; OEMINFO.INI ; 8/08/95 ; This file contains manufacturer, model and support information ; that is displayed in the system control panel. ; Manufacturer and Model are displayed on the General page of the System ; control panel. [general] ;Be carefully not to leave any trailing spaces after your manufacturer name! ;Manufacturer is a required field, Model is optional. ;Example: Manufacturer=Acme Computers ;Example: Model=WhizBang Pentium PC'95 ; The [OEMSpecific] keys are not displayed, ; but may be used by the OEM for system-specific information. [OEMSpecific] SubModel=456A0123 ;optional additional OEM information SerialNo=12345678 ;etc. OEM1=Your private info ;etc. OEM2=More private info ;etc. ; The following Support Information is displayed when the "Support Information..." button selected from ; the General page of the System Control panel. You are required to list support information relative to ; your product in this area. Do not list Microsoft or any of its phone numbers in this section. You own ; responsibility for supporting Windows 95 on your computer systems. [Support Information] ; Each line must have a line number and the line numbers must be consecutive. ; Example: ; Line1=For Technical Support: ; Line2= In the USA, call 1-800-555-1212 from 8am to 8pm EST ; Line3= for Software and Hardware support. ; Line4= ; Line5= In England: ; Line6= Call 44-3324 for hardware configuration support. ; Line7= Call 55-6648 for software support. ; Line8= ; Line10= There is no line 9 so line 10 does not get displayed Line1= Line2= Line3=