GATOS version 0.0.3

	Insomnia (Stea Greene) <>
		send bug reports and code patches to this address

	See file "CREDITS" for author info.


	-GNU/Linux (only tested on x86).  Also reported to work with
		FreeBSD, with some modifications.
	-ATI All-In-Wonder, All-In-Wonder Pro, or Rage II/Pro with ATI-TV
		tuner card.


	See file "INSTALL" for installation and setup info.

	There are many programs packaged with GATOS:

		-===== xatitv: GUI TV-in-a-window app =====-
	This is the main program shipped with GATOS.  It allows GUI access
	to all GATOS functionality, save tv-out.  The GUI is pretty
	self-explanatory, but here are the basics:

		*When first run, hit setup and configure format and
		 options, than do a channel scan.
		*Use the three buttons labeled "TV", "CV" and "SV" to
		 select video input from TV tuner, Composite video and
		 SVHS respectively.
		*The "Adv.", "Capture" and "Edit Channel" buttons toggle
		 other sections of the GUI.
		*Volume, Brightness, Contrast, Hue and Saturation can be
		 modified by clicking the mouse at any location along
		 their respective sliders.
		*The "Edit Channel" GUI can be used to set channel-
		 specific video and audio settings (if a channel is too
		 bright/dark, too loud/quiet, etc) and to remove bogus
		*There are many other feature, look around and tinker with
		*Most features have keyboard shortcuts:
		  -Esc: Quit.
		  -Tab/Right-Click: Hide/Show GUI.
		  -F1-F8: Favorite channels (CTRL+Key to set).
		  -F9-F12: Output debug info.
		  -Numbers: Change channel by number.
		  -Letters/space: Change channel by name.
		  -Enter/Return: Finish entering item (channel name/number).
		  -Up/Down: Scroll through settings.
		  -Left/Right: Change current setting.
		  -Keypad +/-: Change channel.
		  -Backspace: switches to the previous channel that you spent
		    more than 5 seconds at.
		  -Keypad /: Toggle mute.
		  -Keypad *: Toggle Fullscreen Mode.
		  -` or ~: Toggle closed captioning (CC).
		  -> and <: Increase/Decrease size of window by a factor of 2.
		  Pause: Freeze capture on current frame.
		  PrintScreen: Capture single frame (Snapshot).

		-===== atitv: Simple text-mode program =====-
	This program is still under development.  It gives basic
	functionality needed to record video and to toggle tv-out
	capabilities of the ATI card (NOTE: TV-Out is NOT implemented yet).

		*Run "atitv --help" for usage details.

		-= atitoppm: YUV conversion program =-
	This converts the ".yuv" file created by gatos to a series of
	".ppm" files.  Use as follows:

		atitoppm < gatos.yuv

		-===== atitogif: YUV conversion program =====-
	This converts the ".yuv" file created by gatos to a series of
	".gif" files.  Use as follows:

		atitogif < gatos.yuv

	Note, unlike atitoppm, this application requires various
	utilities to be present (such as ppmtogif, etc...).  If they are
	not, this program will fail.

		-===== yuvsum: YUV conversion program =====-
	This averages all images in gatos.yuv (must all be same size)
	into one ppm format image.  Use as follows:

		yuvsum < gatos.yuv

		-===== atisplit: YUV conversion program =====-
	This converts the ".yuv" file created by gatos to the separate
	".yuv" frames.  See file README.atisplit for details.


	For bug list and bug submittal instructions, see file "BUGS".


	For instructions on how to use patches, see file "PATCHES".