Tyan 32-bit PCI IDE Bus Master Miniport Driver TIDE Version V2.0 Copyright (C) 1995-1996 TYAN Computer +--------------------+ | Table of Contents: | +--------------------+ A..........Features A1.........System Resources A2.........Bugs fixed and added features B..........Driver Requirements C..........Installation Procedures D..........Removing the Driver E..........Bus Master Knowledge Background F..........Frequently Asked Questions (Please read this section) G..........Devices Tested H..........Tips On Performance +----------+ | Features | +----------+ This miniport driver has the following features. 1. It's a 32-bit miniport driver for Windows 95. 2. It supports Multiword DMA mode 1 and DMA mode 2 i.e. Bus Mastering. 3. It supports PIO mode 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. 4. It supports IDE hard disk as well as ATAPI IDE CD-ROM in protected mode. 5. It uses synchronize transfer method. 6. It identifies the hard disk and CD-ROM with the correct model number. 7. It supports CHS and LBA parameters. 8. It supports MPEG CD format. However, this bus master driver does not support the followings. 1. It does not support any Disk Manager software. Since the Titan series support the LBA parameters for the hard disks, you should ALWAYS use LBA parameters if the hard disks are larger than 528MB and never use the Disk Manager. 2. It does not support AT type of CD-ROM, only ATAPI CD-ROM. 3 It supports ATA/ATA2/EIDE hard disk but it does not support pre-ATA hard disk. 4. It does not support single word DMA transfer because many PIO mode 2 hard disks have timing problem. 5. It does not support multiword DMA mode 0 because it's too slow compare with the corresponding PIO mode. +------------------+ | System Resources | +------------------+ These are the resources that the bus master driver uses under Windows 95. Setup will copy tynbmide.mpd driver to \windows\system\iosubsys directory. I/O Addresses: Primary IDE channel : 1F0 - 1F7, 3F6 - 3F6 Secondary IDE channel : 170 - 177, 376 - 376 IRQs or Interrupts: Primary IDE channel : 14 Secondary IDE channel : 15 Bus Master Base Memory Addresses: Award BIOS: Primary IDE channel : 3000 - 3007 or 9000-9007 Secondary IDE channel : 3008 - 300F or 9008-900F AMI BIOS: Primary IDE channel : 8000 - 8007 or FFA0 - FFA7 Secondary IDE channel : 8008 - 800F or FFA8 - FFAF Mr. BIOS: Primary IDE channel : 1000 - 1007 Secondary IDE channel : 1008 - 100F For more detail information, please read the Bus Master Knowledge Background. +-------------------------------+ | Bugs fixed and added features | +-------------------------------+ 1. You should do the DMA timing test for your hard disk before installing the driver. Also you should backup your registery data. Please read the installation procedures for more detail. 2. Added the MPEG CD format support. Now the driver can play the MPEG CD and CDI CD. 3. Fixed the auto-play Audio CD problem for some CD-ROM models such as Toshiba and GoldStar CD-ROMs. 4. Added the instruction of removing the driver through REGEDIT.EXE utility. Please read the section, removing the driver, for more detail. 5. Allocate some memory to store scatter/gather list. 6. We've taken out the bus master testing utility due to the fact that many hard disk models do have firmware problems. Tyan is not a hard disk manufacturer and we do not want to support those hard disks that have firmware problems. From now on, we will assume that the hard disk manufacturers have correctly implemented the multiword DMA protocol and the bus master driver will use the DMA timing if the hard disks support it. 7. Yes, the driver now supports Mr. BIOS (V3.3) from Microid. 8. Yes, this one works with Tomcat I & II motherboard. +----------------------+ | Driver Requirements | +----------------------+ Before installing the driver, there are some issues that we need to address. We've noticed many old hard disks have firmware bugs. These hard disks do not implement the bus master protocols correctly. So we've decided to make some requirements for the hard disks to eliminate unnecessary problems associated with timing and firmware problems. If these requirements are not met, then the driver will do the PIO transfer instead of bus master transfer. 