                  TurboModemTM Plus (Internal)
                       Dip Switch Settings
This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

Setting the Com Port

Switch            Com Port

 1    2           
ON   ON           Com 1 (Default)
OFF  ON           Com 2
ON   OFF          Com 3
OFF  OFF          Com 4

Setting the Interrupt

Switch               Com Port             Interrupt

 3    4    5    6                         
OFF  OFF  ON   OFF   Com 1 (Default)      4
OFF  ON   OFF  OFF   Com 2                3
OFF  OFF  OFF  ON    Com 3                5
OFF  OFF  ON   OFF                        4*
ON   OFF  OFF  OFF   Com 4                2
OFF  ON   OFF  OFF                        3*

*Use this IRQ setting if your software cannot address IRQ5 or
IRQ2, for COM3 or COM4 respectively.