Copyright (c) 1995 Canon Information Systems, Inc., Canon Inc. Canon BJ Series Windows Printer Driver - Version 2.30 ************************************************************************ Thank you for purchasing a Canon Colour BubbleJet Printer. We hope that you'll appreciate its exceptional print quality, flexible paper handling, fast printing speed, and trouble-free operation. This README.TXT file contains supplemental information to help you install and use your printer driver software. As with most software and hardware products, some information is made available after the development of the manual. Updated information regarding your printer is provided in this README.TXT file. If any of the information in this file is inaccurate or you require further assistance, please contact your local Canon company. The contact addresses and phone numbers are listed in the driver's Help file and in your printer's User Guide. Installing the Printer Driver into Windows 3.1 =============================================== To use this printer driver with software application packages that operate with Microsoft Windows 3.1, use the following installation procedure: 1. Start Windows (by entering the command "win" from the DOS prompt) 2. Double-click on the "Control Panel" icon within the "Main" program group. 3. Double-click on the "Printers" icon within the "Control Panel" dialog box. The "Printers" dialog box will be displayed. 4. Click on the "Add >>" button to expand the "Control Panel" dialog box and display the list of printers. The "Install Unlisted or Updated Printer" item will be highlighted. 5. Click on the "Install..." button. The "Install Driver" dialog box will be displayed. 6. Insert this diskette into the floppy disk drive of your computer system. If the floppy disk drive is your "A:" drive, click on "OK" and continue with the next step. Otherwise, type the letter name of your floppy disk drive (such as "B:") and then click on "OK". 7. The "Add Unlisted or Updated Printer" dialog box is displayed with a list of the names of the Canon printer models that are available. Click on the name that corresponds to your printer model, and then click on "OK" to begin the installation of the driver files onto your computer's hard disk. 8. When the installation of the driver files is complete, the name of your printer will appear in the list of "Installed Printers". 9. If your printer is connected to your computer system's "LPT1" port, you should continue with the next step. Otherwise, click on the "Connect..." button to display the "Connect" dialog box. This dialog box displays a list of available output ports for your computer system to which your printer can be connected. Only those ports that begin with "LPT" can be used. Click on any available "LPT" port that does not display the "Not Present" message, and then click on "OK" to return to the "Printers" dialog box. 10. If your new Canon printer will be the primary printer for your computer system, click on the "Set As Default Printer" button to select the Canon printer as the default printer for Windows. Otherwise, you will need to select the Canon printer every time you want to print. The driver is now installed and you are ready to print from your favorite Windows software application packages. The driver is automatically set for printing in colour if your printer model supports colour. Otherwise, the driver is automatically set for grey-scale printing if your printer model does not support colour. For Quick Colour Printing ========================= If your printer is capable of printing in colour and uses interchangable ink cartridges, be sure that a colour ink cartridge is installed in the printer. Then use the following procedure on your computer system: 1. Open the "Printer Setup" dialog box for your printer using one of following two methods: - From within your application, click on "File" and "Printer Setup" (some applications may require you to click on "Print" before clicking on "Printer Setup") - From the Windows "Program Manager", double-click on the "Control Panel" icon, then double-click on the "Printers" icon, then select your Canon printer, and click on the "Setup" button 2. In the "Printer Setup" dialog box, choose "Plain Paper" from the "Media Type" pull-down menu, and choose "Colour" from the "Print colour" pull-down menu. 3. Click on the "Options" button to display the "Options" dialog box. 4. Choose "Fine Pattern" under the "Halftone" box and then click OK. 5. Click on OK to close the "Printer Setup" dialog box. These selections allow the printer driver to print colour documents at the fastest speed. For Quick Monochrome Printing ============================== All Canon bubble-jet printer models are capable of printing in monochrome mode. If your printer is also capable of printing in colour and uses interchangable ink cartridges, you should install a black ink cartridge for better printing efficiency. Then use the following procedure on your computer system: 1. Open the "Printer Setup" dialog box for your printer using one of following two methods: - From within your application, click on "File" and "Printer Setup" (some applications may require you to click on "Print" before clicking on "Printer Setup") - From the Windows "Program Manager", double-click on the "Control Panel" icon, then double-click on the "Printers" icon, then select your Canon printer, and click on the "Setup" button 2. In the "Printer Setup" dialog box, use the "Print Colour" or "Print Selection" pull-down menu to select the "Black and White" option (for solid black text and graphics), or the "Greyscale" option (for shaded text and graphics). These selections allow your printer to print using black ink only. For Full-Spectrum Colour Printing ================================ If your printer is capable of printing in colour and uses interchangable ink cartridges, be sure that a colour ink cartridge is installed in the printer. Then use the following procedure on your computer system: 1. Open the "Printer Setup" dialog box for your printer using one of following two methods: - From within your application, click on "File" and "Printer Setup" (some applications may require you to click on "Print" before clicking on "Printer Setup") - From the Windows "Program Manager", double-click on the "Control Panel" icon, then double-click on the "Printers" icon, then select your Canon printer, and click on the "Setup" button 2. Choose any "Media Type" other than "Plain Paper" These selections allow the printer to print up to 16.7 million colours. - For highest quality colour printing 1. Select "Glossy Paper" from the "Media Type" pull-down menu 2. Select a desired print colour from the "Print Colour" pull-down menu 3. Select "Fine Quality" from the "Print Quality" box 4. Select any desired Halftone setting from the "Options..." dialog 5. Be sure "Glossy Paper (GP-101)" is inserted into the printer. Other Ways to Improve Print Speed in Windows ============================================== To improve printing speed, you can try the following; *Turn off the "Print Manager" in the Windows "Control Panel". This may increase your printing speed by as much as 25% depending on the computer you are using. *Under the 386 Enhanced icon in the Windows "Control Panel", add or create a permanent swap file that is from 4MB to 8MB. See your Windows documentation for these instructions. *In the "Printer Setup" dialog box, choose "Plain Paper" and "Colour" when printing colour images. *In the "Options" dialog box, choose "Diffusion" only when printing final output or photographic images. Choosing "Fine Pattern" allows documents to print as much as 20% faster. *Use only one software program at a time and unload any screen saving utilities or programs stored in Windows background; this frees up more memory for Windows processing. *If you will be printing text in black ink only, choose "Black and White" rather than "Greyscale". *Print draft documents in "Black and White" rather than "Colour", or use "High Speed" when printing colour. *Limit the number of colours on each page; too many colours can make the image confusing and less effective as well as cause the print speed to slow down. *Use primary colours when printing presentation graphics; black, cyan, magenta, yellow, blue, green and red Windows System Options ====================== When setting up your Windows system to print with your Canon printer, you should consider the following options to optimize your printing performance. - Fast Printing Direct to Port: This option, available from within Printers in the Windows Control Panel, should always be ON for best printing results. - Use DOS 5.0 or higher & HIMEM command to maximize the available 'real' memory available. Also use a memory manage like Memmaker, OEMM or 386 Max to maximize available DOS 'real' memory. - Ensure a minimum of 4MB to 8MB of permanent Windows SWAPFILE. - Increase your RAM memory to more than 8MB. Increasing RAM memory will result in faster printing and reduce compatibility problems with applications. If you must print in a low memory situation, and are having problems with your application, try turning off screen-matched colour or reducing resolution to correct the problem. - ATI display driver. If you are using ATI's display driver version 1.5 and are experiencing problems when printing, do the following: - 1. Run the program "FlexDesk Control Panel" supplied with your ATI driver. - 2. Click on the "Advanced..." button on the main dialog. - 3. Select "Off" for the "Device Bitmaps" selection. - 4. Press "OK" to exit "FlexDesk Advanced Settings" dialog. - 5. Press "OK" to exit "FlexDesk Control Panel." - 6. You will prompt to restart Windows. Press "Yes" to this query. - Various video card and display drivers. Using some video display cards and their display drivers may cause problems when printing TrueType fonts larger than 40 points. When this occurs, do the following: - 1. Run the "Windows Setup". - 2. Click on the "Options" menu. - 3. Click on the "Change System Settings" item. - 4. Change the display driver to "VGA" or "Super VGA". For Windows 3.0 ================= Windows 3.0 is not supported by this driver. You should upgrade to a later version of Windows. Cautions, Limitations and Restrictions ======================================= 1. Several known problems exist in Windows 3.1 that can cause some images to be printed incorrectly when using the following combination of selections: Media type: "Plain Paper" Print colour: "Colour" Halftone: "Fine Pattern" If you are using those settings and your printed image is incorrect, try changing one setting (such as "Other Paper" rather than "Plain Paper"). The printing speed may be reduced, but the image should print correctly. 2. If Windows displays a warning message about "low memory" when you attempt to print, immediately exit from Windows and then restart Windows and close any unneeded applications that are running. 3. If your printer is capable of printing in colour, do not attempt to print in "Colour" mode when a black ink cartridge is installed in your printer. The results will be unpredictable. 4. A known problem in Corel Mosaic Version 5.0 may cause incomplete printed output. Please contact Corel Corporation for an update. 5. A known problem with some Windows applications may cause some text items to be printed incorrectly when using some high-resolution video display drivers with more than 256 colours or when you have many open applications. You should close any unneeded applications, try using a different video display driver or contact your application software vendor for an update. 6. The following warning message may be displayed when you try to install this driver: "This driver cannot be updated because it is currently being used by Windows. Wait until Windows is finished using the driver, and then try again." This is known limitation of Windows. You should exit from Windows, then restart Windows, and then try the installation again. 7. If you are upgrading from version 1.0d of the Canon BJC-4000 Windows printer driver, you must remove the old driver from the Windows Control Panel before you install this new version. 8. For the BJC-4100, the Cartridge Notification feature may not function if you have used the BJ Setup Utility to set the Printer Control Mode to the "Automatic" mode. To use the Cartridge Notification feature, you should set the Printer Control Mode to either "LQ" or "BJ" mode. 9. If you have already used the function of screen-matched colour in the version for BJC-4000 and BJC-70, and you want to use the similar function to that, please select the Photographs from the options dialogue after selecting the colour in main dialogue.