                    The Complete Communicator
                  External Speaker Installation

This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
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If you wish to use an external speaker, install it by connecting
the speaker's cord to the Communicator jack labeled SPKR. The
speaker must meet the specifications outlined in Appendix A,
Technical Information. Communicator has been tested with the
Radio Shack #277-1008 speaker and the #42-2420 shielded
connecting cord. If you use this speaker, connect the cord to the
speaker's INPUT jack. If you use another manufacturers speaker
then it must meet then requirements below.

External Speaker

The external speaker must meet the following specifications:

     Input impedance 5 Ohms
     Input sensitivity 1 millivolt
     Connector - standard 1/8" (3.5 mm) miniature phone plug
     A shielded connecting cord is recommended to insure the best
     audio quality

As mentioned above, Communicator has been tested successfully
with the Radio Shack #277-1008 speaker and #42-2420 shielded
connecting cord. This speaker has a built-in volume control,
which you can use to adjust the sound to a comfortable level.
Since this speaker is battery-powered, you should turn the
speaker off when not in use to conserve battery life. Turning the
speaker off will also prevent your incoming calls from being
played over the speaker inadvertently while you are away.