WACOM DRIVER DISKETTE VERSION 2.22 For IBM PC, PS/2 and Compatible Systems Copyright WACOM Co., Ltd. 1995 This document contains information that is important, and information that is too new to have been incorporated in the User's Manual. ************************************************************************************************** This document contains ONLY information about the use of Wacom tablets under the operating system Microsoft DOS. FOR ALL OTHER OPERATING SYSTEMS AND FOR INFORMATION IN OTHER LANGUAGES PLEASE REFER TO THE README-FILES IN THE _README_-DIRECTORY ON DISK1 OF YOUR INSTALLATION DISKETTES! ************************************************************************************************** Included in this document: 1) "SOFTWARE DISK CONTENTS"-This describes the contents of the WACOM Driver Disk. 2) "SOFTWARE INSTALLATION"-Instruction for DOS installation. 3) "OBTAINING SOFTWARE UPDATES"-Contains information on downloading software updates. ****************************** SOFTWARE DISK CONTENTS ****************************** The WACOM software diskette contains several files in the root directory (INSTALL.BAT, PEN.INF, README.TXT, SETUP.EXE, and SETUP.LST). There are directories containing software drivers, test utilities, and installation files. The directories are: ADI Contains ADI 4.2 protected-mode drivers for AutoCAD release 12 and 13. ADOBE Contains the plugin for pressure and eraser support for Windows 95. DOS Contains files for installing your WACOM Tablet under DOS and the utilities for testing your tablet. SETUP Contains setup files for installing your WACOM Tablet in Windows. WIN Contains software drivers for Windows 3.1 and 95. WIN\NT Contains software drivers for Windows NT. ***************************** SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ***************************** --- DOS INSTALLATION --- If you want to use the tablet in a DOS shell under Windows 3.1 you must load the WACOM mouse emulation driver before running Windows. 1) Insert the backup copy of your WACOM software diskette into a floppy drive. 2) At the system prompt, type the drive name, a colon, and the INSTALL command (for example, A:\INSTALL). 3) Use your keyboard arrow keys to select DOS installation. Press Enter. 4) Follow the instructions on the screen. The installation program creates a WACOM directory and copies the appropriate files there. It also asks if you want to modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to automatically load the WMOUSE driver, and add the WACOM directory to your path. ****************************** OBTAINING SOFTWARE UPDATES ****************************** Software updates are available for download from the following services: America Online: Choose the GoTo menu, choose Keywords, and type WACOM. CompuServe: Type GO WACOM at any"!" prompt. Internet: Anonymous FTP: ftp.wacom.com/pub/drivers/ibmpc. Worldwide Web: http://www.wacom.com/drivers.html. WACOM BBS Germany: xx49 - (0)2131 - 120 317 (Modem settings 1200-14.4 Kbaud,8,N,1) WACOM and UltraPad are registered trademarks and ArtPad and UltraPen are trademarks of WACOM Co. Ltd. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.