WMOUSE.COM -- WACOM Mouse Emulation Driver V5.03 For IBM PC, PS/2 and Compatible Systems Copyright WACOM Co., Ltd. 1995 The WACOM mouse emulation driver allows you to use your graphics tablet with DOS programs running under real mode DOS (not an emulated DOS shell) and in a DOS shell running under Windows 3.1. WMOUSE.COM must be installed before running Windows 3.1 to work as a mouse pointer under a Windows 3.1 DOS shell. WMOUSE.COM cannot be run from within a DOS shell of Windows. You should not install WMOUSE.COM if you are using Windows 95 or NT; the tablet and pen will automatically function in a DOS shell when the Windows drivers are installed. If you ran the install program and told it to load the WACOM mouse driver at startup, you're ready to use the table and pen in all DOS programs that support a mouse. If you ran the install program and didn't tell it to load the WACOM mouse driver at startup, you can manually load WMOUSE from the system prompt. ****************************** LOADING THE MOUSE DRIVER ****************************** NOTE: Be sure that any previously installed mouse drivers have been removed from the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. If you have any problems with installation, refer to the instructions for using WTEST and the troubleshooting table in the manual. 1) Go to the subdirectory where your WACOM drivers are installed. 2) Type WMOUSE. If you have a plug and play tablet (ArtPad, ArtPad II, or ArtZ II) you don't have to specify the com port number for the tablet -- the driver automatically searches all com ports. If your tablet is not plug and play-compatible, you must specify the Com port or Com address location, otherwise COM1 will be used. If the program successfully finds the tablet, you'll get a confirmation message. If the tablet is not found and the com port was not specified, the WACOM mouse driver will be installed on com port 1. If another mouse driver is loaded, you'll see an error message. 3) If you get an error message, unload the other mouse driver from memory by removing it from the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file and rebooting your computer. 4) If your computer cannot find the WACOM tablet, you'll get an error message. Check the following: * Verify the tablet power light is on. * Be sure the cable is securely connected to the computer. * Run the test utility, WTEST. You can find more information on this program in your manual or in the WTEST.TXT file. ****************************** MOUSE DRIVER OPTIONS ****************************** To customize the WACOM mouse driver, a forward slash (/) followed by a command option can be added to the command line. You can use multiple command options, but each option must be preceded by a space and a forward slash. Either upper or lowercase letters can be used. For example, if you type WMOUSE /R, the WACOM mouse driver will load (if not already loaded) with the pen configured for relative positioning. You'll see the line, 'WACOM driver set for relative mode.' If no options are given, the pen will default to absolute positioning. Be sure your tablet is not using a com port that shares an IRQ line with another device. If you want to use both a tablet and a modem, be sure the table is not sharing an IRQ line with the modem. Command line options are as follows: /1 Specifies COM1. /2 Specifies COM2. /3 Specifies COM3. /4 Specifies COM4. /3F8 Specifies a com port address. 3F8 is the standard hex address for COM1. Hex address options should be used if you have a com port with a non-standard memory address. /A Sets absolute pointer positioning. The pointer jumps to an exact location on the screen as determined by the position of the pen on the tablet. This is the default setting. /D Disables the WMOUSE driver. This is useful when you want to disable the WMOUSE driver without removing it from memory. /E Enables the tablet driver. This is useful when you have previously disabled the WMOUSE driver and want to enable it again. /R Sets relative pointer positioning. Use this option if you're more comfortable with the typical movement of a mouse. /U Unloads the WMOUSE driver from memory. This is useful when you want to remove the WMOUSE driver from memory, thus freeing memory space without restarting your computer. /? Help. Displays this list of available options.