Workstation for OS2 ODI Client

   This document describes the procedure to setup the NetWare v3.X , v4.X
   OS2 workstation driver for REALTEK RTL8139 Plug&Play ethernet adapter.

   Location of Driver:     \NWCLIENT\OS2\RTSOS2.SYS

   Sample Configuration Files:
      CONFIG.SYS :
         DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\LSL.SYS          ; OS/2 Requester supported
         DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\DDAEMON.SYS      ; OS/2 Requester supported
         DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\RTSOS2.SYS       ; REALTEK supported
         DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\IPX.SYS          ; OS/2 Requester supported

      NET.CFG :
              FRAME ETHERNET_802.3
              FRAME ETHERNET_802.2

   Installation Procedure :
      Before you start with the installation procedure, make sure that the
      dadapter is properly  installed and configured. Similarly, Make sure
      that your NetWare  Requester  for OS/2 is properly installed.

      Please refer to "Novell NetWare Requester for OS/2" documentation for
      a detailed  Requester and Utilities installation guide.

      1. Copy the  RTSOS2.SYS  file into the NETWARE subdirectory of your
         hard disk from the Realtek Driver Diskette A:\NWCLIENT\OS2.

      2. Add or replace the RTSOS2.SYS  in the CONFIG.SYS file.

      3. Edit the NET.CFG file that you copied over. Edit the file per your
         requirements (see examples above).  If there are two frame types
         listed, whichever frame type is listed first, that is the one that
         the driver will load.  See above for examples.

      4. Reboot your system to get service of network.

   You can bind several frame types to the IPX protocol to support
   various  configurations. Include this in the Link Driver RTSOS2
   section of the NET.CFG file. A sample is shown below:

           Link Driver RTSOS2

           frame Ethernet_802.3
           frame Ethernet_802.2
           frame Ethernet_II
           frame Ethernet_snap