1. The hard disk must support Multiword DMA transfer mode 1 or mode 2. Single word DMA will not be supported at this time because single word DMA is too slow compare with its corresponding PIO mode. Basically, if your hard disk supports PIO mode 3 then it should also support multiword DMA mode 1. And PIO mode 4 should support multiword DMA mode 2. 2. The hard disk must use LBA parameters if the number of cylinder of the hard disk is greater than 1024 or your hard disk is larger than 528MB. 3. Please use the normal CHS parameter instead of LBA parameter if the number of cylinder of the hard disk is less than 1024 or the size of the hard disk is less than 528Mb. Even if the drive supports LBA. 4. The driver only works on Tyan's motherboards. +-------------------------+ | Installation Procedures | +-------------------------+ Please follow the steps below to properly install the 32-bit Bus Master PCI IDE miniport driver for Windows 95. 1. Unzip the file TYNBM20.ZIP to a diskette. Don't unzip this with the patch files for Tomcat to the same directory. 2. For those who have already installed V1.0 or V1.1, you can must delete all the old oemX.inf file associated with old bus master driver in the \windows\inf directory. For more detail, please read the removing driver section. For those who have already installed the V1.5, you can simply copy the tynbmide.mpd to the \windows\system\iosubsys directory without going through the installation process. 3. REM out the MSCDEXE.EXE in the autoexec.bat file. Some memory manager software, such as QEMM, may interferes with the driver. If the bus master driver will not load, rem out the QEMM or change the stealth mode setting. 4. Perform a DMA timing test, press F8 key to bypass Win95 and boot to DOS prompt. Do not perform the test under Windows environment. Type DEBUG at the DOS prompt. Then enter the following to test your hard disk's DMA protocol timing. To test the primary IDE channel, enter the following. Press Enter before the --- mark. The first character of each line is O as in output not zero. O 1F6 A0 --- A-Zero is for master drive, use B0 for the slave drive O 1F2 21 --- 22 is for DMA mode 2 (PIO mode 4), use 21 for DMA mode 1 (PIO mode 3) O 1F1 03 --- Zero-3 is to program the hard disk timing O 1F7 EF --- EF is the set feature command for the hard disk I 1F1 --- this reads in the error status If you get a number of 00 after I 1f1, then your hard disk accepts the multiword DMA protocol timing that you've programmed in the O 1f2 statement. If you get a number of 04, then it means the hard disk can not do bus mastering. In that case, do not install the driver. Normally, a PIO mode 3 hard disk should support multiword DMA mode 1 and a PIO mode 4 should support multiword DMA mode 2. If you have a PIO mode 4 drive but it does not support multiword DMA mode 2 then most likely the hard disk probably has firmware problem. Contact the hard disk manufacturer, and verify the firmware version with them. To test the secondary IDE channel, enter the following. Press Enter before the --- mark. O 176 A0 --- A0 is for master drive, use B0 for the slave drive O 172 21 --- 22 is for DMA mode 2, use 21 for DMA mode 1 O 171 03 --- 03 is to program the hard disk timing O 177 EF --- EF is the set feature command for the hard disk I 171 --- this is to read in the error status If you get a number of 00 after I 1f1, then your hard disk accepts the DMA protocol timing that you've programmed in the O 1f2 statement. If you get a number of 04, then it means the hard disk can not do bus mastering. In that case, do not install the driver. 5. Backup the registry information, so in case your hard disk can not use the bus mastering then you can just restore the original registry. type the following in the windows 95 directory copy system.dat system.bak copy user.dat user.bak 6. Boot to Windows 95 and click on the following. My Computer icon -> right mouse button -> properties -> Device Manager -> hard disk controller -> select Intel PIIX driver for Titan motherboard or Standard PCI IDE for Tomcat -> Remove the original PIO driver from Microsoft -> Restart the system 7. After rebooting, Windows 95 will find a new PCI IDE controller in your system and a New Hardware Found window will pop out and ask you to pick a driver to install. Select "Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer." Then put driver diskette from step 1 in A: drive and click OK to continue. The driver shall install automatically. After copying, Windows 95 will ask to restart. But if you have any device on the secondary IDE channel, do not shutdown. Just answer NO and Windows 95 will install the bus master driver for the secondary IDE channel. Finally shutdown and restart the system. 8. If you have removable IDE drive, you need to change the properties of the removable drive under Disk Drive section in the DEVICE MANAGER applet. In the setting folder, please check the REMOVABLE box then select OK to reboot the system again. In addition, you need to add the statement, REMOVABLEIDE=TRUE in the [386enh] section of the system.ini file. 9. You can check to see if the driver is properly loaded by checking the performance applet within the properties of your computer. It should use 32-bit virtual memory and 32-bit file system. Also, check the hard disk controller in the DEVICE MANAGER. You should not have a cross or exclamation point in front of primary and secondary driver. For the people that install the secondary IDE driver but do not have any device hook up to the secondary IDE channel, you will get the exclamation mark for the 2nd driver. But don't worry about it, all it means is that you do not have a device hooked up to the 2nd IDE channel. +---------------------+ | Removing the Driver | +---------------------+ There are 4 ways of removing this miniport driver. 1. Before install the driver, you should back up the registry data described in the step 5 of the Installation procedure. If in case the driver fails to load, and you want to remove it. Boot to Command Prompt by pressing F8 key when you see "Starting Windows 95" Then go to the windows 95 directory and type the following. attrib -h -r -s system.dat attrib -h -r -s user.dat copy system.bak system.dat copy user.bak user.dat Then delete the OEMX.INF file that correspon to the bus master driver. Read step 2 for the definition of the OEMX.INF file. 2. Permanently: Go to the INF directory under your Windows 95 directory. This is a hidden directory and you must change the VIEW OPTION to view all the files and directories in order to see this directory. Look for the OEMX.INF file that has the strings ";setup file for Tyan 32bit PCI IDE Bus Master driver" in the beginning of the file. X is the number assigned by Windows 95, so we can not tell you which number is being assigned to the file. It could be OEM1.INF or OEM5.INF, so you have to look through every OEM.INF file. Moreover, you may have more than one INF file, if you install the driver more than once. Delete the file tynbmide.mpd in the \windows\system\iosubsys directory. Finally, in the device manager, remove Tyan's 32bit bus master driver. 3. Using the Registry Editor: Run REGEDIT.EXE in your windows directory. Delete the following directory Hkey_Local_Machine ->Enmu -> MF Hkey_Local_Machine -> Enmu -> PCI -> VEN_8086&DEV_7010 (For Tomcat) Hkey_Local_Machine -> Enmu -> PCI -> VEN_8086&DEV_1230 (For Titan) Hkey_Local_Machine -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Services -> Class -> hdc -> remove the folders under hdc that correspon to the bus master driver. You should remove at least 3 folders here. If you install the driver more than once, you will have more than 3 folders under the "hdc". Read the Device Desc on the right hand windows. If you see the following, "Tyan 32bit PCI EIDE Bus Master Driver", "Primary PCI Bus Master driver (dual fifo)", "Secondary PCI Bus Master Driver (dual fifo)", then delete the folder on the left hand side that corresponds to the Device Desc description on the right hand side. Finally delete the OEMX.INF files and reboot the system. 