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Corel Draw / PhotoPaint 6 El soporte para UltraPen Eraser vendrá incorporado a partir de la revisión 6.00.118. ************************************** INFORMACION SOBRE APLICACIONES ************************************** AutoCad Edición 13 Tan sólo las ediciones 13c2a y posteriores operan con digitalizadores compatibles con Wintab. WACOM recomienda utilizar la Edición 13c3 o posterior. Utilice los "parches" para AutoCAD13 para corregir este error (disponibles en AutoDesk). MicroStation 5 / 95 Algunas de las funciones asignadas al botón del cursor en MicroStation requieren unos ajustes del botón especiales en el Panel de control de WACOM. WACOM recomienda empezar con los ajustes POR DEFECTO de MicroStation para las funciones asignadas al botón. Dependiendo de las unciones requeridas, podría resultar necesario cambiar los ajustes del botón en el Panel de control de WACOM antes de introducir nuevas funciones dentro de MicroStation. Si hubiera algún problema con la partición de la tableta en MicroStation, vaya al Panel de control de WACOM y redefina las funciones asignadas al botón del cursor. ************************************************* NOTICIAS DE ULTIMA HORA SOBRE EL CONTROLADOR DE WACOM PARA WINDOWS ************************************************* Las funciones del Panel de control de WACOM que siguen no se encuentran disponibles en la actualidad, estarán disponibles en futuras entregas del controlador. Este controlador se puede obtener en los servicios WACOM BBS, Internet, America Online y CompuServe. --- WINDOWS 3.1 --- Apto para el contexto: Facilita soporte para el borrador en aquellos programas que no reconocen el mismo. Orientación: Le permite cambiar la orientación de la tableta. Botones ABS, REL: Estos botones de la barra de menús permanecerán inactivos hasta una próxima entrega del controlador de WACOM. La tableta puede conmutarse al modo relativo, cambiando el aspecto al modo relativo en la ventana Ajuste de escala del panel de control de WACOM. Cargar / Guardar: Le permite cargar y guardar determinados ajustes del controlador. ****************************** ERRORES CONOCIDOS ****************************** --- WINDOWS 3.1 --- 1) Si emplea el controlador del altavoz del ordenador, asegúrese de que los interruptores estén activados. Si están desactivados, la tableta puede bloquearse. Se puede acceder al Panel de Control del Altavoz del Oare currently active. 2) NT 3.51 only: If the cursor can be moved during log-in but not after the program manager has been started, check the following: 1)Start the NT Control Panel. 2)Start Service control. 3)Bring up the properties of Wintab32. 4)Put a check in the box that refers to the "desktop". 5)Restart NT. 3) If the cursor disappeared from the screen after replacing the mouse with a Wacom tablet, the cursor module of NT has to be activated again: 1)Start the NT Control Panel 2)Start Device control 3)Activate for MOUCLASS the Startup property SYSTEM. 4)Restart NT. ****************************** ERASER-AWARE APPLICATIONS ****************************** ArtPad II and UltraPad are fully compatible with all Windows applications, including your favorite business applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Or, use one of the many graphics applications (such as those shown below) that are eraser-aware: Fractal Design Dabbler 2.0 Support for the Erasing UltraPen is built-in. When the eraser end of the UltraPen is placed on the tablet, Dabbler will automatically switch to the eraser tool. Fractal Design Painter 4 Fractal Design Painter 4 has built-in support for the eraser. It allows you to freely assign the eraser to any tool in the tool palette. In the tool-selection menu, simply use the eraser to select the tool you want to assign to the eraser, and use the tip to select the tool you want to assign to the pen tip. Painter will remember your selection for each end of the pen, and turning the pen around will switch from one tool to the other. FutureWave SmartSketch 1.0R2 & 95 Support for the Erasing UltraPen is built-in. When the eraser end of the UltraPen is placed on the tablet, SmartSketch will automatically switch to the eraser tool. Adobe Photoshop 3.0.4 Support for the Erasing UltraPen is built-in under Windows NT. When the eraser end of UltraPen is placed on the tablet, Photoshop will automatically switch to the eraser tool. Ron Scott QFX 5.1 Support for the Erasing UltraPen