SiS GART VxD Installation Guide ==================================== [Files Descriptions] (1) SISAGP.VXD This VxD only supports SiS chipset and Microsoft Win95 OSR2.1. (2) SISAGP.PCI This miniport driver supports SiS chipset, and only using in Win98. [System Requirement] (1) Win95 OSR2.1 / Win98 Beta2 In order to make sure your system is running on OSR2.1, find the subkey "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion", and see if the value of "VersionNumber" is either "4.03.1212" or "4.03.1214". If not, You can use Usbsupp.exe from Microsoft to upgrade Win95 OSR2 to OSR2.1. (2) Build 122 or later of DirectX5 Because only DirectX5 or later will enable AGP supports. (3) The system BIOS must be most updated(ex:later Ver07 of Phoenix BIOS). [Installation Instructions] (1) Run program "SETUP.EXE" in the SiS AGP GART VxD driver floppy and it will install the SiS VxD Driver or SiS miniport driver automatically onto your Windows 95 OSR2.1 or Windows 98 system.