The FLOPPY CONFIGURATION PROCESS is now complete. Don't forget: You must place your real mode CD-ROM drivers on the floppy in the directory '\pre_img.pbf' for the preinstall process to work. (They will be put on your target PC systems root directory automatically by the PPK process). Other files you may want to place on this floppy are: OEM.HLP, OEM.CNT and OEMLOGO.BMP. These files Should be placed in the '\pre_img.pbf\net' directory. For details on these files and additional information on the PPK, see the PPK Users Guide included on this disk. The PPK Users Guide can be expanded to a hard drive of your choice by executing the SAVEDOC.BAT file residing in the tools directory of this floppy. This batch file has the following syntax (usage) SAVEDOC {path} Where: path is the drive and directory you wish to place the document file. Please DO NOT include a trailing backslash This process will automatically expand the file from its current compressed form to the specified path. The document file is a Word 6.0 formatted file. SAVEDOC.BAT optionally deletes (with validation) the compressed document file on this floppy (this is highly recommended).