SWIV 3DFX Patch (Windows95 only) -------------------------------- (c) Copyright 1997 SCi (Sales Curve Interactive) Ltd. This patch upgrades the European Windows95 version of SWIV 3D to support the 3DFX chipset. The original version of SWIV was shipped with DirectX 2, but the 3DFX patch version requires DirectX 3. DirectX 3 can be obtained from the Microsoft web-site or from Magazine cover-disks. The Glide runtime libraries version 2.3 are also required, available from http://www.3dfx.com Step 1 ------ If you have not already done so, SWIV should be installed as normal to your hard-drive. Step 2 ------ Install DirectX 3 (not supplied) if required. Step 3 ------ Install the Glide runtime libraries v2.3 Step 4 ------ The two files within this ZIP file should then be copied across to the SWIV Install directory (normally C:\GAMES\SWIV) You will now have a new executable file SWIV_WFX.EXE - run this to play the game in 3DFX mode, the original executable SWIV_WIN.EXE will still work. Technical Note -------------- Some of you may be aware that we originally stated that a 3dfx patch would be impractical, this was due to the European release lacking important data that the hardware accelerated version requires. Unfortunately this would have meant redistributing all of the level files (approximately 32 megabytes of data). Only recently did we discover that it was possible to generate the additional data with some clever programming. Please EMail techsupport@sci.co.uk if you have any problems.