miroMEDIA GmbH 16.09.97 Version 1.1 miroHISCORE CD Contents 1. Win95: System software for the miroHISCORE 3D including Glide Runtime for DOS games. 2. Tools: Here you find an applet for controlling the TV out function under DOS. During the start-up of the program the command parameters are displayed. 3. Fixes: Combining S3 boards of the 968 generation and 3dfx boards may cause address conflicts. This problem occurs with all S3 968 graphics boards. Here you find a patch which solves this problem. 4. Demos: Here you find a collection of the last demos which make use of the special features of the HISCORE 3D board. 5. DirectX-5: DirectX-5 runtime in 3 languages 6. Patches: Game updates for 3dfx. Important hints on the installation of the files from the Patches directory which is included on the miroHISCORE 3D CD. ==================================================================== I. Contents of the PATCH directory of the miro Install-CD II. Tips on the general installation of game patches III. Important hints ==================================================================== I: For the games listed below, you may want to install the so-called patches. These patches are special extensions which improve the image quality and the graphics performance. Directory: Patch for: Remark: Manufacturer: [CARMAG] Carmageddon ** SCI [DESCENT2] Descent2 ** Interplay [DIEHARD] Diehard Triology * Fox Interactive [EF2000+] EF2000+Tactcom * Digital Image Design Ltd. [F1] Formula 1 * Psygnosis [FLYCORPS] Flying Corps *** Empire Interactive [GPOLICE] G-Police * Psygnosis [I76] Interstate 76 * Activision [JETFIGHT] Jetfighter 3 * Mission Studios [MDK] MDK * Playmates Interactive [OUTLAWS] Outlaws * LucasArts Entertainment [PANDEMO] Pandemonium ** Chrystal Dynamics [QUAKE] Quake ** id Software [QUAKEXL] Quake * id Software [SIMCOP] SimCopter * MAXIS [STARFIGH] Starfighter * Studio 3DO [SWIV3D] SWIV3D * SCI [TOMB] Tomb Raider * Eidos Interactive [TOSHIB] Toshinden ** Playmates Interactive [WHIP] Whiplash ** Interplay Productions [XASSAULT] Extreme Assault * Blue Byte [XWING] XWing vers. T-Fighter * LucasArts II. Hints on the installation of game patches: * Self-extracting file. Parts of this file will be copied directly to the program directory. ** Please copy these files into the install directory. *** Some of these files must be extracted using pkunzip.exe and must be copied to the program directory. III. Important hints: These patches were provided by the game manufacturers. For this reason we cannot offer any support if problems arise. Known problems: - S3 968: see 3. - If the image is displayed improperly at the lower image marging. please disable "TV-out" in the miroHISCORE 3D tab. Your miroMEDIA GmbH