Obtaining Technical Support

    If  you  need  technical  support  for  your  Boca  Research
    Product, You should first contact your dealer. The Dealer is
    most familiar with your system and is  the  primary  contact
    for  technical  questions. In addition, Boca Research offers
    several levels of technical support:

    1.   Our  QuickFax  service  contains  product  information,
    technical specifications, and  helpful  installation  hints.
    From   the   phone   attached  to  your  fax  machine,  dial
    407-995-9456 24 hours a day and follow the voice prompts.

    2.  Our Bulletin Board Service is also available 24 hours  a
    day  at  407-241-1601.  The  latest drivers and software are
    available here, as  well  as  technical  hints  and  product

    3.   If  you  subscribe  to CompuServe, you can "GO BOCA" to
    access the latest drivers and software for our products.

    4. If you have access to the Internet, technical support can
    be reached via the world wide web -  http://www.boca.org  or
    via email - support@boca.org.

    5.  For  priority  support with a highly trained technician,
    our priority support  service  can  be  reached  by  dialing
    1-900-555-4900  between  the  hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Eastern
    Time, Monday through Friday. The charge for this call is  $2
    per  minute.  If  900 service is not available in your area,
    call 407-997-9072.  The charge for  this  call  is  $25  per

    6.   For  direct  questions  about  specific  products,  our
    technical  support department can be reached at 407-241-8088
    between the hours of 8 AM and 6:30 PM Eastern  Time,  Monday
    through Friday. Please have your computer case open with the
    product installed when you call.