Chips and Technologies, Inc. 64300 Wingine DGX OEM BIOS Utilities Revision: 1.0a Release Date: March 28, 1994 DOS UTILITIES: 1. SETCOL is a utility for setting the Raw and Column of screen. 1. SETADDR (Ver. 1.0) is a utility for setting the starting address of the linear video memory. 2. SETRATE (Ver. 1.1) is a utility which allows the user to set the vertical refresh rate for a given resolution and bits/pixel value, or to display the current settings and available choices. 3. MONSETUP (Ver. 1.3) is a setup utility which allows the user to choose a monitor type and to manually adjust the vertical refresh rates and screen centering for the Super VGA video modes supported by the video BIOS. It consists of four files: (a) MONSETUP.EXE Executable setup utility (b) MONSETUP.INI Setup information used by MONSETUP (c) CHIPSCPL.INI Monitor type and vertical refresh rate information file in the format used by the CHIPSCPL.EXE utility which runs under Windows (d) CENTER.EXE TSR program which initializes the vertical refresh rates for all modes and adjusts screen centering after changing modes To install, copy these files to a subdirectory; then change to the subdirectory where you installed these files. To run the utility, type MONSETUP at the DOS prompt and follow the directions given on the screen. In the initial screen, the user is prompted for the path of the directory in which Windows and CHIPSCPL are installed. This CHIPSCPL utility comes with the 64300 display driver package and allows the user to select the monitor type and vertical refresh rate along with other parameters defining the video mode to be used within Windows. The MONSETUP utility will locate and use the same copy of CHIPSCPL.INI which is used by the CHIPSCPL utility. Changes made in one environ- ment, DOS or Windows, are preserved in CHIPSCPL.INI and the same mode is used in the other environment. However, the user should keep in mind that any change to the vertical refresh rate will require new screen centering information to be set (if desired) with MONSETUP. The path may be left blank if the CHIPSCPL utility will not be used. The next screen allows the user to choose a monitor type from a list of previously defined monitors. MONSETUP uses the monitor type to choose the highest available refresh rate that the monitor will support for each mode. If these settings are acceptable and no screen centering is needed, the user can exit the utility at this point. If the user presses in this screen or any following screen, a prompt will appear asking whether to save any changes made up to that time, before exiting to DOS. To continue with the setup, a screen will appear for each resolution and color depth category. The monitor timing values for each available refresh rate are shown, and the user may adjust the selection which is highlighted in magenta. The initial selection is either calculated from the newly selected or previously selected monitor type with MONSETUP or CHIPSCPL. Press to confirm the selection, use the arrow keys to center the screen image on the monitor, and press again when the centering is complete. After saving changes made with MONSETUP, the user must install the Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) program, CENTER, in order for the changes to take effect. To do this, type
at the DOS prompt. Once the program is installed, the user may un-install it by typing
at the DOS prompt. To re-initialize the current settings after saving changes made with MONSETUP, the CENTER program must be un-installed and then re-installed to take advantage of the new parameters. MONSETUP will check the AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the C: drive for the CENTER ON command and prompt the user to add this command to the file.