CPC091592 201.DOC The Complete Communicator Installation Questions and Information This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can The The Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. I type INSTALLC and press F2 for first time installation and the system freezes. You probably have a SoundBlaster board in your PC. The SoundBlaster interferes with the installation process of CCOM. Temporarily remove the SoundBlaster, do the CCOM installation and reinstall the SoundBlaster. Do not change any dip switches on the board. I plug the CCOM board into the PC and the system will not boot Be sure the board is seated, re-seat if necessary, Try removing the Modem module on the CCOM board (of the two piggyback boards on the main CCOM board the Modem is the largest one located closest to the chrome bracket). We have seen this symptom with some machines where there is an incompatibility between the Modem and some hardware, most often IDE disk controllers. If the system boots with the Modem module removed, contact The The Complete PC at (408)434-9600 we will need to replace the Modem. Try the CCOM board in another PC. If the problem follows the CCOM board, it may need to be replaced. Contact The Complete PC at (408)434-9600. If the problem goes away you may have a compatibility issue with the first PC. The most common cause for this symptom is an incompatible graphics adapter or other problem related to video. Do not plug a full feature (cordless, speaker, multi-line, answering machines etc.) telephone into the Top jack of the CAM board! Full featured phones draw too much power from the CAM hardware, causing it to malfunction. I type in INSTALLC and get a blank screen. At DOS, type in the command mode CO80 <enter>. A DOS prompt should appear. Try INSTALLC again. The software is trying to detect what type of Graphic Adapter and Monitor combination you have before displaying the screen. Try the following commands to get the INSTALLC menu to appear. INSTALLC /V or /VC - Specifies a VGA color adapter, with no testing for display type. INSTALLC /VM - Specifies a VGA monochrome adapter, with no testing for display type. INSTALLC /E or /EC - Specifies an EGA color adapter, with no testing for display type. INSTALLC /EM - Specifies an EGA monochrome adapter, with no testing for display type. INSTALLC /C or /CC - Specifies a CGA color adapter with no testing for display type. INSTALLC /CM - Specifies a CGA monochrome adapter, with no testing for display type. INSTALLC /H or HM - Specifies a Hercules monochrome adapter, with no testing for display type. INSTALLC /HC - Specifies a Hercules color adapter, with no testing for display type. CCBACK does not load, reporting a Hardware Error #. Clean off the gold contacts of the board and re-seat the board into the slot. Try to load CCBACK. Verify that the Bus speed (not processor speed) of your PC is set no higher than 8.5MHz. Try the CCOM board in another PC. If the problem follows the CCOM board it may need to be replaced. If the problem goes away when CCOM is installed in another PC you may have a compatibility issue with the first PC. Contact The Complete PC Technical Support at (408)434-9600 and describe the error. Make sure the board has full contact within the slot and the bracket is screwed into the chassis. Check the Eprom on the board (located in the lower left hand corner of the board and make sure it is seated properly. Verify the software is set the same as the I/O address the dip switches are configured. Contact The Complete PC Technical Support at (408)434-9600 and describe the error. I get the error message: Cannot find board at configured address. Clean off the gold contacts of the board with a pencil eraser. Re-seat the board into the slot. Make sure the board has full contact within the slot and the bracket is screwed into the chassis. Check the Eprom on the board (located in the lower left hand corner of the board and make sure it is seated properly. Verify the software is set the same as the I/O address the dip switches are configured. Before this message appears on the screen the version of software and firmware will be displayed. You will see: software version 2.62 firmware version 2.83 (or other number depending on your specific versions). If the version number for firmware is displayed as garbage characters or with dots and dashes you may have a bad EPROM. Contact The Complete PC Technical Support at (408)434-9600 and describe the error. I get the message "Resident code not found". Run CCBACK to load our memory resident, background code. The board does not answer the phone. The phone connected to the CCOM board draws too much power, preventing the board from answering. Try another phone or no phone connected at all. Be sure to remove other phones connected to this line as extensions. The ring voltage is too low for the board to detect. The board will detect ring between 40-100 volts. Average ring voltage is 90 volts. CCOM does not answer the phone at a consistent number of rings. Turn off the Toll Saver feature, found in the System Configuration menu. See more information regarding this feature in the User's Guide. The first ring is not full voltage, therefore it adds another full ring before answering. The phone connected to the CCOM board draws too much power, preventing the board from answering consistently. Try another phone or no phone connected at all. Be sure to remove other phones connected to this line as extensions. Contact The Complete PC Technical Support at (408)434-9600 and describe the error. CCOM is answering the phone as a ????. The System Configuration screen controls which of the 3 devices answers the phone as default. Whichever is set to default is the device that callers access without entering touchtones. Choose F for fax, V for Voice or M for Modem. CCOM_OFF does not unload CCBACK from memory. There is another memory resident program loaded after CCBACK. CCBACK must be the last memory resident program loaded in order for CCOM_OFF to work. The telephone line connected to CCOM is busy. Other applications will not load while CCBACK is loaded. Turn off the Background printing of Faxes. This feature requires the print drivers be loaded resident. Foreground printing of fax files will use the same amount of RAM as background, but releases that RAM once the printing is complete. Unload HotKey if this feature is not being used. To do this, load CCBACK /N as opposed to CCBACK. This unloads HotKey and frees 11K of RAM.