is built-in. When the eraser end of the UltraPen is placed on the tablet, QFX will either undo the last paint stroke or erase with pressure. Corel Draw / PhotoPaint 6 Support for the Erasing UltraPen will be built-in starting at revision 6.00.118. ****************************** APPLICATION INFORMATION ****************************** AutoCad Release 13 Only releases 13c2a and higher work with Wintab compatible digitizers. WACOM recommends to use Release 13c3 or higher. Apply AutoCAD13patches to fix this bug (available from AutoDesk). MicroStation 5 / 95 Some cursor button assignments inside MicroStation require special button settings of the WACOM Control Panel. WACOM recommends to start with DEFAULT settings of MicroStation button assignments. Depending on the required button assignments, it may be necessary to change the button settings in the Wacom Control Panel before the new assignments inside MicroStation. If there are any problems in partitioning the tablet inside MicroStation, enter the Wacom Control Panel and re-define the puck button assignments. ****************************** LATE BREAKING NEWS ABOUT THE WACOM DRIVER FOR WINDOWS ****************************** The following features in the WACOM Control Panel are not currently functional, they will be available in future releases of the driver. This driver can be downloaded from the WACOM BBS, Internet, America Online and CompuServe. --- WINDOWS NT --- Context Aware: Provides eraser support for non-eraser aware programs. Menu Strip: Brings up the Menu Strip Setup Window. Orientation: Allows you to change the orientation of the tablet. Pointers: Brings up the Pointers Setup Window. Portion of Tablet / Set Tablet: Allows you to define the active tablet area with the pen or the puck. Load / Save: Allows to load and save specific driver settings ****************************** KNOWN BUGS ****************************** --- WINDOWS NT --- 1) During the startup of Windows NT several error messages are recorded in the Event Log. These messages have the keywords Serial or Wacom and do not affect the correct behaviour of Windows NT or the Wacom driver. ****************************** MODIFICATIONS TO WINDOWS REGISTRY ****************************** --- WINDOWS NT SETUP MODIFICATIONS --- The following files are expanded from the WIN subdirectory on the WACOM software diskette to the WINDOWS subdirectory on your hard drive: ARTPADII.HL_ -> ARTPADII.HLP (ArtPad II Help file) ARTZII.HL_ -> ARTZII.HLP (UltraPad Help file) The following files are expanded from the WIN\NT subdirectory to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 subdirectory: WACOM .CP_ -> WACOM .CPL (Control panel) WACOM .DR_ -> WACOM .DRV (Main Installable driver) WINTAB.DL_ -> WINTAB.DLL (16 bit Pressure library) WINTAB32.DL_ -> WINTAB32.DLL (Pressure library) WINTAB32.EX_ -> WINTAB32.EXE (Pressure service) WACOMKEY.EX_ -> WACOMKEY.EXE (Keystroke service) And these files go to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS subdirectory: WACOM.SY_ -> WACOM.SYS (Serial tablet driver) PENCLASS.SY_ -> PENCLASS.SYS (intermediate driver) WTCLASS.SY_ -> WTCLASS.SYS (intermediate driver) Setup adds all the registry entries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Wacom HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Penclass HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\wtclass HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Wintab32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\wacomkey Setup also add entries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog so that WACOM drivers can log system events. Setup also adds "pen" REG_SZ "wacom.drv" to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32 And setup adds "Pen Class" to the current entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ServiceGroupOrder ****************************** OBTAINING SOFTWARE UPDATES ****************************** Software updates are available for download from the following services: America Online: Choose the GoTo menu, choose Keywords, and type WACOM. CompuServe: Type GO WACOM at any"!" prompt. Internet: Anonymous FTP: ftp.wacom.com/pub/drivers/ibmpc. Worldwide Web: http://www.wacom.com/drivers.html. WACOM BBS Germany: xx49 - (0)2131 - 120 317 (Modem settings 1200-14.4 Kbaud,8,N,1) WACOM and UltraPad are registered trademarks and ArtPad and UltraPen are trademarks of WACOM Co. Ltd. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.