                The Complete Communicator for DOS
                        (MNP and Non-MNP)
                        Using Qmodem 5.01

This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

Start by executing QSM or press Alt N if you are already in
Qmodem.  This will bring up the configuration menus.  Choose M
for modem.  Communications Parameters will be highlighted.  Press
the ENTER key to select it.  Check your default baud rate.  If
you have a Non-MNP modem, the value should be 2400.  If you have
an MNP modem the value should be 9600.  Press A if you need to
change the value shown.  Then move the highlight bar down the
list that appears to the appropriate rate and press the ENTER key
to select it.  That should bring you back to the Communication
Parameters menu  Next check your COM port listing on option J.
Be sure it set for the correct COM port for your modem.  If it is
not, press J to bring up a list of ports.  Move the highlight bar
to the appropriate port and press the ENTER key.  The port will
then be selected.  Press the ESC key to  return to the Modem

Next comes Modem Commands.  Press M to select it.  The first item
on the list will now be Initialization string.  Press the ENTER
key to select it.  Refer to the listing below to identify the
appropriate string for your Non-MNP or MNP modem.

Initialization string:   AT&F&C1&D2^M
Alternate:          ATE1V1Q0X4&C1&D2^M

Initialization string:   AT&F&C1&D2^M
Alternate:          AT&C1&D2E1V1Q0X4\A3\N3\Q3\V1%C1\J0^M

Remember to remove any extraneous characters in the field.  It
will place your modem in the mode set by the factory and will
generally give you the best performance.  If you find that your
modem does not quite respond properly to such, you may choose to
use the alternate.  This forces the modem to operate as a Hayes
compatible, a mode that Qmodem should find completely acceptable.
In the case of the MNP alternate, MNP modem users will be forcing
the MNP reliable mode on, thus achieving data compression and
error checking.
Once the appropriate string is entered, press the ENTER key to
log your changes.  Press H to select the hang-up string field.
The hang-up string for the Non-MNP and the MNP modems are the
same and should be listed as follows:

                             ATH0 ^M

Once this has been entered and all other extraneous characters
removed from the field, press ENTER to log your changes.

Press the ESC key to  return to the Modem menu.

Next press T for Toggles.  The first item on the list will be
Xon/Xoff flow.  If it is ON, press the ENTER key to turn it OFF.
Then press C to select CTS/RTS flow.  Press the ENTER key to turn
it ON.  Press the ESC key to  return to the Modem menu.

Press the ESC key again to  return to the main menu bar.

                       Host Mode Settings

The default settings in Qmodem for the host mode will suffice for
the most part.  Non-MNP modem users will not need to make any
changes to this.

MNP modem users will need to make a slight change to the
initialization string.  Press H to access the Host  menu.  Press
I to enable edit of the Initialization string.  The string should
read as follows:

Initialization string:   AT&F&C1&D2H0S0=0^M
Alternate:          AT&C1&D2E1V1Q0X4\A3\N3\Q3\V1%C1\J0H0S0=0^M

Once the string has been entered and all extraneous characters
removed from the field, the ENTER key to log your changes.
Press the ESC key to return to the main menu bar.

Press E at the main menu bar for Exit.  Then press S to save

Note for Complete Communicator users and Qmodem Host

The Complete Communicator software adds an extra door for the
callers to pass through before getting to the modem.  If CCBACK
is not active during the event in which the Qmodem Host mode is
being used, then there are no further instructions.  If however,
CCBACK is actively running while Qmodem Host mode is active, then
the caller will need to negotiate through the voice prompt of the
Complete Communicator to make his way through to the modem

Let's say for example that we have Qmodem Host active, but CCBACK
is also actively running in the background.  CCBACK would need to
be loaded prior to accessing Qmodem Host mode.  All calls coming
into the computer will be first handled by the Complete
Communicator regardless of the type of call.  No additional setup
on the host machine's side is necessary beyond the parameters and
access control of Qmodem Host.

If the Complete Communicator is set to answer the phone as FAX,
the caller will need to jump from FAX to Voice, then from Voice
to Modem.

Example:  dial string is 1 408 434 9703 ,,,,,, 3 ,,,333

The phone number is followed by a series of commas to facilitate
pauses to allow the host side to complete its ringing, answer the
line, and start play of the FAX greeting switching to the Voice
portion.  The second series of commas all for a pause before
issuing the modem mailbox number.  The call at that point will be
passed to the modem.  The Complete Communicator will release
itself from involvement with the call and Qmodem will have

When the modem call has terminated, control of incoming calls
will fall once again to the Complete Communicator.

If the Complete Communicator software is set to answer the phone
as Voice, then the jump from FAX to voice is omitted.

Example:  dial string is 1 408 434 9703 ,,,,,,333

The phone number is followed by a series of commas to facilitate
pauses to allow the host side to complete its ringing, answer the
line, and start play of the Voice greeting before issuing the
tone to access the modem mailbox.  The call at that point will be
passed to the modem.  The Complete Communicator will release
itself from involvement with the call and Qmodem will have

When the modem call has terminated, control of incoming calls
will fall once again to the Complete Communicator.

Please refer to your QModem documentation for more information on
setup and use of QModem.