
                    The Complete Communicator
                   Call Transfer Requirements

This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

The Complete Communicator has the ability to transfer incoming
callers to other phone numbers or extensions if your phone system
performs a "blind" Call Transfer, using the flash hook.  If your
phone system can perform a transfer using the flash hook, our
board will work with your phone system to transfer callers.

When your phone system transfers callers, it needs to do the

1.   Flash
2.   Wait for Dial Tone
3.   Dial the number you wish to transfer the caller to
4.   Wait a few seconds
5.   Hang up the phone!

If your phone system allows you to perform the routine listed
above, our board will do it, too.  The 2 most important functions
is the Flash hook and the Hang up requirements.

If you are unsure of your Phone Systems capabilities, you should
contact the vendor of your phone system for this information.

If you are using a single line telephone, without a PBX system,
you should consider contacting your local Bell Company for
information about Call Transfer features that they provide in
your area.  The blind Call Transfer function our board performs
is very similar to Pacific Bell's Centrex system.

 It is not 3-Way Calling!