WACOM DRIVER DISKETTE VERSION 2.22 For IBM PC, PS/2 and Compatible Systems Copyright WACOM Co., Ltd. 1995 This document contains information that is important, and information that is too new to have been incorporated in the User's Manual. ************************************************************************************************** This document contains ONLY information about the use of Wacom tablets under the operating systems Microsoft DOS and Microsoft Windows and Windows for Workgroups 3.1 / 3.11. ************************************************************************************************** Included in this document: 1) "SOFTWARE DISK CONTENTS"-This describes the contents of the WACOM Driver Disk. 2) "SOFTWARE INSTALLATION"-Instruction for installing in Windows 3.1 and for DOS installation. 3) "SOFTWARE INSTALLATION MODIFICATIONS"-Instructions for installation of additional software packages and information about special settings. 4) "ERASER-AWARE APPLICATIONS"-Information on applications that support the Erasing UltraPen. 5) "APPLICATION INFORMATION"-Information concerning settings of application software with WACOM Tablets. 6) "LATE BREAKING NEWS ABOUT THE WACOM DRIVER FOR WINDOWS"-Information on features that are not currently available in the driver. 7) "KNOWN BUGS"-A description of known bugs and compatibility issues. 8) "MODIFICATIONS TO WINDOWS SYSTEM.INI AND REGISTRY"-Lists the files the installer copies and the modifications that are made to the Windows SYSTEM.INI and Registry. 9) "OBTAINING SOFTWARE UPDATES"-Contains information on downloading software updates. ****************************** SOFTWARE DISK CONTENTS ****************************** The WACOM software diskette contains several files in the root directory (INSTALL.BAT, PEN.INF, README.TXT, SETUP.EXE, and SETUP.LST). There are directories containing software drivers, test utilities, and installation files. The directories are: ADI Contains ADI 4.2 protected-mode drivers for AutoCAD release 12 and 13. ADOBE Contains the plugin for pressure and eraser support for Windows 95. DOS Contains files for installing your WACOM Tablet under DOS and the utilities for testing your tablet. SETUP Contains setup files for installing your WACOM Tablet in Windows. WIN Contains software drivers for Windows 3.1 and 95. WIN\NT Contains software drivers for Windows NT. ***************************** SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ***************************** --- WINDOWS 3.1 INSTALLATION --- 1) Start Windows. Be sure all other applications are closed. 2) Insert the backup copy of your WACOM software diskette into a floppy drive. 3) From the Program Manager File menu, select Run and press Enter. 4) Type the floppy drive name followed by a colon and the setup command (for example, A:\SETUP). Press Enter and follow the instructions that appear. 5) Restart Windows to activate your tablet. --- DOS INSTALLATION --- If you want to use the tablet in a DOS shell under Windows 3.1 you must load the WACOM mouse emulation driver before running Windows. 1) Insert the backup copy of your WACOM software diskette into a floppy drive. 2) At the system prompt, type the drive name, a colon, and the INSTALL command (for example, A:\INSTALL). 3) Use your keyboard arrow keys to select DOS installation. Press Enter. 4) Follow the instructions on the screen. The installation program creates a WACOM directory and copies the appropriate files there. It also asks if you want to modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to automatically load the WMOUSE driver, and add the WACOM directory to your path. ***************************************** SOFTWARE INSTALLATION MODIFICATIONS ***************************************** --- WINDOWS 3.1 --- 1) To add Windows 3.0 mode support, edit the 'SYSTEM.INI' and change the 'mouse.drv' line to read 'mouse.drv=wacpen.drv'. Restart and check the Windows 3.0 mode box in the Preferences window. ****************************** ERASER-AWARE APPLICATIONS ****************************** ArtPad II and UltraPad are fully compatible with all Windows applications, including your favorite business applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Or, use one of the many graphics applications (such as those shown below) that are eraser-aware: Fractal Design Dabbler 1.1a & 2 Support for the Erasing UltraPen is built-in. When the eraser end of the UltraPen is placed on the tablet, Dabbler will automatically switch to the eraser tool. Fractal Design Painter 4 Fractal Design Painter 4 has built-in support for the eraser. It allows you to freely assign the eraser to any tool in the tool palette. In the tool-selection menu, simply use the eraser to select the tool you want to assign to the eraser, and use the tip to select the tool you want to assign to the pen tip. Painter will remember your selection for each end of the pen, and turning the pen around will switch from one tool to the other. FutureWave SmartSketch 1.0R2 & 95 Support for the Erasing UltraPen is built-in. When the eraser end of the UltraPen is placed on the tablet, SmartSketch will automatically switch to the eraser tool. Adobe Photoshop 3.0.4 Built in support for the eraser under Windows 3.1 will happen in a future release of Adobe Photoshop. Ron Scott QFX 5.1 Support for the Erasing UltraPen is built-in. When the eraser end of the UltraPen is placed on the tablet, QFX will either undo the last paint stroke or erase with pressure. Corel Draw / PhotoPaint 6 Support for the Erasing UltraPen will be built-in starting at revision 6.00.118. ****************************** APPLICATION INFORMATION ****************************** AutoCad Release 13 Only releases 13c2a and higher work with Wintab compatible digitizers. WACOM recommends to use Release 13c3 or higher. Apply AutoCAD13patches to fix this bug (available from AutoDesk). MicroStation 5 / 95 Some cursor button assignments inside MicroStation require special button settings of the WACOM Control Panel. WACOM recommends to start with DEFAULT settings of MicroStation button assignments. Depending on the required button assignments, it may be necessary to change the button settings in the Wacom Control Panel before the new assignments inside MicroStation. If there are any problems in partitioning the tablet inside MicroStation, enter the Wacom Control Panel and re-define the puck button assignments. ****************************** LATE BREAKING NEWS ABOUT THE WACOM DRIVER FOR WINDOWS ****************************** The following features in the WACOM Control Panel are not currently functional, they will be available in future releases of the driver. This driver can be downloaded from the WACOM BBS, Internet, America Online and CompuServe. --- WINDOWS 3.1 --- Context Aware: Provides eraser support for non-eraser aware programs. Orientation: Allows you to change the orientation of the tablet. ABS, REL Buttons: These menu strips buttons are inactive until the next release of the WACOM driver. The tablet can be switched to relative mode by setting aspect to relative in the Scaling Setup window of the WACOM control panel. Load / Save: Allows to load and save specific driver settings ****************************** KNOWN BUGS ****************************** --- WINDOWS 3.1 --- 1) If using the PC Speaker driver, be sure the interrupts are enabled. If they are disabled, the tablet may freeze. The PC Speaker Control panel is found under control panel, drivers, PC Speaker, Setup. 2) If you are leaving your Microsoft Mouse attached, you will no longer be able to access the extended mouse features from within the Mouse control panel with Mouse driver v8.2 or above. To access the extended features of the 9.0 mouse driver, run MOUSEMGR.EXE (you usually have an icon for Mouse Manager in your Mouse group). 3) PENWIN.DLL is copied to the hard drive by the WACOM setup program. If activated, the following problems and changes occur in Windows: * Windows Write will not open (Out of Memory Error). * Drag and Drop will not function in Word 6.0. * The cursor disappears in the Excel edit window. * The input boxes in File Manager are larger. To restore proper operation, remove 'penwindows=penwin.dll' from the [drivers] section of the SYSTEM.INI and restart. NOTE: PENWIN.DLL is a Microsoft library. NOTE: PENWIN.DLL must be active to receive pressure in Photoshop 3.04 or less in Windows 3.1. 