Installation Instructions for Windows 95 and the OnLine Express Modem --------------------------------------------------------------------- This Windows 95 Driver Release for the On-Line Express Modem (M144AI) contains the following files: attcom.inf attcom.vxd attmodem.inf attmodem.vxd attwave.drv readme.txt 1. If you are have received these files from our BBS System or ftp site, then you probably have unzipped the files to a temporary directory. If you have received these files on a floppy disk, then there is no need to copy the files to a temporary subdirectory. 2. In Control Panel -> Add New Hardware click Next, then click No when asked whether you want Windows to search for your new hardware. Scroll to Ports and click Next again. Click Have Disk..., then specify the path to where you have copied the On-Line Express Files, or the floppy drive containing the files. It should say Communications Port now. Click Next again. Note: the Term 'Interrupt Request' and IRQ both refer to the same thing. 3.Windows now assigns an I/O range and IRQ for the hardware. Note the settings it selected, and decide whether you want to use these, or some other setting. Set the jumpers on the board to match the I/O and IRQ you want. There will be 2 I/O Ranges and 2 IRQ settings listed. One I/O Range is for the jumper setting, the other I/O Range designates the modem's COM port according to the chart below. Also, one IRQ setting is for the jumpers, while the other is for the COM port IRQ. Use the chart below to determine the I/O Range and IRQ will be used for the COM port and set the jumpers according to the OTHER I/O Range and IRQ. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ I/O Range ³ COM Port ³ IRQ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ 3F8... ³ 1 ³ 4 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 2F8... ³ 2 ³ 3 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 3E8... ³ 3 ³ 4 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 2E8... ³ 4 ³ 3 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 4. After taking note of the settings, click on the 'next' button. The system now copies the *.vxd and attwave.drv files into the \windows\system directory. Click on the 'Finish' button. 5. If you're happy with the I/O and IRQ chosen by the Windows installer, click Yes now to shut down the computer. Otherwise, click No and do the next step. 6. In Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager select Ports, then the COM port that was just installed in step 3. The Manufacturer setting should display "Boca Research M144AI Modem Port". If not, you have selected the wrong COM port in the device manager. Click Properties, and select the Resources tab. Click either "Input/Output Range" or "Interrupt Request," then Change Setting... until you're happy with the selection. Note carefully any resource conflicts in the lower box, and choose a different setting. Important: If you change the I/O Range used for the COM port, you must also change the IRQ for the COM port so that the IRQ matches the I/O Range as designated in the chart in step 3. Click OK, then OK again to make your selections stick, then finally select 'Start -> Shutdown... -> Yes' to shut down the computer. 7. Power off the PC, set the jumpers to match the I/O and IRQ settings selected, plug in the modem, then turn the PC on again. 8. After rebooting with new hardware installed, go to Control Panel -> Modems. Click the box for "Don't run the Hardware Installation Wizard." On the next screen, click on the "Don't Detect My Modem, I will Select from a list", and click 'next'. Select the 'Have Disk' button and finally 'Next' to select the 'Boca Research M144AI' modem. On the next screen, select the newly installed COM port that was installed in step 3. 9. The modem should now be ready for use. If there is any trouble, the Modem icon in the Control Panel is always available. See the Windows 95 documentation on configuring Modems in Windows 95.