4. If the above steps do not work for you, then re-run the Win95 setup. The setup will not destroy your old software but it will correct the system registry. But make sure you delete the OEMX.INF file first. +---------------------------------+ | Bus Master Knowledge Background | +---------------------------------+ What is bus mastering? Similar to the SCSI devices, bus master IDE uses the DMA and memory scatter/gather implementation to reduce the CPU overhead and the bus utilization. Unlike the PIO(programmed input/output) transfer method where the CPU has to program all the transfer from/to the memory, the bus master chip on the Tyan's motherboards actually do the transfer of the data. Thus reduce the CPU overhead up to 90%. The advantage of the bus master transfer can be seen in a multi-task environment. For example, two programs are running at the same time. One program just does a CPU intensive calculation while the other program only does file transfer. In a PIO transfer environment, the CPU uses most of its power either doing the file transfer or the calculation. As a result, the PIO method either slows down the calculation program or slows down the file transfer process depending on the priority of the processes. Whereas in a bus master environment, the bus master chip actually does the file transfer so the CPU can do more calculation thus increase the overall performance. Definition: Multiword DMA mode 3 = 22 MB burst transfer rate (proposed) Multiword DMA mode 2 = 16.7MB burst transfer rate Multiword DMA mode 1 = 13.3MB burst transfer rate PIO mode 0 & 1 -> Boy, you still have those drives! PIO mode 2 = 8.3MB burst transfer rate PIO mode 3 = 11.3MB burst transfer rate PIO mode 4 = 16.7 MB burst transfer rate PIO mode 5 = 22MB burst transfer rate (proposed) +----------------------------+ | Frequently asked Questions | +----------------------------+ Q: I can not remove the original Intel PIIX driver. A: 1. The Intel PIIX driver is not loaded in the memory. So when Win95 try to remove the driver from the memory the system will hang. 2. Don't set the hard disk parameter to AUTO in the BIOS setup. Instead, do an auto-detection for the hard disk. Q: I can not install the bus master driver. A: 1. Make sure you remove the old hard disk controller driver in the DEVICE MANAGER first. Also make sure that you remove the old OEMX.INF file in the INF sub-directory under you Windows 95 directory. Read "Removing the driver" section for more detail on how to remove the oem.inf file. 2. Only Tyan's motherboard can use the TIDE driver. Q: I have a exclamation point in front of my bus master driver. What does it mean? A: The exclamation point means 5 things. 1. There is no device attached to that particular IDE channel. 2. The driver fails to identify the device on that channel. 3. There is a device resource conflict in the system. 4. A real mode driver in either config.sys, autoexec.bat, or system.ini has gotten control of the IDE devices. Thus the protected driver can not be loaded. 5. Re-run the setup of Win95, that will usually solve the problem. Q: My system hangs and I can not boot to Win95. A: 1. Your C: drive probably have firmware problem or timing problem. 