WTEST.COM -- WACOM Tablet Test Utility For IBM PC, PS/2 and Compatible Systems Copyright WACOM Co., Ltd. 1995 WTEST.COM is a DOS program that tests the communications between your computer and WACOM graphics tablet. It also verifies the proper operation of your WACOM tablet, pen and puck. IMPORTANT: If you are using the DOS mouse emulation driver WMOUSE.COM, make sure that WTEST and WMOUSE are located in the same directory. The DOS install program automatically does this for you by creating a WACOM directory for these files. ****************************** USING WTEST ****************************** --- Running WTEST --- 1) If you are in Windows, exit Windows and restart your computer in DOS real mode. * In Windows 3.1, exit Windows. * In Windows NT, shut down NT. At the boot screen, select MS-DOS. * In Windows 95, select Shut Down. At the final prompt, select Restart Computer in MS-DOS mode and press Enter. 2) Go to the WACOM subdirectory where the WACOM test program (WTEST) is installed. 3) Type WTEST. If the program successfully finds the tablet, you'll see the message 'WACOM tablet found!'. You'll also see the current communication settings and be prompted to position the pen on the tablet. --- Testing the Pen --- 1) Touch the pen to the tablet. You'll see the type of input device, the x- and y-coordinate locations, switch number, and pressure value. If you have an ArtZ II tablet you will also see the x- and y-tilt values displayed. Test the pen by pressing the tip to the tablet; the switch number should change to 1 and the LED will turn green. The pressure value should change from approximately -127 with no pressure applied to approximately +127 when full pressure is applied. For ArtZ II users, test the tablet and pen for tilt: * X-axis. Tilt the pen from vertical to the right; the values should change from 0 to +60. Tilt the pen from vertical to the left; the values should change from 0 to -60. * Y-axis. Tilt the pen from vertical toward the bottom of the tablet; the values should change from 0 to +60. Tilt the pen from vertical toward the top of the tablet; the values should change from 0 to -60. If you have an erasing UltraPen, repeat this step for the eraser side of the pen. Notice that the LED turns green when the eraser is brought into proximity. 2) With the pen in proximity to the tablet, press the side switch without pressing the tip to the tablet. The switch number should change to 2 and the LED will turn green. If you have a DuoSwitch UltraPen, repeat this step with the second side switch. The switch number should change to 4. --- Testing the 4 or 16 Button Puck --- 1) Place the puck on the tablet. You'll see the type of input device, the x- and y-coordinate locations, and switch number displayed. Test the puck by pressing each of the buttons; the switch number should change and the LED will turn green as each button is pressed. The following list contains the switch numbers for the 4 button puck. Switch No. Button Pressed 00 None 01 Top 02 Left 03 Bottom 04 Right The switch numbers for the 16 Button Puck correspond to the button numbers printed on the puck. Press any key to exit WTEST. ****************************** WTEST COMMAND OPTIONS ****************************** To customize the operation of WTEST, a forward slash (/) followed by a command option can be added to the command line. Each option must be preceded by a space and a forward slash. Either upper or lowercase letters can be used. Command variables are as follows: /1 Checks for a tablet on COM1. /2 Checks for a tablet on COM2. /3 Checks for a tablet on COM3. /4 Checks for a tablet on COM4. /3F8 Specifies a com port address search for tablet. 3F8 is the standard hex address for COM1. Hex address options should be used based upon your system's configuration. /S Plays a sound and varies the tone based on pressure. /? Help. Displays a sample of command option usage. ****************************** NOTES FOR WTEST ****************************** If you see the message 'Tablet was not found!' then your tablet may not be connected to an active com port, or the com port may have a non-standard memory address or IRQ line setting. Check the following: * Verify the tablet power light is on. * Make sure the cable is securely connected to the computer. * Verify that your serial communications port is working. Refer to your computer hardware documentation for proper configuration settings. You should never have the WACOM tablet and another device share the same IRQ line. This may cause unpredictable results. Here are the standard IRQ and base address settings for most computers: COM PORT IRQ BASE ADDRESS 1 4 03F8H 2 3 02F8H 3 4 03E8H 4 3 02E8H For example, if your tablet is on Com 3 and your modem is on Com 1, they both share IRQ 4. In this case, you could change the tablet port to a non-standard IRQ setting. This test program will search com ports 1-4 and IRQ lines 3-5, 7, 10-12, and 15. If you want to use a tablet, mouse, and modem, you can put the tablet on Com 3 with an IRQ line different from 3 or 4 and run WTEST to locate the tablet. Refer to your computer hardware manual for information about configuring IRQ lines. ****************************** OTHER DOS PROBLEMS ****************************** PROBLEM: Installing from DOS failed. SOLUTION: Manually copy the WMOUSE.COM file from the WACOM software diskette to your hard disk drive. 1) Type: COPY A:\WMOUSE.COM C:\ 2) Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and add the line: WMOUSE. PROBLEM: ArtPad II or ArtZ II does not work in DOS. SOLUTION: From the directory where WMOUSE.COM is located, type WMOUSE. This will make sure the driver is loaded and that a tablet can be found. If you get the message, 'A mouse driver is already loaded,' you have another mouse driver installed. Unload any mouse driver from memory by removing the driver from the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file and rebooting your computer. If you get the message, 'A tablet was not found,' the tablet may not be connected to an active com port or there may be a conflict with another com port. Run WTEST, if WTEST locates the tablet it will update the WACOM.INI file with the com port location and IRQ setting, then try loading the WMOUSE driver again.