SCO UNIX BTLD Diskette Building Instructions To create a BTLD disk from a compressed tar file first you have to create a directory within SCO UNIX. Use doscp and copy the tar file into this directory. Uncompress the tar file, and then extract the files from the tar file using the tar xvf command in this newly created directory. Remove the tar file from this directory. Insert a diskette into the floppy drive. Make the AFS file system on that diskette using the following command: /etc/mkfs -f AFS /dev/fd0135ds18 2880 Mount the floppy using the following command: mount /dev/fd0135ds18 /mnt Copy the files in the newly created directory onto the diskette using the following command: copy -r directoryname /mnt Unmount the floppy drive. The BTLD diskette build is complete.