miroMEDIA GmbH 16.12.97 Version 1.2 miroHISCORE CD Contents 1. Win95: System software for the miroHISCORE 3D including Glide Runtime for DOS games. 2. NT4: Runtime and property page for Glide 3. Tools: Here you find an applet for controlling the TV out function under DOS. During the start-up of the program the command parameters are displayed. 4. Fixes: Combining S3 boards of the 968 generation and 3dfx boards may cause address conflicts. This problem occurs with all S3 968 graphics boards. Here you find a patch which solves this problem. 5. Demos: Here you find a collection of the last demos which make use of the special features of the HISCORE 3D board. 6. DirectX-5: DirectX-5 runtime in 3 languages 7. Patches: Game updates for 3dfx. Important hints on the installation of the files from the Patches directory which is included on the miroHISCORE 3D CD. ==================================================================== I. Contents of the PATCH directory of the miro Install-CD II. Tips on the general installation of game patches III. Important hints ==================================================================== I: For the games listed below, you may want to install the so-called patches. These patches are special extensions which improve the image quality and the graphics performance. Directory: Patch for: Remark: Manufacturer: [CARMAG] Carmageddon ** SCI [DESCENT2] Descent2 ** Interplay [DIEHARD] Diehard Triology * Fox Interactive [EF2000+] EF2000+Tactcom * Digital Image Design Ltd. [F1] Formula 1 * Psygnosis [FLYCORPS] Flying Corps *** Empire Interactive [Hexen2] Hexen2 * Raven Software [I76] Interstate 76 * Activision [JETFIGHT] Jetfighter 3 * Mission Studios [LOL2] Lands of Lore 2 ** Westwood [MDK] MDK * Playmates Interactive [OUTLAWS] Outlaws * LucasArts Entertainment [PANDEMO] Pandemonium ** Chrystal Dynamics [QUAKE] Quake ** id Software [QUAKEXL] Quake * id Software [SIMCOP] SimCopter * MAXIS [STARFIGH] Starfighter * Studio 3DO [SWIV3D] SWIV3D * SCI [TOMB] Tomb Raider * Eidos Interactive [TOSHIB] Toshinden ** Playmates Interactive [WHIP] Whiplash ** Interplay Productions [XASSAULT] Extreme Assault * Blue Byte [XWING] XWing vers. T-Fighter * LucasArts II. Hints on the installation of game patches: * Self-extracting file. Parts of this file will be copied directly to the program directory. ** Please copy these files into the install directory. *** Some of these files must be extracted using pkunzip.exe and must be copied to the program directory. III. Important hints: These patches were provided by the game manufacturers. For this reason we cannot offer any support if problems arise. miroHISCORE Drivers for NT 4.0 (Voodoo Runtime Drivers) -------------------------------------------------------- To install the drivers for Windows NT, simply launch the file GRTVGR.EXE located in the \NT4 subdirectory and follow the instructions of the installation program. miroHISCORE Setup (Properties for NT 4.0) ----------------------------------------- From the Windows NT Explorer select the CD-ROM drive, where the miroHISCORE installation CD is located, and open the folder \NT4. Right click on the file HISCORNT.INF and select "Install" from the popup menu. If you open the Display properties within the Explorer or from the controls folder, you will see an additional property page named "miroHISCORE Setup". There you may set parameters like the screen refresh rate, gamma correction and more for the miroHISCORE graphics board. Important: This tool is a Beta version. Use it at your own riskKnown problems: - S3 968: see 3. - If the image is displayed improperly at the lower image marging. please disable "TV-out" in the miroHISCORE 3D tab. Your miroMEDIA GmbH