2. You should take out 32bitdiskaccess=on in the system.ini file. 3. If you have a CD-ROM and a hard disk to the same IDE channel, make the hard disk as the master and the CD-ROM as the slave drive. Q: I have a cross in front of my bus master driver. A: This means that the driver is being disabled. Change the driver's property and check the "Original configuration (current)" box to re-load the driver. Q: Windows 95 can not find the CD-ROM after warm boot. A: Many CD-ROM does not reset properly with warm boot. In that case, press the reset button after shutting down the computer. Q: During the boot-up process, the horizontal line underneath the Windows 95 stop for a while. What is going on here!? A: 1. This is when the bus master driver is sending an Atapi CD-ROM reset signal and is waiting for the CD-ROM to respond. Some CD-ROMs respond very slowly so you do have to put up with them. 2. Please DO NOT install the mscdex.exe in the autoexec.bat file. Put the mscdex.exe in the DOSSTART.BAT file in the Windows 95 directory instead. If you do not have DOSSTART.BAT file in your Windows 95 directory, then create one. Refer to your Windows 95 manual for the usage of DOSSTART.BAT Q: I can boot to Windows 95, but I can not access my 2nd, 3rd, or the 4th hard disk. Every time I open a DOS-Windows and type the drive letter, the system would hang. A: Your hard disk can not do the bus master transfer. Remove the bus master driver in that case. Q: My CD-ROM is not working under Windows 95. A: 1. Some CD-ROMs require their CD-ROM drivers in the config.sys in order for the protected mode driver to properly identify the CD-ROM. But do NOT load the mscdex.exe in the autoexec.bat file. 2. The bus master driver only supports ATAPI IDE CD-ROM. It does not support the AT CD-ROM. Q: I need to reboot to DOS to run some programs from the CD-ROM, but the CD-ROM is not responding after I boot to DOS. However, the CD-ROM is working under Windows 95. A: 1. Make sure you load the CD-ROM's driver in the config.sys file. 2. Check the file, DOSSTART.BAT, in the windows 95 directory. And make sure you load the MSCDEX.EXE in this file. Q: I have one CD-ROM as the master and a hard disk as a slave on the secondary IDE channel. But I can not get the CD-ROM to work. A: Always put the CD-ROM as the slave and the hard disk as the master. +----------------+ | Devices Tested | +----------------+ This bus master driver has being tested with the following devices. Cinon 8X OK GoldStar 4x OK Hitachi 4x OK NEC 4x4 Can only see one drive instead of four drive. Mitsumi 2X OK Mitsumi 4X OK Mitsumi 6X OK Plextor 4X OK Sanyo 4X OK Sony 2X OK Sony 4X OK Teac 56E OK Toshiba 4X OK Wearnes 8X OK Hard Disk PIO Mode Multiword DMA mode Bus Mastering Conner 425MB 3 1 OK Conner 540MB 3 1 OK Conner 850MB 3 1 bad, firmware problem Conner 1275F 4 2 OK Conner 1275A 4 2 OK Fujitsu 1GB 4 2 OK Fujitsu 540MB 4 2 OK HP 1.6GB 4 2 OK IBM 540MB 3 1 OK IBM 1GB 4 2 OK Maxtor 850MB 3 1 bad, firmware problem Maxtor 71626A 3 1 bad, firmware problem Maxtor 71260AT 3 1 bad, firmware problem Maxtor 2GB 4 2 Ok NEC 1.6GB 3 1 OK Quantum 1GB 4 2 OK Quantum 1.2GB 4 2 OK Quantum 730MB 3 1 OK Quantum 540MB 3 1 bad, firmware problem Quantum 345MB 3 1 OK Quantum 270MB 3 1 bad, timing problem Quantum 640MB 3 1 OK Quantum 850MB 3 1 OK Quantum 2.5GB (Sirroco) OK Seagate 1GB 4 2 OK Seagate 1.2GB 4 2 OK Seagate 540MB 4 2 OK Seagate 850MB 3 1 OK Seagate 2.1GB 4 2 OK SyQuest EZ135MB 0 0 PIO transfer only Western 31000 3 1 bad, timing problem Western 21000 4 2 OK Western 21200 4 2 OK Western 640MB 3 1 OK Western 540MB 3 1 bad, firmware problem Western 850MB 3 1 OK Western 700Mb 3 1 OK Western 32100 4 2 OK +---------------------+ | Tips on Performance | +---------------------+ 1. Always separate the hard disk from the CD-ROM. 2. Always separate the slow hard disk from the fast drive. If you attach a slow hard disk with a fast disk in the same channel, the PCI IDE will use a slow timing for that IDE channel. 3. Actually this section does not apply to Tomcat motherboard. Tomcat motherboard has independent timing for the master and slave drives. For example, (Mode refer to PIO mode) Primary IDE Channel Secondary IDE Channel Master Slave Master Slave Good Mode 3 Mode 3 CD-ROM Good Mode 4 Mode 1 CD-ROM Good Mode 4 CD-ROM Good Mode 3 Mode 0 CD-ROM Good Mode 4 Mode 4 CD-ROM Good Mode 4 Mode 3 CD-ROM Bad Mode 4 CD-ROM Mode 1 Bad Mode 4 Mode 2 Mode 4 CD-ROM Bad Mode 3 CD-ROM Mode 3 PS. Check out our WWW site at http://www.tyan.com for any update.