Creative TVCoder LATEST INFORMATION =================================== This file contains information not available during the printing of the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with any installation procedure. 1. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION The installation program, INSTALL.EXE will modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. Your original files will be renamed with extension B~K. The program also allows you to add a command that runs the WINSETUP.EXE program to your Windows 3.1 WIN.INI file. This program (WINSETUP.EXE) automatically create the Creative TVCoder Windows application when you run Windows. The procedure for installation is as follows. a. Run the program INSTALL.EXE from DOS prompt. This program can be found on Disk #1. b. Select "Begin Installation" and follow the instructions on the screen. c. Quit the installation program when it completes successfully. d. REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM. e. You may proceed to test your TVCoder card with the program TVTEST.EXE located in the \TVCODER sub-directory. f. If you choose to have the installation program modify your WIN.INI file, a new group for the Creative TVCoder software will be created and icons set up for you. Otherwise, follow the procedures below. i. From the FILE menu in Program Manager, choose RUN. ii. Type "C:\TVCODER\WINSETUP" and press ENTER, assuming you have installed Creative TVCoder software onto drive C. iii. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. ******** END OF README.TXT ********