as soon as we get it working.
- See the Custom Display Modes Help page for more information.
- New "DAL" tweaks section in the Rage3D Tweak tab adds the
following tweaks:
- GCOOPTION_SlowerEdge = The long known shimmer fix for certain
Trinitron and Diamondtron tube monitors, which for the most part I think
is not needed by folks anymore, but some forum posts prompted me to
include this with the other tweaks anyway.
- GCORULE_RMXSupport = This setting Enables the "Scale image to
panel size" button so that it will appear in the FPD (Flat Panel
Display) section of "ATI Displays" in the advanced display
properties. This option will scale resolutions lower than the
maximum supported by a given flat-panel screen to be the full size of
the screen instead being displayed in a smaller window. Changing
this setting requires a reboot. (note: this won't do anything for you if
you don't have a Flat Panel Display).
- TVEnableOverscan = Added by user request, enabling this option should
enable TV Overscan support for Radeon cards with the Rage Theater chip.
(This may also work for any ATI card using the Rage Theater chip)
- Updated installation program.
- Updated Help files.
Version 2.5
- Updated profiles to support clone/save/export/shortcut for read only
- CopyProtect profile setting disables all right-click menu options
- ReadOnly profile setting disables set/delete/comment options.
- Fixed bug with clearing settings from registry where it would set it to
default instead of removing the entry.
- Tweaked the way shortcut option works.
- Tweaked the way the Overclocking tab stores current clock settings when
- Engine now works correctly in Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. (tweak
functionality limited by OS)
- Fixed a few spelling errors.
- Updated the Help files.
Version 2.4
- Added support for single tweak delete from registry. Right-click on
tweak button for menu.
- Installation checks for previous version already installed.
- Added support for Adding/Removing the following ATI tabs: (note: removing
the OpenGL tab resolves the issue of it resetting your high Anisotropic
- Screen Rotation
- D3D
- OpenGL
- Projector
- Added extra queued frames tweak.
- Updated Overclocking slider code.
Version 2.3
- Improved Installation/Un-installation procedure
- Minor bug fixes
- Updated Interface fonts/colors
- Updated Profiles
- Updated Help
Version 2.2
- Added check to enable/disable all ATI tabs in the Rage3D Tweak taskbar
- The taskbar utility now lets you change profiles from the right-click menu
on the icon.
- Added Profile features (available from right-click menu on any
custom profiles):
- Shortcut option for profiles: Creates a shortcut on your
desktop to any game or application you specify that automatically
changes to the selected profile when running the specified app.
- Save option for profiles: Save the tweak profile settings
to a file instead of the actual registry settings
(export saves the actual registry settings to a .reg file).
Ultimately will help with porting profiles from one tweaker version to
the next.
- Added in game gamma modification support:
- ALT-G = Increase game gamma
- ALT-SHIFT-G = Decrease game gamma
- ALT-SHIFT-CONTROL-G = Exit and Reset gamma
- Updated Resume Fix to reset overclocking settings:
- Should work in all cases of a system resume now
- Does not yet work for basic monitor power save
- Cosmetic updates
- Minor bug fixes
Version 2.1
- Added additional Profile capabilities: Clone, Rename, Comment, Delete
and Export.
- Access through right click on profile button.
- Overhaul of the tweak settings and improvements to tweak interface for
- Improvements to the Custom Display Modes tab.
- Added a system resume fix for Overclocking. Settings should
remain after the system comes out of power save mode now.
- Numerous look and feel updates to keep interface more consistent.
- Experimenting with various color schemes using new Engine
- Significantly reduced memory footprint.
- Numerous minor bug fixes.
- RaidOn profile importer runs at install if RaidOn tweaker is
- Taskbar icon enabled by default.
Version 2.0
- Added Custom Display Modes interface on seperate Tab.
- Added new Overclocking interface on separate Tab.
- Added RaidOn Profile Importer.
- Just run RaidOn Profile Importer.exe in the R3DTweak folder and select the
profiles to import. Select the Profile for use from the RaidOn Profile section
now in the Rage3D Tweak tab.
- Added SetGamma utilility which uses hotkeys for gamma:
- ALT-G to increase
- SHIFT-ALT-G to decrease
- Takes command line arguments of gamma contrast brightness, values centered on 128, ranging from 0 to 256.
- Added new tweaker options:
- ZMaskEnable
- ZCompression
- Game Gamma
- Several Tiling entries.
- Updated My D3D Settings to include new tweaker options.
- Updated RegTwk.dll:
- Values not entered in the Registry are indicated with a red border now
- Allows use of Strings instead of requiring DWORDs now
- Moved system.ini settings into windows tree.
- Added several more system tweaks in windows tree under the umbrella of two
- Renamed Engine command "NoRegistryOnValue" to "NoEntryOnValue"
since the .dll can now delete entries in .ini files.
Version 1.2
- Added enableVidMemTextures tweak to priavate section.
- Seriously modified how the tweaks in the private section work.
- Updated many of the default settings.
- Now supports both synchronous and asynchronous overclocking. (was only async in v1.1)
- Added 2 blank Profiles (Save Profile 1 & 2) for saving your personal tweak configurations.
Version 1.1
- Added support for asynchronous clocking.
- Added support for saving profiles through right click on profile button.
- Corrected removal of setclk startup string in HKLM\..\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Fixed Vcache tweaks. (it doesn't modify anything now unless you change
Version 1.0