A.VIA Audio Drivers
  There should be four files in VIA Audio Driver Directory.
  OEMSETUP.INF: This file inside the information for Windows
                to install driver.
  VIAUDIO.DLL : Audio driver in Windows User mode .
  VIAUDIO.SYS : Audio driver in Windows Kernal mode.
  README.TXT  : This file.
B.Install VIA Audio Driver In Window NT3.51

1. Open "Main" Window in Program Manager.
2. Select "Control Panel" in Main Window, then Open it.
3. Select "Drivers" in Control Panel. Double click it to open this window.
4. Choose "Add" item to add driver.
5. Choose "Unlisted or Updated Driver" on the List. Then press "OK" button.
6. Chagne the "Install Driver" directory to the "VIA Audio Driver directory".
   Then press "OK" button.
7, If it correct , you will see a pop window which shows "VIA PCI Audio 
   Controller". Press "OK" button to process installing.
8. Restart the computer.

C.UnInstall VIA Audio Driver In Window NT3.51

1. Open "Main" Window in Program Manager.
2. Select "Control Panel" in Main Window, then Open it.
3. Select "Drivers" in Control Panel. Double click it to open this window.
4. Choose "VIA PCI Audio Controller" on the Installed Drivers List.
   Press "Remove" item to remove driver.
5. Restart the computer.