_ _ _ / / (_) _\ \ \ Summary of the Seagate 32-bit Windows disc access driver-- (_)_/_/ SEG32BIT.386 Copyright (c) 1995-1997 by Seagate Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SEG32BIT.TXT: Publication 36328-401 Rev. D: 6-6-97 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------ This text file answers common questions about the Seagate 32-bit Windows disc access driver. It contains the following sections: -Frequently-Asked Questions -Features of the SEG32BIT driver -SEG32BIT compatibility issues -Installing the SEG32BIT Driver -Obtaining updated drivers -License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer ====================================================================== Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- 1. What is a Windows driver? A Windows driver is a "translation program" that helps Microsoft Windows and Windows-for-Workgroups communicate with devices attached to your computer. Such devices may include modems, CD-ROMs, video cards, and hard drives. 2. What is the Windows 32-bit disk access driver? This is a driver that allows Windows to communicate with your hard disc directly (in protected mode) rather than going through DOS or through your system BIOS. This means that your CPU remains in 32-bit mode (if it supports this mode) rather than slowing to 16-bit mode. The 32-bit drive access driver that Microsoft created for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 is named *WDCTRL. Unfortunately, this driver does not work with hard drives larger than 528 Mbytes. 3. What is SEG32BIT.386? SEG32BIT is Seagate's version of a Windows driver that replaces the generic driver, *WDCTRL. It is designed specifically to work with ATA (IDE) drives larger than 528 Mbytes. It also configures your computer to take advantage of any high-speed or LBA data transfer modes supported by your computer and your hard drive(s). 4. Why should I use SEG32BIT.386? The Microsoft 32-bit disc access driver does not work with ATA (IDE) hard drives larger than 528 Mbytes. The Seagate driver does. SEG32BIT also supports advanced disc access features that may significantly improve the performance of your drive. These features are not supported by the Microsoft 32-bit driver. Note. If your computer and drive host adapter do not support 32-bit addressing or advanced data transfer modes, you do not need to use this driver. 5. Does SEG32BIT work with any hard drive? As long as your computer contains at least one Seagate hard drive, SEG32BIT can be used for 32-bit disc access with any ATA (IDE) hard drive attached to that computer. 6. How much will my disc performance improve if I use SEG32BIT? Once installed, SEG32BIT optimizes the data transfers to and from your drive, if your system and drive support high-speed data access features. The increase in performance will vary depending on many factors, including the system architecture, bus speed, interface chip manufacturer and version level. ====================================================================== Features of the SEG32BIT driver ------------------------------- * Supports 32-bit drive access - Speeds up data access by allowing the computer to choose the most efficient disc access method. * Supports drives larger than 528 Mbytes. * Supports Read/Write Multiple - Speeds up data access by allowing the drive and computer to send more than one sector of data for each system interrupt. This feature is drive- dependent and will be automatically detected by the driver if it is available. It is only supported by computers with '386 and later CPU chips. * Supports PIO Modes 3 and 4 - Speeds up data transfers by minimizing the amount of time between blocks of data transferred to or from the drive. Note. PIO Modes 3 and 4 can only be implemented if they are supported by the drives, the drive controller, and the host computer. In addition, the host computer must have a PCI bus or VL (Local bus) architecture. * When Windows or Windows for Workgroups is loaded, SEG32BIT automatically determines which features can be implemented. SEG32BIT lists those features on the screen when Windows is booted up. ====================================================================== SEG32BIT compatibility issues ----------------------------- 1. Compatible system software: Microsoft Windows version 3.1 Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 2. Compatible bus types: ISA, EISA, VL and PCI bus architectures. 3. Compatible hard drives: SEG32BIT is compatable with most ATA (IDE) hard drives, but can only be installed if a Seagate drive has been attached to and recognized by the host computer. 4. Possible driver conflicts: CD-ROM Drives - You cannot attach a CD-ROM drive to the same ATA cable as your hard drive if you are using the SEG32BIT driver and have the 32 bit drive access option enabled (The CD-ROM is usable if the 32 bit drive access option is disabled). 5. Third-party disc access Drivers: Disk-access drivers provided by some vendors of ATA Host Adapters cannot be used in conjunction with SEG32BIT. These drivers may conflict with or disable SEG32BIT, resulting in lower system performance. Only one 32-bit disc-access driver may be run within a Windows session. 6. Drive Controller Interface Chips Supported: ADI/2 & 3 - VESA bus CMD 640B - PCI & VESA buses DTC 803 - VESA bus 7. I/O Port supported: The SEG32BIT driver only supports hard drives attached to the primary port address (1F0 hex) ====================================================================== Installing the SEG32BIT Driver ------------------------------ SEG32BIT should be installed using the instructions provided in your installation guide. Software installation is quick and easy. Install the SEG32BIT.386 driver as follows: 1. Start Windows. 2. From the Program Manager menu, select File. 3. Select Run. 4. Insert the Seagate software diskette into the diskette drive (assumed to be drive A). 5. In the command line box, type a:\stsetup. 6. Read the license agreement that appears on the screen. If you agree to the terms, select ACCEPT AGREEMENT to continue. 7. The next screen lists the features the SEG32BIT.386 driver supports. If your computer supports these features, SEG32BIT.386 will enable them in 32-bit disc access mode for all drives that support them. Select Install Driver to continue. 8. After the driver is installed, the program automatically re-enables 32-bit disc access in the Windows control panel. Alternatively, you can do this manually, after exiting the stsetup program. ====================================================================== Obtaining updated drivers ------------------------- The latest version of the SEG32BIT driver has been shipped on your drive. If this software is updated, the updated version will be posted at the following sources: * SeaBOARD-The Seagate electronic bulletin board systems United States 405-936-1600 England 44-1628-478011 France 33 1-48 25 35 95 Germany 49-89-140-9331 Singapore 65-292-6973 Thailand 662-531-8111 Australia 61-2-9756-2359 Taiwan 886-2-719-6075 * The Seagate CompuServe Forum (type "go seagate") * The Seagate ftp server (on the internet): ftp://ftp.seagate.com ====================================================================== License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer ----------------------------------------- Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. This is a legal agreement between you the purchaser and Seagate Technology, Inc. By accessing Seagate Technology SEG32BIT.386 driver (the "Software"), you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree, do not access the software. Seagate provides the accompanying object code of the Software and nonexclusively licenses its use to you on the following terms and conditions. The Software is Seagate's proprietary, copyrighted product. Seagate grants you a limited access to use one copy of the Software. You may not copy, distribute the Software for resale. You may not reverse engineer, modify, rent, or lease the Software. In addition, you may not disclose the information or data incorporated in the Software to others, in any format. You accept the Software "as is" without any warranty whatsoever. Seagate does not warrant that the Software will meet your requirements; that the Software is fit for any particular purpose or that the use of the Software will be error free. SEAGATE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL SEAGATE BE LIABLE TO YOU, YOUR CUSTOMERS OR OTHER USERS IN ANY WAY BASED ON USE OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. End of License Agreement. -=EOF: SEG32BIT.TXT=-