 +           IBM Disk Cracking Made Simple           +
 +                                                   +
 +                        By                         +
 +                      Phobos                       +
 +            of the Lunatic Phringe BBS             +
 +            312-965-3677 300/1200 Baud             +

         This File is for Informational Purrposes only. The author
 or the system operator of any bbs on which this might appear is not
 responsible for the actions of others reading this file and maybe
 using the information presented here. They have their own brains and
 they can think for themselves, so there!!

        This describes how to take games that are full disks (usually
 the ones you get in a store) and turn them into a transferrable file.
 You can change the disk into a file and archive it for later use, like 
 in case you blow the original disk or something like that. There are
 basically two types of files that you canb turn the full disk game
 into. There are files ending with .CP2 and .DSK  We will first
 discuss the CP2 files.
   CP2 Files
       You can create a CP2 file from a full disk game by using a
 program called Snatchit.com and CopyIIpc.exe. You have to put the
 game disk in drive a, and place Snatchit and CopyIIpc in the same
 subdirectory on a hard drive. (If you have not got a hard drive,
 you can use a RAM drive program.) You run the Snatchit program
 and when it asks to read a Source File, or a Source Disk, you type
 in a Source Disk. The program will then Read the disk, and turn it 
 into a file (You chose the name) ending in .CP2, and place it on
 the hard drive. (Or on the RAM drive).
     You can then Archive the file and do with it what you want.
 To change a .CP2 file, back into a full disk game, you place a blank
 disk in drive a, and the .CP2 file, Snatchit, and Copyiipc on the
 hard drive in the same directory (Or in the RAM drive). You run
 the snatchit program, and type  F where it says sourse file or
 disk. (you are reading a source file). It will then read the file
 and place it on the disk. When you re boot the disk, the game will
    DSK Files
      DSK files are created in much the same way as CP2 files, except
 you use a program called Disksq to change the full disk game into a 
 file and diskunsq to change the file into a full disk game. There is
 no copy program needed for disk squishing and unsquishing. Running
 the programs gives complete instrictions. Depending on the program
 size, you may or may not need a hard drive. But a hard drive is
 always a good idea.

     Both type of files are easy to obtain. It seems to me that creating
 the CP2 files is fatser then the DSK files. The Snatchit program along
 with CopyIIpc will take care of almost any kind of full disk you may
 encounter. These are very good Cracking programs and They have always
 served me well. One thing is kind of strange, when you snatch a file
 off of a copyrighted disk, it sometimes comes up to be around 400k,
 even though the disk is only has 360 k storage space on it. This is
 why a Hard drive is a good idea. You don't have to worry about running
 out of space.
       Snatchit, Copyiipc, and the Disk Squishing programs are
 avaliable on the Lunatic Phringe BBS at 312-965-3677. 300/1200 Baud.
 Both Diskunsq and Disksq are Archived into one file for ease of
 downloading.  I hope this has been of help to you.