---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE LS-120 DRIVE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This document provides late-breaking or supplemental information about using the LS-120 Drive in the following operating system environments: - MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.1 - Microsoft Windows 95 - Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 Please take a minute to read through the information for the operating system which you use. -------------------------------------- MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.1 Notes -------------------------------------- Copying Disks (DISKCOPY) ------------------------ Do not use the DISKCOPY command with 120MB diskettes. Use the XCOPY command instead. Formatting Disks ---------------- 120MB diskettes are preformatted, so they are ready for immediate use. If you should ever need to reformat a 120MB diskette, format it in MS-DOS or a DOS Session. Do not use the Microsoft Windows 3.1 File Manager to format a 120MB diskette. Format cannot recognize a change of media type after formatting a diskette. To format a different media type, you must exit Format (do not choose "Yes format another diskette"), swap diskettes, and restart the format. If you bulk erase a 120MB diskette or your 120MB diskette has bad sectors, you must low-level format the diskette before using the MS-DOS FORMAT command. This can be done by using the low-level format utility (FMTLS120.EXE) that can be found in C:\LS120 after the software on this diskette has been installed. This format utility requires that you boot MS-DOS and that you have the LS-120 MS-DOS driver loaded from the CONFIG.SYS file. The low-level format utility will not execute from a MS-DOS box under Windows 95 or Windows NT. After booting MS-DOS you can low-level format your 120MB diskette by changing to the C:\LS120 directory and typing: FMTLS120 where drive is the MS-DOS drive letter assigned to the LS-120 drive when MS-DOS booted. For example, FMTLS120 D: Utilities --------- DOS utilities that access the floppy controller directly or make assumptions about the geometry of diskettes may not work with the LS-120 drive. Some examples of utilites that may experience problems include MS Backup and DISKCOMP. SCANDISK in MS-DOS may report problems with diskettes formatted in Windows 95. This is due to a difference in the media type identification between the two operating systems and is not a problem. MS Backup will not let you specify a diskette drive as the destination for a backup. Instead, type a pathname (which may be A:\ or D:\) as the destination for the backup. Booting from the Drive ---------------------- Booting from a 720K or 1.44 MB diskette works as usual. However, a 120MB diskette is not bootable to MS-DOS. If you create a DOS system disk on a 120MB diskette, the system will try to boot it, but will hang after the "Starting MS-DOS..." message. Ejecting a Diskette ------------------- Like any other diskette, do not eject a 120MB diskette while data is being written to it. This could result in bad sectors on the diskette. Security -------- When the LS-120 drive holds a 120MB diskette, the drive is not affected by Security Management settings (such as "Disable diskette drive") that you may have set using F10 Computer Setup. --------------------------- Microsoft Windows 95 Notes --------------------------- Windows 95 Disks ---------------- Copying Disks ------------- Do not use the DISKCOPY command with 120MB diskettes. Use the XCOPY command instead. Formatting Disks ---------------- 120MB diskettes are preformatted, so they are ready for immediate use. However, if you need to format a 120MB diskette, choose the Full Format type in the Windows 95 My Computer window the first time that you format the diskette. Do not use the Quick (erase) Format type. If you bulk erase a 120MB diskette or your 120MB diskette has bad sectors, you must low-level format the diskette before using the MS-DOS FORMAT command. This can be done by using the low-level format utility (FMTLS120.EXE) that can be found in C:\LS120 after the software on this diskette has been installed. This format utility requires that you boot MS-DOS and that you have the LS-120 MS-DOS driver loaded from the CONFIG.SYS file. The low-level format utility will not execute from a MS-DOS box under Windows 95 or Windows NT. After booting MS-DOS you can low-level format your 120MB diskette by changing to the C:\LS120 directory and typing: FMTLS120 where drive is the MS-DOS drive letter assigned to the LS-120 drive when MS-DOS booted. For example, FMTLS120 D: ----------------------------------------- Windows NT Workstation Version 3.51 Notes ----------------------------------------- If you install Windows NT Workstation on this system, you need to install NT drivers for the LS-120 drive. These drivers are available from Compaq on the "LS-120 Option Support diskette." Formatting Disks ---------------- If you need to format a 120MB diskette, open an MS-DOS box and run the FORMAT utility from the command prompt. Do not use the File Manager to format your 120MB diskettes. If you bulk erase a 120MB diskette or your 120MB diskette has bad sectors, you must low-level format the diskette before using the MS-DOS FORMAT command. This can be done by using the low-level format utility (FMTLS120.EXE) that can be found in C:\LS120 after the software on this diskette has been installed. This format utility requires that you boot MS-DOS and that you have the LS-120 MS-DOS driver loaded from the CONFIG.SYS file. The low-level format utility will not execute from a MS-DOS box under Windows 95 or Windows NT. After booting MS-DOS you can low-level format your 120MB diskette by changing to the C:\LS120 directory and typing: FMTLS120 where drive is the MS-DOS drive letter assigned to the LS-120 drive when MS-DOS booted. For example, FMTLS120 D: --------------- Copyright 1996. Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved.