----------------------------------------- Star Fighter - Version 1.15 Copyright 1996,1997 Krisalis Software Ltd ----------------------------------------- SPECIAL VOODOO GRAPHICS NOTE: To upgrade from a version prior to Version 1.15: 1) Place this README.TXT and STAR3000.EXE in your install directory (default is C:\GAMES\SF3000) 2) On your C: drive there is a directory named \KRISALIS.CD with a file named SF3000V1.11 Rename the file SF3000V1.11 to SF3000V1.15 3) Run STAR3000.EXE from the install directory. 4) Enjoy! Note: There are minor clipping artifacts on close up objects. This is a result of the software engine and not a bug. No fix is planned. Note: Because Voodoo Graphics is so fast, we had to put a lock on the framerate. To remove this lock, run with the /nolock option (ie. STAR3000.EXE /nolock) Good luck keeping up! Minimum Requirements -------------------- Memory: 6Mb. This is the total amount available, including both DOS and XMS (extended) memory. Processor: 486 or higher Other: CD-ROM Drive Although Star Fighter will run on any 486 processor, the minimum realistic requirement is a 486 running at 33Mhz. Installation and Loading ------------------------ DOS --- Change the current drive to the one containing the Star Fighter CD, then type in at the command prompt: star3000. The first time that this is run, the install program will be launched automatically. On subsequent occasions, the game itself will be launched. Example (assuming that drive D: is the CD-ROM drive) c:> d: (enter) d:> star3000 (enter) Windows 95 ---------- Under Windows 95, the whole process is automatically started by inserting the Star Fighter CD into the drive and closing the tray. Once the CD is loaded, Windows 95 will automatically launch the installation program once the first time, or the game itself on subsequent occasions. Note: If the CD is already in the drive, then using the mouse, right-clicking on the CD icon should display a menu. Selecting Auto-Play from this menu will launch Star Fighter. Copy Protection --------------- Star Fighter will not run without the original CD present in the drive. Similarly, taking the CD out of the drive during game play will instantly abort the current game without confirmation and return to the DOS prompt. Re-configuring your sound card ------------------------------ If, after installing Star Fighter, you wish to change the sound card settings, press one of the shift keys while Star Fighter loads. This will display the sound configuration screen. 3DFX Voodoo Card ---------------- Star Fighter will automatically detect and use a Voodoo card if one is present. However, if you have a Voodoo card and do not wish to use it with Star Fighter, use the /no3dfx command line option. e.g. STAR3000 /no3dfx Joysticks --------- If you have a four-button joystick that is not listed on Star Fighter's joystick configuration screen, try selecting "Thrustmaster". 640x480 Mode (High resolution) ------------------------------ High Resolution mode (640x480) is not recommended for machines slower than a Pentium running at 90Mhz (or equivalent). You may press the F9 key within Star Fighter to toggle between the low and high resolutions. Windows 95 ---------- When running Star Fighter in high resolution (640x480) mode in a DOS box under Windows 95, it is not recommended that you switch between full-screen and a window, as the testing we have done has shown that the display is not always restored correctly. In-game Keys ------------ F1 - Pause the game (press any key to resume). F5 - Select more fog (less visibilty - faster game speed). F6 - Select less fog (more visibilty - slower game speed). F7 - Select less detail. F8 - Select more detail. F9 - Toggle between low (320x200) and high (640x480) resolutions. F10 - Re-calibrate a joystick (if one is being used). F12 - Quit to DOS without confirmation. Problems with Star Fighter -------------------------- If Star Fighter is running too slowly for your liking, there are a couple of things you can do to improve the speed: 1. Decrease the detail level. Using the F7 key in-game, you can lower the amount of detail used, thus speeding the game play. 2. Decrease the visibility. Using the F5 key in-game, you can lower the visibility by bringing in the fog. This will result in faster game play. Star Fighter Credits -------------------- Original Design: FEDNET - T.D. Parry and A.P. Hutchings Programming: Pete Harrap, Mark Incley, Richard Teather and Karen Crowhurst Graphics: Dave College and Mark Potente Music & Sound: John Avery Thanks to: Mark Adamson End of README.TXT [M.I. 11/Nov/96]