4) There is a conflict between PENWIN.DLL and ATI video card drivers. If you use an ATI graphics card we recommend you remove PENWIN.DLL. If you use Photoshop please contact ATI for updated video drivers that are PENWIN.DLL compatible. 5) Relative scaling will not function with both Pen Windows and Wintab enabled. If you need to run the tablet in relative mode turn off either Pen Windows or Wintab in the Pointers screen. 6) If the cursor vanishes in an application, expand the oldmouse driver from the disk to the windows system subdirectory (ie. EXPAND A:\WIN\OLDMOUSE.DR_ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLDMOUSE.DRV ). If this does not help, make the following changes to the file SYSTEM.INI: - change the line "mouse.drv=..." to "mouse.drv=oldmouse.drv" or "mouse.drv=wacpen.drv" - delete in the line "drivers=..." the entry "penwindows" - take out the line "penwindows=penwin.dll" ****************************** MODIFICATIONS TO WINDOWS SYSTEM.INI AND REGISTRY ****************************** --- WINDOWS 3.1 SETUP MODIFICATIONS --- The Windows setup procedure makes the following changes to the system. The following files are expanded from the WIN subdirectory on the WACOM software diskette; To the WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory: WACOM .CP_ -> WACOM .CPL (Control panel) WACOM .DR_ -> WACOM .DRV (Main driver) WACOM .38_ -> WACOM .386 (Virtual driver, Windows 3.1 only) WACPEN.DR_ -> WACPEN.DRV (Windows 3.0 compatible mode) PENWIN.DL_ -> PENWIN.DLL (Pressure library from Microsoft, Windows 3.1 only) WINTAB.DL_ -> WINTAB.DLL (Pressure library) WINTAB32.DL_ -> WINTAB32.DLL (Pressure library) WTT16.DL_ -> WTT16.DLL (Pressure library) To the WINDOWS subdirectory: ARTPADII.HL_ -> ARTPADII.HLP (ArtPad II Help file) ARTZII.HL_ -> ARTZII.HLP (UltraPad Help file) The setup program on this disk will make the following changes to your SYSTEM.INI file. Under the [boot] section: [boot] . . ;oldmouse=????? drivers=??? pen penwindows The current mouse driver is copyed to OLDMOUSE.DRV and the name is held in ';oldmouse'. If the mouse driver is replaced by WACPEN.DRV; wacpen will load the oldmouse driver. The setup routine adds the words 'pen' and 'penwindows'. The previous drivers on the "drivers=" line (like mmsystem.dll) are not changed. Under the [386Enh] section: [386Enh] device=wacom.386 . . . NOTE: There must be no other pen drivers listed on the right side of any "device=" line in the [386Enh] section. Otherwise Windows will not boot up in enhanced mode. Under the [drivers] section: [drivers] . . pen=wacom.drv penwindows=penwin.dll Setup adds a new section to your SYSTEM.INI file called [Pen Driver]. Under the [Pen Driver] section: [Pen Driver] ComPort=1 9600baud=1 --- WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS AFTER --- --- INSTALLING THE WACOM DRIVER FOR WINDOWS --- When the Windows setup program is run, your current SYSTEM.INI file is copied to a backup file named SYSWAC.000. The filename increments each time an install is performed. In the event that after installation Windows 3.1 fails to start (i.e. returns to the DOS prompt), from your Windows directory (C:\WINDOWS) type 'copy SYSWAC.??? SYSTEM.INI'. Your settings before you ran setup will be restored and Windows should work as it did before the install. If you have any problems with installation please refer to the trouble shooting section in the manual. ****************************** OBTAINING SOFTWARE UPDATES ****************************** Software updates are available for download from the following services: America Online: Choose the GoTo menu, choose Keywords, and type WACOM. CompuServe: Type GO WACOM at any"!" prompt. Internet: Anonymous FTP: ftp.wacom.com/pub/drivers/ibmpc. Worldwide Web: http://www.wacom.com/drivers.html. WACOM BBS Germany: xx49 - (0)2131 - 120 317 (Modem settings 1200-14.4 Kbaud,8,N,1) WACOM and UltraPad are registered trademarks and ArtPad and UltraPen are trademarks of WACOM Co. Ltd. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.