SiS 6205 Software Drivers Package include eight 1.44MB floppy diskettes.
(For Rev. 1.05, Date: 1/17/96)
In diskette #1, there are the following files and sub-directories:
SISTAG : Disk Tag File for NT31 & NT35
DISK.TXT : ASCII text file, describes diskettes' content.
UPDATE.TXT : ASCII text file, describes Drivers' release note.
INSTDRV.EXE : unpack & copy program
: contains AutoCAD, AutoShade, 3D Studio driver files
GEMDRV : contains GEM/Ventura driver files
LOTUS : contains Lotus 1-2-3 driver files
ORCAD4 : contains OrCAD driver files
PCAD6 : contains PCAD driver files
UTILITY : contains DOS utilities
VCAD : contains VersaCAD driver files
WP51 : contains WordPerfect driver files
ET24 : contains ETen Chinese System Display Driver(ETDSPDRV.COM)
ver 1.16B01 to support SiS VGA. You may update this driver
to your ETen Chinese System if you have the older version
or you may neglect it if you have the newer version.
WINNT31 : contains Windows NT 3.1 driver files.
WINNT35 : contains Windows NT 3.5 driver files.
(The following files are not driver files but for your reference only.)
BIOS : contains SiS VGA BIOS binary file
MANUAL : contains SiS 6205 User's Manual in compressed file
(The manual is written in Winword 2.0 and is for your
reference only)
SCH : contains SiS 6205 application ckt
In diskette #2, there are the following file and sub-directories:
WIN95 : contains Windows 95 driver files.
In diskette #3, there are the following files and sub-directories:
Root Files : SiS Windows 3.1 Driver Setup programs
SVGA : contains Microsoft Windows 3.1 driver files
(in compressed format, default support Windows 3.1
in U.S. Version.)
DCI : contains SiS 6205 DCI driver files
In diskette #4, there are the following files and sub-directories:
PCVIDEO : contains SiS 6205 Live-Video driver files
HWMPEG : contains SiS 6205 + SGS-Thomson HW MPEG-I driver files
In diskette #5, there are the following files and sub-directories:
Root Files : MicroSoft Video For Windows 1.1D Runtime Programs
In diskette #6, there are the following file and sub-directories:
OS2WARP : contains IBM OS/2 3.0 (Warp) driver files.
In diskette #7, there are the following file and sub-directories:
OS230D : contains Double Bytes (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, ...etc.)
IBM OS/2 3.0 (Warp) driver files.
In diskette #8, there are the following file and sub-directories:
OS221 : contains IBM OS/2 2.1 driver files.
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