You can create your own Target MAC Addresses List text file for
the Magic Packet Sender in REALDIAG.EXE.
  The Magic Packet Sender will auto load those MAC Addresses from
the file named MAGICPKT.ADD while it is beginning, and addes them
into the TARGET LIST.
  The LOAD button will re-load those MAC addresses from MAGICPKT.ADD
into the TARGET LIST without checking the current MAC addresses in
TARGET LIST for multiple instances.
  The SAVE button will save all the MAC address in TARGET LIST and
overwrites the original MAGICPKT.ADD.
  The MAC address in MAGICPKT.ADD is formated as "@00E04C192939" :
1. '@' is the token of the beginning of one MAC address.
2. The Magic Packet Sender will read 12 characters behind '@'
   as the MAC address.
3. The Magic Packet Sender will check for the illegal MAC address.