******************************************************************* *README.TXT Release Notes for Supra Legacy PnP Install * * for MS-DOS(R) and Windows(TM) * *Release 2.0 July 1995 * ******************************************************************* Requirements for Installation: ============================== You MUST install the software to a hard disk. There MUST be at least 3 MegaBytes of free space on the hard drive when you start. The software does not take up this much space once the Installation has completed, but due to require- ments of the CASSIST program from Intel, we must copy a large number of files to the drive temporarily. They are deleted as a normal part of the Installation cleanup. You MUST be at the DOS command line when you start the Install. You cannot be in a DOS Box under Windows. Assuming you are installing the software from a floppy drive, you must change to the floppy drive, then start the install program: A: [ENTER] // change to floppy drive INSTALL [ENTER] // start the INSTALL program The Installation program WILL FAIL if you are not on the floppy drive when INSTALL is started. If you are installing the Windows software, you must have these additional items: 1. The WIN.COM program must be in the Windows directory you specify (this is normal) 2. You must be running PROGMAN.EXE as your Windows Shell for the Install to work. This is setup in the Windows\SYSTEM.INI file, in the [boot] section: shell=progman.exe If you are running some other Shell, comment out the 'shell=SomeOtherShell' line by placing a semicolon ';' before the line, like this: ;shell=SomeOtherShell and then add the shell=progman.exe line EXACTLY as shown above. After the install is complete, you may remove the changes and start your normal Shell. In Case of Trouble During Installation: ======================================= See the next section for help un-installing the software if you had trouble during the installation and had to abort the process. Should the un-install not succeed completely, we detail the changes we made to your system during the install. 1. A line was added to your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:\SUPRA\DWCFGMG.SYS 2. A file named ~SUPRA~.DAT was added to the Root Directory of your hard drive, and can be deleted. 3. A file named ESCD.RF was added to the Root Directory of your hard drive, and can be deleted. If installing the Windows software, backup copies of the three INI files we modify are in the \SUPRA\WIN directory with extensions of BAK. ie. WIN.INI is \SUPRA\WIN\WIN.BAK. The changes made to the files are detailed below: 4. SYSTEM.INI: [386Enh] section: DEVICE=VCAD.386 was added DEVICE=VCMD.386 was added 5. WIN.INI: [Windows] section: run = C:\SUPRA\WIN\SU_HELPR.EXE was added [Supra] section was added, and can be removed [ConfigMgr] section was added, and can be removed 6. PROGMAN.INI: The SUPRA.GRP file was added The GroupNN number for SUPRA.GRP was added to the Order= line 7. Windows\SYSTEM Directory had the following files added: VCAD.386 VCMD.386 WINCM.DLL Normal Un-Install: ================== The UNINSTAL program is designed to be run after the product was successfully installed. It may or may not have the data file it needs to perform the uninstall if you had trouble during the Installation process. In a normal Un-Install, go to the Product directory and type: CD \PRODUCTPATH [ENTER] // typically 'CD \SUPRA' UNINSTAL Y // starts automated un-install If UNINSTAL changes your CONFIG.SYS file (to remove the DWCFGMG.SYS line) then the program will re-boot your system automatically or prompt you to reboot. Un-Install After Problems During Installation: ============================================== The UNINSTAL program assumes your Install ran without incident. It requires its data file, UNINSTAL.DAT so it can find the Boot drive and the Windows directory. If you had problems during the Installation process, you must perform the following steps: 1. Change to the Supra Product directory. If the UNINSTAL.DAT file is not there, you must create it with your editor. A sample file is one line in length, as follows: C C:\WINDOWS [EOF] | | | --> path to Windows Directory. If you did not install | the Windows software, change the C: to Z: | as in Z:\WINDOWS | ----> is the Boot Drive. UNINSTAL looks there for ESCD.RF If UNINSTAL does not find the entries it is looking for, it doesn't change anything and will tell you so. Therefore, no un-desired changes to your system will be made if the Install process did not make all the changes detailed above. Advanced Topics: ================ Modifying CONFIG.SYS If during the Supra Legacy Install you choose not to let the installation software modify your CONFIG.SYS, you will need to edit the file by hand to properly run your Supra Plug and Play modem. If you are uncomfortable doing this modification, you should let the Supra Legacy Install software make the modifications for you. The modification requires adding the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file on your C: hard drive using a text editor. DEVICE=C:\SUPRA\DWCFGMG.SYS It is highly recommend you add this line so its the first in the CONFIG.SYS file. To assure proper configuration of your Plug and Play modem, the driver must run before any other driver or program. Any attempts to load DWCFGMG.SYS high with a memory manager should also be avoided. DWCFGMG.SYS can not work properly if loaded into high memory and can cause weird system problems if attempted. The DWCFGMG.SYS driver has a very small foot print (less then 7k) and shouldn't cause any serious strain on your system by running in the base memory. Windows 95 ========== Beta Versions Your Supra Plug and Play modem was designed and tested with many of the beta versions of Windows 95. Due to the nature of pre-released software, only beta builds of Windows 95 above 500 can be recommend. For users that only have a earlier version and are unable to upgrade, you will need to manually add your modem to registry. This can be done via the Modems Control Panel. Locating the COM port assigned to modem Windows 95 will automatically assign a COM port to your Supra Plug and Play modem during installation. Under Windows 95, COM ports are used as labels for modems and are not tied to any specific computer address like legacy systems. To find out what COM port Windows 95 has assigned to your modem, use the following procedure: 1. Open Control Panel via the Start button 2. Open the System Panel 3. Choose the Device Manager 4. Choose the Modems section and then the modem you are looking for 5. Choose the Modem section, this will display the COM port label Windows 95 has assigned the modem. This COM port label can be used for selecting the modem in all software. About Plug and Play: ==================== Misc Information Supra Plug and Play modems have the ability to use any base address between 200h and 3F8h. The modems also have the ability to use any one of the following interrupts: 3,4,5,7,10,11,12 or 15. It will attempt to use a standard serial port address first, (3F8h, 2F8h, 3E8h or 2E8h) and either interrupt 3 or 4 before moving on the less commonly used address/interrupt combinations. Acknowledgments: ================ The installation program used to install this software, INSTALL, is licensed software provided by Knowledge Dynamics Corporation, P.O.Box 780068,San Antonio,Texas 78278. INSTALL is Copyright (c) 1987-1993 by Knowledge Dynamics Corp., which reserves all copyright protection worldwide. INSTALL is provided to Supra Corp. for the exclusive purpose of installing the Supra Legacy PnP Install software for MS-DOS and/or Windows. Supra Corp. is exclusively responsible for the support of the Supra Legacy PnP Install software, including support during the installation phase. In no event will Knowledge Dynamics Corp. provide any technical support for the Supra Legacy PnP Install software. * MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. * Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. * Windows 95 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation